>He doesn't shave his cock n balls once every 3 months
Not gonna make it
He doesn't shave his cock n balls once every 3 months
>every 3 months
You mean trim every other day
You mean lazer hair removal
I shave every 2 weeks. Face and pubes.
Is this something Taleb reccommends?
>he doesn't keep tweezers on hand to pluck out 5-10 hairs at a time while he's sitting at his computer, doing this over the course of several weeks to have a perfectly manscaped penis and crotch area
high IQ
I got a philips norelco bodygroom, takes 2 mins to trim entire pubic area/doesnt cut your balls
>trimming/shaving your pubes
never gonna make it
You also gotta get the taint and ass crack area to truly make it
Who is that charming Arab fellow?
I am NOT an Arab. Gabish?
Literally never trimmed or shaved my pubes. It's a forest.
what about back hair? you men have that too right? or are you all a bunch of söybois?
Not shaving hair is Lindy
>he doesn’t shave all his body hair daily in the bath
Not gonna make it
Used to do it all the time but it's to much of a hastle now sure it's cost me a few rim jobs from chicks getting a whiff of some dingle berries but eh
Does this hurt?
I'm trimming whenever I know a new girl will suck me off tonight
[spoler] 3 to 5 tinder thots a year, so 3 months comes close [/spoler]
>Not having a gf shave your balls then rub and tugging you
Never ever gonna make it
Anyone shaving for any non-legitimate reason, like a firefighter wearing airtight masks, is a sodomite - FACT.
I like to keep the shaft neatly trimmed but the balls furry. This hidden asymmetry allows me to become antifragile with skin in the game by fooling with randomness thereby emphasizing my ginormous black swan dong. Also there's a crusty bed in my room.
Will shaving my balls make them antifragile? What's the point of Taleb books?
Just shaved mine last night. It really makes the muscles pop.
>He doesnt find pleasure in pain in his cock and ball region
>t. Sodomite
has anyone gone to get their ass and asshole waxed?
should I do it? how is it? is it effective? how long does it last? does it grow back prickly and make you regret the whole thing?