Whats the matter with her?
Its hard to imagine anyone would believe that a fake technology wouldn't eventually be exposed.
Did her believe her own bullshit?
I'm also surprised how long it took to be exposed
Whats the matter with her?
Its hard to imagine anyone would believe that a fake technology wouldn't eventually be exposed.
Did her believe her own bullshit?
I'm also surprised how long it took to be exposed
Other urls found in this thread:
I think she is crazy
The real question is why was she fucking a street shitter?
look at her eyes man
stuff of nightmares
I think it blew up bigger than she expected and then she couldn't back down because she was in too deep. Maybe at first she believed it. Then it became a necessity to continue with lies.
It's exactly what happened with the No Man's Sky dev. Created a shitty game, advertised it with massive overselling of features, suddenly it blew up and he ended up giving TV interviews about how massive and great the game would be, weeks before delivering an absolute dud that had maybe a third of the features he definitively promised.
Once the hype train leaves, it simply doesn't stop and idiots get caught up in it. Small lies are part of marketing and nobody bats an eye. With these fraudsters the lies just keep snowballing, but its ultimately the same idea.
You can't tell me that this isn't Mark Zuckerbergs twin sister
>did her believe her
I'm reading Bad Blood right now. I think that she's a genuinely bad person. If she doesn't get more time than Shkreli got, then we live in an unjust system.
Also I cringed when i learned that she faked her 'baritone voice'
She fucked billionare investors. Shkreli wanted to fuck over people that needed drugs.
could you point the main reasons you think that?
I think the worst thing she did was to give people blood test results she knew were inaccurate
I think she may very well have thought that her idea could work eventually.
Not true. Shkreli was going after health insurance companies. Not patients directly.
Back to r/sandersforpresident, Reddit.
(I'm not saying thats(inaccurate results) not serious. thats VERY serious)
I just wan't to know whats more on the book
>then we live in an unjust system.
How young are you that this is still an open question for you?
He would affect patients in a major way, regardless of his intentions.
I'm 25. Older than you and I'm a CPA.
you’re an NPC, stay in your cubicle and continue to count your beans accounting for all the power plays the real men make outside four walls
She was just a figurehead, and that's all she ever wanted to be. She probably thought she could lead people along until the blood tests actually worked. I wouldn't even be surprised if she was so out of touch that she actually thought the technology she was selling was available.
Open office. And the tax structuring that we do doesn't hold a candle to your irrelevant shit.
Shrekli only jacked up prices on insurers. Any individual that needed the Aids drug and didn't have insurance could contact his company directly and get a coupon for the drug at like $5 or something.
Stay in your lane accounting cuck
She also fucked with patients directly, by lying about the accuracy of her blood test machine, which were in use in pharmacy and hospitals. All of the results had to be retracted.
I suspect part of the reason is that she felt that, given enough time, the employees of the company would eventually get the thing to work. However, she was too pig-headed and stupid to realize that getting the device to work on a mere drop of blood is nigh impossible. Look at Meredith Whitney of uBeam for a similar type of attitude. Both are stupid women who buy into the whole "patriarchy is keeping us women down" garbage and refused to listen to reason especially if it came from men.
No one's fucked her properly in years, basically sexual frustration is the fuel that keeps the west turning, keeps the wagies waging and the cannons firing...