can someone give a me a quick rundown on what happened to him from between here
Can someone give a me a quick rundown on what happened to him from between here
Other urls found in this thread:
did he get into a fight with tommy the hedgehog and lose?
he went to Jow Forums, not safe for /lgbt/ frogs
CIA-created meme to study how they can force ideas on this website. Most of the images are created by 50 year old boomers with deadlines to meet, which is why they are low quality and emotionally barren.
Slightly altered RGB values in wig may be being used to track how CIA-originated images are being iterated on by anons.
do you have a single fact to back that up?
You did, fren.
lol they've long understood how to force memes
no, this is no mere experiment
this has a purpose and that purpose is shaping reality as we know it
>source: user's anus
The 100% best thing about honker is that pol doesn't get it, and it drives them fucking crazy.
>citation needed the post
The absolute state of FBI fags.
For some reason honker just fucking short-circuits pol brains. I've never seen anything like it. They physically can't GET it. It's fishsticks IRL
dont do your victory lap for to long you will miss all the fun
clowns do not have rainbow hair this is gay pride shit
buy chainlink
Again, citation needed you filthy FBI interloper.
Eat my dick you fucking pol refugee. Fuck off back to your shit schizo board and make another 10 threads trying to figure out the coded secret messages behind a clown frog
Now now, calm down Mr. Wilson. No need to sperg out if you can't post proof. Honesty you're starting to sound like some crazy norwegian vikingfag from neo-Jow Forums.
Inhabitants of clown world don't like to be reminded of the insanity of their lives and beliefs. They are in ignorant of how absurd things have become and wish to stay that way. They took him down. Parody is not permitted as it sparks thought and thought leads to freedom.
Thanks poltard for ruining a perfectly good oc thread
how do i profit from this?