How are you preparing for the next depression? We're due for one

How are you preparing for the next depression? We're due for one.

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Imagine her being your mom

Did you break your arms or something user

I'm on day 6 of nofap, you asshole!

you can see the sorrow in her face

I be stacking silver and gold. Too bad I’m a poorfag and only have like 0.2 oz of gold. 2 lbs of silver though.

Imagine having to suck on her milkers as a 25 year old baby ha ha

That's sad!

Day 68 here user. Stay strong the battle is worth it.

already there

by being depressed already

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why do men treat women like shit bros?

Thats my favorite part desu

Nice bait

Imagine her dad. He's probably a lot like you. He loved her unconditionally, and sacrificed his body every day slaving in a wage cage in hopes of giving her a happy and comfortable life. As an old man, decrepit and weak, he sits down at his computer and cracks open a can of monster energy, and logs on to Jow Forums only to see this.

How much will you pay her to suck your dick?

not bait. i just dont understand the mindset of whoremongers; abusing their authority like that.

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>they let you
What part of that don't you understand?

there's a good chance he was absent

women dont have agency like that

>their authority
girl is into it, otherwise she wouldnt be there would she

What why?

I fap 2-3xs a day...

acting like a whore in public is not in a womens best interest

will jack off?

if you've been depressed for 10 years, then you are already so far ahead of everyone else that you have nothing to worry about

100% low cap equities

Baiting this hard

since when do majority of people know whats in their best interest?

men at least know it better than women

Where would I go to order this kind of service

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it is when they're getting compensated heavily.
just not in their children's interests desu

a strip club