Patriarchy 2019

Women stopped being visibly oppressed as domestic servants. Only to get shackled with invisible chains. Is this how it is going to be, really?

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>we want to be successful WAAAAAH
>study garbage subjects on pump money
The only thing women contribute to society is complaints

>unable to properly negotiate a salary the same way a man can
>believe they are “equal” and want “equal rights”
It’d be better for them to just own they’re not as good as men at many things and are better than men at any others. If they would just come out and say “hey, we clearly suck at understanding market value for jobs we take and negotiating fair pay and we would therefore like pay transparency” I bet they would get it. Instead they run around saying they can do everything men can do and then complain and blame some invisible hand when they realize they can’t. That invisible hand is literally their own ineptitude. It’s ok to not be great at everything. Let’s all own our strengths and weaknesses and stop worrying about this gender v gender fuckery.

Women can't cope with reality. Their brains require comfort, and they will create bizarre delusions to find it. They can't accept the truth that women suck at most things other than breeding, so instead they choose to believe that men are holding them down, even when presented with evidence to the contrary.

Women mostly do what other women do. Social peer pressure will always hold them in chains.
Ever wondered why so many of them are so unhappy? It's because all of them do what is dictated by the current mainstream trend, that doesn't mean that that's what they really want or need. They went from housewife is king in the 50s to career is king nowadays. Of course, that always makes some of them unhappy. The solution would be individualism, which society went through a couple of decades ago, but women couldn't handle that, they felt lost when they had to decide on their own.

>on average a woman with a bachelor's degree earns almost the same as a man with an associate's degree
The most popular female degrees are nursing and psychology while for males it's business administration and management, and accounting.

Men will end up paying for it though.

Beta cucks.

So the clown world is the result of the inability of women to create their own path on chaos. Interesting. I suspect that everything went to shit after 80-90 and that was the greatest time of mankind. I'm a zoomer so nostalgia argument invalidated.

Where the fuck does anyone with a associate degree make 60k a year?

>implying even .001 of women could think this logically

I would say 80-97 was the peak of American daily life. Shit started to get bad in the late 90s. There was a decent window around 2007-2012 but after Trayvon Martin things have been irreversibly awful and show no signs of letting up. I wish I could just flee to western Europe but somehow shit is just as bad over there.
I think New Zealand is probably the best bet right now

>Ever wondered why so many of them are so unhappy?

No, but I'm glad they're miserable. Dumb cunts deserve it. Women are dogs that cannot do anything right.

Go to Hungary or Poland if you're white.

Coding, maybe

Only white country left on earth will be Russia and that's because they basically have white sharia there. Islam is an anti cuck religion. Basically everything the bible teaches the koran says the opposite. They also have a pretty big military and nukes as well so the US can't do much except stomp their feet. Invading Russia would mean heavy casualites and possible nuclear retaliation. Russsia's laws aren't as cucked either. police are corrupt there and would probably kill migrants on sight. Europe will fall. US is falling now. Looks like it might be all she wrote for the anglo saxon race. The future will be the asiatic white ruskie race.

damn trayvon started all of this?

>Women stopped being visibly oppressed as domestic servants
False premise. Have you seen that? Maybe in Muslim countries they are oppressed. They might disagree in aggregate, though.

How can they even fall for wagecuck meme
Women were the ultimateneets in the patriarchy
Just had to cook a fucking dinner and man would take care for everything else

fuck off pussy, fix your own countries first we don't need weak cucks here

> it’s a seething/coping christcuck episode rerun

>on average

Into the trash it goes

Fuck no, O.J. trial was when this started steamrolling downhill. Watch O.J. trial verdict reaction videos and compare how blacks reacted to how whites reacted. It was an rude and UGLY awakening for everyone

Now they don't wanna do shit n fck every thing with a dick.

they literally don't exist user

Just like alt-righters and nazis

i wish i had a sugar momma, while i am a stay-at-home dad taking care of the kids, cooking and cleaning

comfy desu, dont know what women were so assblasted about

you dont have a clue what Russian demographics look like. There are more muslims in russia than any other European country. The largest mosque in Europe is in Moscow. Not to mention all the other churka breeds throughout Siberia.

yeah it would be pretty cool. Regardless of what happens I'm cool with it since either we get that faith, or women are just getting delusional and that will hold them back way more than having a positive attitude and they'll both do bad in business and they'll do bad in dating because they believe men are evil, and their market value will crash with no survivors. Either way, we profit from it by just by doing nothing and letting them be feminists

This infograhic doesn't take into account choice of major and industry of employment. It looks exclusively at gender, purposely ignoring other important factors.

you're figured it out, what a genius

>t. toasty roastie