Hey Jow Forums, guess whats still going?

Hey Jow Forums, guess whats still going?

Attached: 03-10-2019.png (1039x529, 244K)

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i'm just a guy, but i play p3d and it is what is says it is, from my personal perspective its a gaming experience like i've never had

lockheed martin prepar3d?

I thought this was over. This shit is banking all day. Everyday


I made a good amount of coin from this shit bit it was just as it launched is it still profitable now that the market is down?

Pajeets are trying to scam us. They told us to buy in at 17 and we didn't listen, theyve gotta be Pajeets, right?

Listen fuckface, we told you to get in, the fact that you didnt isnt our fault.

stay poor faggots

Attached: 2c29f790-0eb2-4c56-87e5-efeccfa2f5c5.png (1213x492, 344K)

LOL!!! the team redid the code and this round will last well into the thousands once people realize!

Some of the rounds back in the day had a 50000 ETH plus active pot. 500 ETH is super early

how does this shit work

are the dividends even profitable? i bought 400 keys for .31 eth for keks and ill buy more if the dividends by themselves make the eth back at least.

send ETH to the contract
yeah you get divs when people buy

Is this the ultimate ponzi?

Pretty much. We're on round 9 and started 15 months ago

It's definitely a ponzi, but it is also a real investment, as wellas gambling..

It's like a hybrid of market fuckery.

Put your full 15 eth in dude

I like gambling, but moon3d is risky af.
9 rounds in 15 months? Huh
How much profit have you made and why shouldn't I trade shitcoins instead
Normies aren't even here like 2017.

thats risky. ill have to see proof of profit before i throw down all the eth i have

plus it looks like you cant withdraw your eth once you buy keys right

that IS how a ponzi works. you get your money back from dividends

i just have a couple things im wondering about
>if i put in my total eth balance in this blatant ponzi, how long would it take to make it back from dividends?
>im looking at the stats tab and looks like the total amount of eth invested is more than the total amount of dividends

>ill have to see proof of profit
that'd be too late. This shit requires a sort of leap of faith to be profitable, as with anything crypto related really

Don't put everything into it..

I'm all for getting people to put into this blatant ponzi...but this is a PONZI.

Someone who is definitely not you will be walking away with the pot.

you gets dividends

getting dividends is nice and all but im not risking 15 eth on an unknown. i know that holding eth long term will pay off and thats where im staying but good luck to the rest of you ponzi gamblers im in with 400 keys and may that go where it goes

I know. I'm just trying to save this retard from putting all of his marbles into gambling.

It's not an unknown, it's simple math. 1% per day, compounded over 40 days is a 49% return

If you didn't get in under 50 ETH you won't make your money back

we just might you know. you have to shill this to absurd level, sure, but you can also get money with just referrals. its better than most dapps because of the whole dividends aspects which is why this round won't end now.

I got in above 50 ETH and got my money back. Now I sustain the clock with half my dividends.

This is what people don't see under the hood yet.

The devs changed it to make it never end!

imagine not being all in on P3D

Its not the devs, its an immutable contract.

The fact is the community didn't fully realize what they had on their hands for the first year. This is an abstract concept and it took 8 round for the community to master it. Inventor said it could be sustained forever and now we get what he was saying.

I'm just glad I got in when I did. It's not much, but it is paying off :)

where is this still here? This isascam don't you really not know?
I lost so much on previous rounds when it ended

I am telling y'all not to go in, it's been over i am done

Ok I will put another 0.7 ETH to win big again, this round not ending?? So there is 517 persons before me?

Just read the explanation on the site user. You can do it.

It spells it all out in great details.

you're fucking embarassing. people who got in under 50 eth haven't even made returns yet. kill yourself. you'd be better off putting your money into some fucking boomer 5% annual shit, thats literally how dogshit it is.

so basically you're trading half of your earnings + your time to feed the wallets of earlier entrants who meme they're doing the same thing in public but know to keep their full divs to themselves
there's a reason "community member" rose as an insult during 2017, user

yeah thats why this user never showed me proof of his dividend profits. i put down .31 eth for keks, its only $42. already refilled my acct with fiat idc

It is a ponzi. Nobody here is denying that,

It's just not your typical ponzi.

It's like a ponzi that you can see all the details. Even when the exit will happen.

I made my eth back

P3D is the thinking man's Ponzi.


your reply literally has nothing to do with my post
i was in f3d and p3d before you even heard about crypto btw, even in the original powh. i could explain to you in detail the vulnerability that led to it being drained. so kindly stuff your cute explanation about transparent ponzis where the sun doesn't shine

Unironically very bullish on this game. Once a few more whales pump in some ETH, the normands will slowly find out about it.

When you least expect the timer will be reset. Always. The round will not end this year. Accept or stay a poor fag ;)
(I made my ETH back and now adding to the timer when it gets to 1-2h~)

>1 post by this user


>it was 516 last week
>it's 517.6 today
absolutely scammed

Attached: 1.png (800x729, 48K)

>what is a dynamic IP

>he STILL hasn't gone all in
wtf are you waiting for? do you hate money?

Attached: fomo.gif (540x540, 1.61M)

welp I already withdrew 5X what I put in, so fomo3d is my bby

ily fomo3d

still making good divs every day, this shit is better than bonds & stocks

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Damn, I understand shilling for people to throw in some money, but coercing people to go all in on an obvious scam is truly sinful. You're going to hell one day Rajesh. You better hope Vishnu gives you a pardon.

/CGI/ - Cosplay and EGL
agi - thanks Vishnu

Well this is enlightening, how bad it is -

Well to be fair this group does make games that go from 500 eth to 20k eth in like a week randomly for no reason and then back down to 1k eth then up to 60k eth and then down to 10k eth and then back to 100k eth

Like they just do that.

I Came For DIVIS, but stayed from memes

Yeah but it won't happen again. If you think it can go to 2000 eth in pot you are deluded af


don't be dumb. it won't happen overnight but it WILL happen.
everyone has a short attention span in crypto so, they will forget their ongoing shit and focus for a bit on FOMO3D, tending their dividends.

Let's see
this shit has been up for more than a month now?
and it's up to 500 eth
if someone puts in money right now, they'll need to wait until it's at ~2500 eth before they get all their invested money back and can start seeing profit
if you put money into this you're a retard. don't get swayed by people with vested interest in getting dividend money from what you put in

Just bought 201 keys dunno what will happen now.

You will remain dirt poor, obviously.

nice so no change of situation.


still the best game on ethereum also the best way to add to your stack before the market goes up.