Why are women such a drain to talk to?
It's like talking to a black hole.
They are literally vampires.
They are only good for sex.
Why are women such a drain to talk to?
It's like talking to a black hole.
They are literally vampires.
They are only good for sex.
>he just realized that men and women aren't actually equal
I don't envy you. Then again if you're just realizing this now you're probably braindead and not at actual risk of becoming redpilled.
Having vaginas automatically makes them interesting so they don't need to be interesting in other ways
>its a "thot droning on and on about rappers" episode
The kikes will pay for this.
>It's like talking to a black hole.
well yeah
They have significantly smaller brains than men. The difference in intelligence between men and women is roughly the same as the difference in physical strength. you aren’t allowed to publicly talk about this type of thing in current year though if you don’t want to be excommunicated.
Fuck you
>if you're just realizing this now you're probably braindead
calm your tits
OP could be a 5 year old for all we know
Why are these types of posts allowed on sfw boards?
Women are slightly more intelligent on average as proven. Intelligent people don't feel the need to be interesting to plebs.
why cant woman be even dumber?
like a dog.
They pretend to so that insecure men don't maul them down.
Another incel thread
Keep it in your containment board you dumb virgin
plz tell me her foot has been shopped
Depends on the woman. Just like I don’t every conversation with every guy I have. I have met plenty of women that I do enjoy talking to/ being around.
dogs are smarter than women dumbass
dogs can love
things that cant love = retarded
Why are there no female chess players in the top brackets? Why is every new technology invented by men even 40 years after women’s lib? What’s the greatest female contribution to finance or blockchain (lighting network haha).
how many of them did you want to fuck
>Why are there no female chess players in the top brackets
High IQ people don't give a shit about pleb-tier tabletop games. There's real shit to be done.
cunt-tard detected
Jesus....I can't unsee it, wtf
>business and finance
begone incel, begone!
Did that post trigger you sensitive little babby?
Finding this out for the first time is such a shock. It's like realizing your entire life was based around a lie. An entire group of people you thought were nurturing and caring instantly reduced to a bunch of parasites. You feel immediate regret and embarrassment for any heartfelt things you've said to them in the past. It's for the best. You'll be more efficient with your time and energy with this new perspective.
there are no women in any top bracket, but there are also no women in any lower bracket
this applies to every field not just iq
dont worry though, there are plenty of women smarter than you unless you happen to be the 1% of elite men
The World is waking up to their shit.
Don't you all forget that when you say women, you count your mom, grandmom, daughter, sister, aunt,niece in that bunch.
Are they all at the same level as a twitch thot? Of course not you pathetic losers.
Roastie, pls.
This is a men only thread.
Women are the True npc
What does that change? Nothing.
Real men aren't complaining on an anime forum just because they can't get laid
people using the term 'npc' are nps's themselves. It implies poverty of thought concerning motivations of other people.
Plenty of high iq chess players. You probably know nothing about the game or scene
>thinking the complains stem from lack of access to pussy
Women aren't perfect sweety. just accept this truth.
they're pretty fun loosen up fag
This. Otherwise they are completely useless
Playing tabletop games competitively is a waste of intelligence. Vast majority of intelligent people know this. The fact that there's less intelligent women pursuing this circlejerk is an argument FOR women, not against.
>t. Virgin
according to yourself you are a npc, you cant understand the motivation and passion of chess players
once again whatever a man does, in the top bracket he will surpass any woman
I do understand them and see them as akin to competitive masturbating or eating. Pointless waste of intellect. Glad women know better and don't waste brainpower on bullshit.
i dont like chess but you are mentally retarded if you believe in those comparisons
Funny. I graduated from caltech so I happen to be part of this elite. Suck me kunt
But the post is right tho, women are normally distributed and cluster around the mean. It’s men who are Pareto distributed
This desu
They’re fun when
1. They think you’re high value
2 they’re young and have low mileage
3. You perceive them as attractive and are flirting with them
Otherwise they’re a fucking nightmare
>Don't you all forget that when you say women, you count your mom, grandmom...
>implying they arent cunts
>implying society was not better off when a bitch got a beatin and knew her fucking place
you keep that act up and soon enough things will go back in mens favor bitch until then enjoy the ride
>no u
hilarious and original
here is the women redpill
you meet dumb loose women because the actual smart beautiful ones aren't attracted to you
>wanting to beat women
Cope. If you aren't good at chess you aren't intelligent. That's pretty much a fact.
So make yourself a high value individual and only care about the young and attractive ones
this is just a distraction from the real topic, it doesnt matter, some people like playing chess and thats why they do it
some are so good that they can make a living by doing it professionally
same goes for video games, albeit you dont need a particular high iq for video games, you need reflexes and critical thinking, and again, if you look at the highest echelon of players in leagues - they are all men because this graph applies to all fields - except for being women, i think women are still the best women
she has bonitis, that's why those two gentlemen help her up the chairs
The way women's brains are structured is not for logical problem solving like chess. Women have higher emotional intelligence than men and a largely average iq where as men can fall on either far ends of the spectrum. Men and women are fundamentally different and that goes the same for men and women of different races. There IS such a thing as racial superiority hitler was right
Kys retard you know nothing about chess or how good that game is
>t. Nationals and state chess player
hi roastie
such cope, a lot of successful businessmen play poker in high stakes tournaments/cash games
>emotional intelligence
opinion discarded. IQ is IQ faggot.
Why are women so incapable of controlling their emotions, social relationships, and empathizing with others if they have higher emotional intelligence?
Something is not adding up...
Chess players aren't a good sample for studying intelligence as intelligent people aren't really drawn to useless time and effort sinks like tabletop games.