>not one RLC shill thread
This is how I know I'm going to make it.
Not one RLC shill thread
Low quality shill
Looks like it’s taking off
Mooning now
i Execute
Please dump.!!!!!!!!!!!
Nah v3 “enterprise edition” is around the corner with potentional big box partnerships already in the works. No one is selling this anymore, wouldn’t be surprised to see it break $1
who's going to use iexec?
people don't even use golem or sonm
Lolwut. Monetizing data sets and computing power seems unlike you? It’s inevitable retard
seems more like a if we build it they will come mentality
Golem is a niche regarding use case for the moment (3d rendering only). Do not know about part’ership they have though.
Sonm... hem... no real partnership and very weak in terms of security (that will never attract anyone). Moreover from my personnal opinion. Very unstable and childissh team... I used to have some Sonm 1 year ago but sold evrything with no regrets
Good move sonm is one of those coins that will get delisted into obscurity
2k baglet reporting in.
Golem is a year ahead of iexec, the blender app is just to prove it works and the team knows what theyre doing
Golem will release decentralized GPU support soon while iexec is still in beta
I do not despite golem. Think there is place for several cloud computing company in this space.
Feel a bit presumptuous to say golem is 1 year ahead compared to Iexec though. To be very honnest I think Iexec is now leading the sector in terms of partnership, use case, potential, involvment in standard and regulation whereas golem dtill lead in MC but does not pean a lot in my opinion. Golem is still very constrained in rendering and are just stepping in security with sgx (but I have the feeling they are just reproducing what Iexec has opened in this field and therefore they are not innovative at all)
He’s trolling
In conclusion I think Golem can make a great app on Iexec’s market place but not sure they can be better as a whole independant solution.
>Not so fast, whideboi
>I drink-a you-a mirkshake
rundown on this meme?
It's from the film "there will be blood"
0 mention about cloud computing
>There Will be Blood 2: A New Dawn
3k holding on, enough to make it
Always do the opposite of biz
It's not a zero sum game. Both can exist and flourish
How do you reckon the probability of RLC going x100 in value? It seems like 30% to me. But that sounds too good to be true.
x100 is FUD