Is this commie water?

Is this a commie drink?

Why are Silicon Valley obsessed with it?

Calcium? WTF

Attached: Pellegrino.jpg (540x540, 23K)

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It's cheaper than milk and doesn't cause osteoporosis

I had some a few months ago during a lunch. It was actually very nice. It's not full of sugar and shit.

Why should normale fuzzy water have any sugar?

i'm italian and I live near san pellegrino.
this water is cheap here, one of the cheapest.

it tastes like salt. Im glad rich people are being cucked 10$ a bottle, because I sell this water.
lol. its better than petrol

this is how I cucked you

enjoy user! sip sip sip

>italian negroe mindset

enjoy user! onlt 10$
heheheh... Im the waterjew... heh... this and acqua panna. we scam you for billions a year. and actually it's mutts that scam mutts because I sell to them for 3% (350% gains)

and they resell for 10-15$

if you buy this you deserve to be scammed. enjoy your muuuh italian water. Ill make sure I shit in the river where its being picked up.

Carbonated water is acidic and still causes erosion of your enamel so all of the unthinking plebs that drink this to get healthy are busy taking the fast track to having permanently sensitive and yellowing teeth

it helps you digest meat tho. in moderation, it's healthy.

$10 woosh boof wuul

From the mini bar maybe, that's extortion


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Freakin love potato soup man

leak n potato

oh yes

hehehehehe... hehehhe... we do this in all nations that are not italy. we are the waterjew, beware. you fuckturd. why do you buy it even?

I make 5K a month which is a ton in italy just sending water to prime cucks. why would I even wanna sell gasoline when this is 10X


oh my god you are terrifying

I'd say it's a better alternative to a sugary drink though. Not sure how it would compare to something like coke zero/no sugar

>operation charge

what does this mean?

Attached: Fedora.jpg (470x353, 43K)

or you could just, like, drink water

Boofed if I know

I can tell you Antonio means Priceless though

With FREE Fluoride rather than paying a shit tonne for calcium water

No brainer.

Disclaimer: The US Water Corporation bares no responsibility for the calcification and dysregylation of melatonin production

imho, its from greek, and it means flower. but IDK not sure.

English Meaning: The name Anthony is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Anthony is: Highly praiseworthy. From a Roman clan name. In the 17th century, the spelling Anthony was associated with the Greek anthos meaning flower.

Fucking kek thats an insane profit margin, no one in their right mind would spend more than 30-40c for a bottle of fucking water here in Italy (or anywhere in Europe probably)

Amerilards are not used to put things into their mouth that don't contain sugar. Water without sugar in it is like magic to them.

Don't call them that.

Americans are cool


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hehehe porlegrinow....

If you go to a good restaurant in Europe it's pretty standard to be offered san pellegrino if you want water. It's expensive so restaurants make good margins selling this shit it's marketed as a luxury sparkling water. It's just that Muricans who have no taste want to feel sophisticated like Europeans.

no u

In 2014, approximately 75 percent of the U.S. population who received water from public water systems received water fortified with fluoride to the recommended fluoride concentration of 0.7 milligrams per liter.


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its in italy now and it smells like sulfur

what does it do to the rythm?

Oh I just LOVE Sulphur

Morton Thiolkol


Attached: Spiral Eye.jpg (248x191, 15K)

Thiokol - Wikipedia

Thiokol was an American corporation concerned initially with rubber and related chemicals, and later with rocket and missile propulsion systems. Its name is a portmanteau of the Greek words for sulfur (θειον "theion")


Attached: Challenger.jpg (994x575, 105K)

i still feel the third eye right there anyway

on LSD its being cleaned too

thanks you are a based bizraeli

Blue Lotus was used in Egypt to cleanse the dream channel

available still online, prepared as a tea

i actually smoked in inside of changa enhanced leaves

>not sugar and full of shit
or you can just BRING YOUR OWN WATER

Help a fellow itajew fren...
How do you do it user? How do you make money if the shippment costa so much?
Dont wanna be your competition or you literally go to the supermarket buy it, list It and sell and shopping it? (probably not) Also do you do it via a company of yours or as an individual?
I see also in krautland it's expensive af....

NASA - Engineer Who Opposed Challenger Launch Offers Personal ...

5 Oct 2012 - On January 28, 1986, as the Space Shuttle Challenger broke up over the ... Morton Thiokol, Inc., makers of the Shuttle's solid rocket boosters.


Also Japanese Taco Market awaits exploitation

Attached: Project Tuva.png (304x166, 71K)

Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Ran CIA Child Trafficking Ring

22 Oct 2017 - Paddock worked for government contractor Morton-Thiokol from 1985 to 1988, a predecessor company of the Lockheed Martin.

in the beginning I actually unironically bought and shipped myself with the fiat doblo. charging 3 a bottle. and theey were even happy. this, in austria. now I am 28 and I work for sanpellegrino as independent representative. but I still have private orders and those yeald the maximum profit. actually upgraded to a ford transit with cosworth engine from a old sierra. it goes 190 km/h fully charged of water, and its does not consume more than 17 km/l that is an absolute unit. rear transmission, you have to see how it drifts kek.

>shipment costa

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mind ya that I left the university meme theft to do this full time and I make like a doctor...

italian ios keyboard

Just buy a fucking sodastream you idiots

That stuff tastes awful. I drink Waterloo sparkling water; it's better.

This water is shit.
It will poison your body because high level of mineral waste.
If you want good water pick anything with dry waste under 100mg/l.
If you care about what you are drinking also get a Total Dissolved Solids electronic tester.

STFU pasta nigger. Enjoy your money, it will be worth fuck all pretty soon.

Perrier >>> San Pe

Also, what the fuck america ? 10 $ ?
In Europe it's literally 1/10 of this price

Attached: Pellegrino-vs-Perrier.jpg (419x387, 15K)

It's Nestlé, better not to know their margins selling this

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> Natural Carbonated water

>felling for the mineral water meme

I prefer San Pellegrino.
But I'm not sure if there is really a difference or if it's just in my mind.

Probably the only thing your nigger infested country has going for it

>ctrl f
>no results

Jow Forums make me sick -_-;

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It has preferable effervescent

Looks epic

effervescence* roops