Who's going short tomorrow?

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I have 40k usd in shorts, leverage x5

Comfy in short term bonds since ‘18

What are you shorting friend

Infation is coming, I'd jump ship from bonds

mainly dow and nasdaq stocks

You could get easily rekt on this if the FED announces a round of QE

There’s nowhere else to jump to. I’m not buying boomer rocks

Do they announce that stuff randomly or is there a press conference tomorrow

>imagine shorting an inverse h&s in the final phase

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Buy the ETF of the boomer rocks and miner stocks

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Imagine longing a quaduple top

it's already reversing, you will lose

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>>quoting inverse H&S
>>"neckline" at the historic market top after breaking the parabolic advance and JUSTING both bears and bulls several times

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sweet summer child

It's going way higher, sry.

even by your own logic, that means it's going down in the short term
absolute fucking retard. hold this (you)

does someone have the image showing open puts vs open call positions on the SP 500? I think it was something crazy like 96% of all open option positions were PUTS. 96% of people are shorting the market right now. BUY BUY BUY

lol ok

Attached: SPY2.png (1550x901, 173K)

.... You dont know shit.

There is always nore puts open, the chances of a dissaster s always there no matter the market conditions, hedge funds profit from this, they always have puts if they long something


the largest descrepancy on the list was ~60% puts to 40% calls besides the S&P 500 which was ~90% puts and ~10% calls. could be that I was looking at shitty data posted to an user image board because I can't find the image or where the data originated.

At least wait until the Fed cuts interest rates before you go full retard bullish.

I've been short since 2800

Look at the 2 month chart. This drop won't last that long.

Unironically this

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Already am on spy and ndx.