Should i invest in porn?

should i invest in porn?

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How many people do you know who pay for porn in 2019?

women sell nudes at a higher rate than ever before. it's becoming normalized to the point where normie youtube vloggers with thousands of subs are making videos about how to sell feet pics. mind you these aren't pornstars, they're just regular run of the mil makeup/lifestyle vlogs.

nobody pays for porn videos but make them think that you're in an exclusive club and that ONLY YOU have access to their premium snaps and they'll spend a shit ton of money

i'm telling you these women are doing this shit on the side and raking in so much money. the days of hustler mags and playboy are over. but there's still an opportunity to make money off this new phenomena

there will be a normie friendly app that facilitates this sort of thing in the near future. i'm not talking about those specialized cam fetish websites, i mean an app with design and an innocent outward looking appearance. every woman you know at work will have done (or at least considered) selling nudes for cash on the side

Yes. VR.

eternal anglo banning porn
very bearish

wtf this normie bitches in comment section normalizing soft porn. like im going to starbucks yeah and im posting my feet. i mean i am all in for that but which grotesque time did we have entered here that this becomes acceptable for the mass of people?

I hate jews more than the next 6 million people but I would be a fool if I wouldnt make money off the jews' jewing.
do you have the ticker for porn?

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i don't know user. i suggest you join me and hedge all that energy expended rallying against modernity in online forums by investing in the very things we despise like gene editing, marijuana, and sex. might as well profit off the demise of people

women have holes, men have money, and all women are whores. it has been this way since time immemorial. good to see women be able to live out their true nature.

why would you despise gene editing? isn't it along the same lines as artificial wombs and co? and with women showing their true = soulless face today (turning themselves into literal nutztiere = farm animals by renting their womb, soon selling their milk, make selling nudes mainstream... and when they die, you can harvest their organs; all in the name of feminism), why wouldn't you invest into artificial wombs, robot waifus, and general replacement technology? it's not like you could ever respect these liberated cows when it's all said and done.

Are you a woman? Are people going to pay money to see you naked? If your answers are no then you are wasting your time.

how would you invest into porn though?

by shorting western civilization

and how do you do that? buy stocks from 3rd world countries?

Gold, foreign currencies, Chinese and Russian stocks

One of us.

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Foot fags rise up

>women sell nudes at a higher rate than ever before.

I doubt it and you seem to agree.
>the days of hustler mags and playboy are over
Go back 20 years and look how many of these magazines were around, each having dozens of models weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. Many newspapers in Europe did (and still do) include nudes every day ("page 3 girl"). Much of that is in heavy decline. Instead of 20 magazines with 100 girls each we now have maybe a few dozen e-whores. That's hardly a "higher rate than ever before". The transactional nature has just become more visible, because they directly sell the pictures to the consumer instead of agencies, photo studios and publishers acting as intermediaries.

Also "pictures of their feet" are hardly nudes, let alone pornography.

And that doesn't really address the question of how you want to take a cut. Women who already sell their pictures don't need investments from you. They already have a body, a cam, lights, a platform and an audience. They don't need anything else (until someone comes out with an ultra-expensive surgery to attach a third leg).
I do think there is money to be had in rendering services to amateur pornographers. Stuff like accounting, video editing, webmastering, moderation, design, etc. But they're almost all covered by existing industries (agencies, tax attorneys, editors, etc) and competition is stiff in those fields.

>there will be a normie friendly app that facilitates this sort of thing in the near future
Maybe if you can solve the problem of discoverability. Still, I imagine most consumers don't want lifeless pictures, but are only interested because of the personality. Most current e-whores made it big and *then* started selling their stuff once they already had an audience. And while you might want pics of your work colleagues, I doubt they would want to sell to someone close to them.

>And while you might want pics of your work colleagues, I doubt they would want to sell to someone close to them.
deepfakes is the answer my friend. fully customizable and personalized porn, just for you. how much would a lonely pervert be willing to shell out for that?

>profiting from societal degradation
Not gonna make it. It's Lent, try to be a better person this year.

Porn is an overcrowded market.

Let us use ManyVids as an example. I'm sure we all know what this site is.
MV charges a 40% fee on all payments made to amateur pornstars. Where does all this money go? Mostly on bureaucratic bloat. Many of the areas in the picture are completely superfluous. Note how small the four necessary sections are: hosting, security, design, R&D.

But what about marketing? What about customer service? Surely you need such things!
At most you need an SEO specialist or two to bump up page rankings. Most of the 'advertising' should be natural. There is a high incentive for these amateur pornstars to draw traffic to the website. Why aren't they? Oh, right... 40% fee.

Now imagine if you were to create a website offering absolute payment security, total anonymity for the end customer and ease of use for the service provider. I'm sure you could prosper by taking substantially less than 40% in fees. There would be a huge incentive on both ends for these amateur pornstars to redirect their clients, natural traffic, to your website. In doing so they could also cut down on the price charged, so both service provider and end customer would profit by using your website over any other.

Should you invest in porn? I don't know, OP. Seems like a bloated industry to me. I wouldn't take the risk unless its a large corporation with some promising new products in the pipeline, though that means it'll already be priced in, so whatever.

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I think that's worth exploring. I'm always confounded by half the requesters on Jow Forums that upload portraits of women they know and want them shopped into sex scenes, want breasts copied in or even other people to ejaculate on the pictures. Really strange to me, since you *know* none of that is real or even close to her actual body. I can't suspend my disbelief and I don't see the point. But there certainly is demand.

It's already partly filled though. People offering their photshop skills for porn mock-ups is already a thing (stuff like paypal me $50 and send a good photo, specify the type of scene and type of body you want, etc). So popular that I saw a documentary on TV test their services with the female host (the result was decent, not perfect, but definitely not amateur hour).
If you could get an AI to produces very good results, there could be money to be made. I don't think we're anywhere close that that, but it could be a thing.
The main problem is surely legal exposure. You would have to be quite smart, because if you go big, you have to attach your name somehow for payment processing. And then you would probably get sued to hell and back for copyright violations, harassment, invasion of privacy or whatever people can come up with.

Had to look up what that site offers. It's high, but not outlandish. Steam charges 30%, offers very little customer support and for a decade nobody even tried to challenge them. It would be an uphill battle for sure, trying to undercut established sites while having no customer base - you would have to shill out tons of money to get established content producers to jump ship and give you exclusivity. Seems risky. What if the platforms that are already big just drop their cut in response?

Obviously I don't know anywhere near enough about this industry to talk with full confidence, but I know enough to somewhat speculate on where it's going.
Having said that, I believe a very lean, easy-to-use site would provide incentives for content providers to perhaps not switch over, but at least use the services on offer as an alternative income source. They all have twitter or other ways to reach their fans, and I'm sure that they would be thrilled to make more money.

yeah the legal aspect would make things difficult here but as far as payments go, well that's what crypto is for. who needs visa these days. ai generated fakes are pretty damn convincing these days so I see it as a viable way to make a buck, even if not super scalable. the work needed to keep confidentiality and anonymous file transfer would probably yield more profit in a different application.

The lynchpin would be the agreements the palatforms make producers sign.

I know that the Twitch partner agreement has a clause that you are not allowed to stream anywhere else (YouTube, Mixer, etc), so no co-streaming, double-dipping, trying out new platforms, etc. I would be surprised if some of these platforms don't lock porn producers in the same way.

If that is not an issue, yeah I could see that working out the way you describe. I guess you would have to ask some of the bigger names in the game what they need/want from their clip-store/platform so you know what baseline features you have to provide.

Still a long way off from mainstream usability. Jow Forums is the best example. When their payment processor jumped ship last year, pass sales dipped and /vip/ was full of people complaining and asking how to facilitate crypto payments. That's people on Jow Forums. Young, male, high tech-affinity, loose morals. That's your prime demo for a porn fake service and even they stumbled over having to pay in crypto. Doesn't bode well.

I also think it could only ever be half-automated. You probably have to do a manual review, because sure the AI fucks up once in a while, especially when it's all based on user-uploaded content (and users are generally fucking morons). "looks good to the human eye" is not really a quality you can evaluate with an algorithm.

I agree that it's probably more trouble than it's worth in terms of profitability.

>soon selling their milk

kek, you're late