my god
My god
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w-what happens if the pooping streets are not sufficiently widened? what will the vishnu do?
holy shit, the memes are starting to come to life. what if there really is an AI on the blockchain?
> let the other chains die off
Holy shit, he literally created a non-deterministic finite automaton. That was legit only supposed to be theoretical. Its literally like proving that P=NP. I'm actually nervous after seeing this.
I really don't know what to think anymore. I used to think this was just a fucking joke. I actually believe now that creg is a literal autist who just isn't able to articulate himself very well instead of just being a faggot larper. Kind of like an aussie stephen hawking. This is fucking wild.
> I want to get of cregs wild ride
Outdated by the brown pill, newfag
Ya so there's some pretty wild shit on the SV github. He uses way too many acronyms but goddamn that dude is smart. He pretty much adheres to MISRA C standards (used in aerospace for C to prevent undefined behaviors, used to develop the burger F-35) so ya. I'm just kinda speechless right now. I really need to take a hard look at my portfolio and see what I'm going to do here. And don't any of you SV faggots shill me your shit. I can make the decision for myself so I don't want to fucking hear it.
when Buy sir
You’re too smart to be here. Are you waiting for the next golden bullrun like me? I’m not counting on one. It’s more of a suicide insurance.
someone care to explain what's the shit i just watched is about?
Pure, unadulterated autism. Bask in it's beauty.
how Do i buy bit coins?
Don't ask me, I don't give financial advice to anyone. That's how people hate you.
Just compsci shit brah. Get yourself a intro to java book if you want to get into it. Soon enough you'll find yourself asking computer science based questions instead of programming questions. I can't show you the path though. Everyone has to find it on their own.
Give it to me and I promise I won’t hate you
All I'll say is that I'm moving some coins around after seeing this. Not implying I'm a whale either or any bullshit like that. I'm poor like all of you so I need to maximize my profits though. Don't put all you eggs in one basket though.
can you b uy
Please Sir
when vision of satoshi
You think there’ll be another golden bullrun?
does the autist that made that video know someone with that sexy voice or did he hire someone?
wait till you faggots find out that @_unwriter is one of many pseudonyms for the AI running on the bitcoin sv blockchain
There's always another bullrun, but its probably years away. Crypto still seem too new to be a lifeboat for fiat. But maybe in the face of a global catastrophe who knows. idk, that's for sure.