Stop trying to make "stealth mode" a thing

It's never going to happen. The more discussion happening around Chainlink the more the network effect begins to take place.

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Stealthmode motherfucker

it's already happening chainlink threads in catalogue at all time lows

>Goes against kek
>Doesn't understand why he will never make it


chainlink? never heard of it

what is a chainlink

> actually believing sTEaLtH MoDe on 4channel, a anonymous free speech forum, is going to happen

Let's be very clear about this:
Link twitterfags who productively shill to industry connected individuals are acceptable.
Link twitterfags who shill to the general public (eg. XRP bagholders) to stroke their own dicks are NOT acceptable and need to be stealth moded into oblivion.

I'm good with this.

Stop talking like your a transformer, child.

The only place that need to go stealth mode is Twitter. Those imbeciles need to the shut the fuck up

linkchain...nah never heard

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You retards are fucking with forces you do not understand and will make link fail.

It’s just for this board. The 50 regular posters are tired of endless shilling fudding and discussion of something that we all know by now is a winner. Aside from a few brainlets and paid shitcoin shills everyone who can buy in already has. It’s time for stealth mode. Shhhhh

trips, stealthmode engaged

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When the golden bull run commences, we shift from Stealth Mode to Sicko Mode.


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Go back to discord nigger

>digits every fucking time
would not harsh the vibe were I you OP. fall in line marine

Fuck off and accumulate dumbass.
>you already had a year to accumulate!
The more you have the sooner you make it.

I agree, engage le stealth mode!1! XD
Upboated and gilded!

This is the dumbest chainlink-shit yet, the more you push this the more you look like retards desperate to belong to some secret club

Fuck off with the stealth mode.

You fuckers get ONE mention in the WSJ and get arrogant.


We need more voices.

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Stealth is a psyop

discord fags are the biggest retards on this site

Discord faggots and the Twitter faggots are one in the same

Chain who?

you can clearly tell those faggots are delphi. They all follow each other and circle jerk when one posts

B-but muh mainnet

>link failing
not possible no matter how autistic this board gets with it

Yep no doubt they are definitely in each other

kill yourself discordnigger

it's a thing because they can't reconcile the difference between all of the "partnerships", news, hype, and the fact that its still got one of the lowest volume of all alts with nobody interested in ever buying it.

But fellas, what will we circle jerk about while we’re in stealth mode? I don’t care about whether women are a good investment, whether I should rent or buy, or what XYZ shitcoin is definitely the next 100x. I just want to cream myself over the 4th industrial revolution.. don’t deny me this simple indulgence, huh fellas?

>all these retarded stealthmode threads
even when you guys want to shut up, you cant stop talking about shutting up

How fat sergey is while not mentioning his name. we could /StealthMode/ the fuck outta this, just have to be creative and not be a retard.

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discordniggers have so poor sense of humor it's unbelievable, they're like creamy faggots, couldn't be there more than 2 days

Discordniggers are the biggest problem.
Wish they and their unfunny jokes wouldn‘t exist

Sorry bro stealth mode activated

Then go real stealth and stop posting completely.
Your memes are not funny cringey faggot

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Stop posting
I can still see you faggot
Now go stealth or drop that retarded meme

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