Give boomer boss two week notice

>give boomer boss two week notice
>after interrogating me for 10 minutes as to why, he screams at me and tells me to pack my stuff and leave immediately

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The entire employee-employer power balance is so cucked. You're expected to give two weeks notice but they can and will fire you with no notice and security will immediately escort you out of the building.

leave immediately and put it behind you. Move on with your life, friend, and try to ease yourself with those emotional bags.

Last post of the day. The moment has arrived. The audits are done and version 1.0 is being delivered. The gate to adoption has been opened and one will get the first glance of the plumbing of web3.0. The confidence will make sense in hindsight as the hard work is complete, enterprise is in. March will not only awaken the crypto community but raise eyebrows in the enterprise.
Welcome to the 4ir, talk to you in Aprillll


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That's why I usually just leave on the spot. Unless you need the reference and can leave on a good note, it's pointless.

>Boss I’m quitting
>what the fuck is wrong with you, you’re fired!

>work at shitty big box store for two years from 2015 - 2017
>constantly understaffed, 39 hr work weeks for part-timers
>store managers rotated every six months
>horrible clientele that are consistently telling us how horrible it is to shop there yet keep coming back for more abuse
>decide to leave, call manager to tell him i'm giving in my two weeks
>"okay sounds good"
>two weeks later get a phone call
>"why aren't you at work?"
>tell them I gave my notice
>"you didn't put it in writing so it doesn't count"
>have a permanent black hole in my resume for two years because of this

thankfully i was in college at the same time so when people ask what i was doing i just say focusing on my studies

take the ghost-pill user it's amazing.

literally just leave after payday and never come back. block their numbers and sleep in.

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I was going to just stop showing up since I always felt it was BS that they expect you to put in a notice when you are employed at will and they can fire/lay you off without any notice, but an user talked me out of it and said I would get hit with a bad reference, which ironically I'm not getting anyways

cant you sue them for this

I am getting*

Bag they can't, that's illegal. I mean, unless you live in a third world shithole

Yeah, the US most likely.

LMAO i had an unbearable manager who tried to pull this shit on me. unbeknownst to him i had indeed put it in writing, leaving a copy with HR as well as in his dropbox, but the dumb asshole was too busy hitting bags to ever check. i came back in and had him write me a reference on the spot just to watch him seethe

yeah third world america lmao. if you are a contract or part time employee you can be asked to fuck off when they feel like it

can't do this. I live in a town of 10k people.

In any affair, whether personal conversation or social party, it is always proper to state your leave. It is an evidence of education and conduct. You did good telling them. and more importantly, you did good telling yourself. You slayed the kraken right there.

You need to be willing to move to different cities

that sounds awful. How common is inbreeding?

Funny boomer stories? Most of them don't even know how to use Excel.

Part of my training-by-boomers involved a task where I had to print out the excel reports on paper, then scan them back in to myself with the document sender in order to get them as a PDF.

wtf, why not just convert?

And they'll keep commenting/sharing LinkedIn articles (also written by boomers) saying that millennials are the least skilled generation.


Yea, so here's the dilemma I'm in now:
They give me all day to do this printing and scanning. But I'm done in 5 mins with print to PDF. So do I bring up my brilliant innovative new methods for goodie points? Or do I use the unsupervised time to fuck off for 7 hours then send in the completed task at the end of the day.
Can't figure out the best way to play it yet. A lot of tasks are like this.

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when they find out youve been fucking off all this time you wont have a job anymore

>You MUST give two weeks notice by law

>Boss can fire you on the spot at anytime

Unions need to be a thing again

It's not a law [in the US], but that's never stopped boomer scum from trying to enforce it

I live in a 3rd worl shithole and I can just stop showing up one day and I'll have a brand new formal job at another company by next week. That shit you mentioned only seems to happen in 1st world cunts

its not a law you dumbass

Now you get unemployment

He played himself

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>paid more because skills aggregate over time
Immortal Boomers run this country

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top kek. Reminds me of a boomer I saw at starbucks taking pictures of his laptop screen with his phone instead of using print screen.

Eventually they will notice an extremely huge paper surplus, and unless you lie about some story how your uncle gives you free copy paper, it aint gonna end well.

Get them brownie points while you can.


Nah man dont tell em. Just take all day.

You're just lazy. You needed to keep the job!

How did it even come to that? I've been employed by some boomers, but they were largely indifferent/benevolent. Your boss seems like an utter retard. Also, fuck boomers being unable to understand that writing shit down on your PC is more reliable than doing so on a piece of paper or in a notebook. They even turn younger people to this mindset, it's embarassing.

It's cucked because the employer is the one facilitating.

congrats now you are eligible for unemployment. roast that boomy user!

Whatever man, if that should happen again and somebody boomer boss asks you why you leave tell him "I will tell you for 1000 LINK"

make sure to print the stuff they expect you to scan still so it looks like you actually did it their way :)

My boomer coworkers think I'm an IT god because I can fix the printers when they fuck up.

Sell off the paper surplus.
I'd rather don't tell anyone. For every innovative idea they just pat you on the back, but don't promote/give you a raise.