Post the most autistic photo in your portfolio

Post the most autistic photo in your portfolio.

Attached: hRCNi_HT_400x400.jpg (400x400, 28K)

he may be autistic, but he's my husbando

Attached: gold.jpg (236x584, 25K)

Attached: 1533141011366.png (754x1158, 384K)

Attached: vision2.jpg (1032x774, 165K)

Attached: 1516370479894.jpg (640x960, 89K)

Attached: E17E2228-B14D-4EB7-8C8C-84DDEE64063C.png (1919x1079, 2.91M)

its autistic because it will never happen to me

Attached: 1531124125938.jpg (500x614, 66K)


Attached: 1551063282696.jpg (622x659, 30K)

Attached: arkfaucet.jpg (710x454, 62K)

I actually like that last paragraph. You're going to see a lot of feminist roasties running to white men to save them when the collapse happens and the shitskins and niggers start raping and pillaging.

Attached: 1549859421697.png (360x497, 283K)

Attached: 1488074808731.jpg (474x320, 90K)

Attached: 1503681534374.png (725x424, 169K)

Henlo TurtleCoin fren

Attached: 1544925527668m.jpg (570x1024, 110K)

cringing imagining the late adopter that actually took the time to make this

I got you all beat frens

What day was this?

Attached: honkzuya.png (2048x2048, 1.01M)

Attached: RoastieAlert.png (627x615, 765K)

Attached: 1499496763095.png (1280x1280, 1.54M)

RIP Jeb. I miss 2016

Attached: skylark.jpg (1280x864, 140K)

Deluded Jow Forumstard, leave.