Just placed a 40 BTC 50x short. Watch this

Just placed a 40 BTC 50x short. Watch this

Attached: smugshorter.png (330x189, 19K)

Based and redpilled.

Awesome. We're going up. Thanks

post pic

raced and bedpilled

Thank you op, you saved us. I can give you some Ark as a reward.

Attached: 167426.jpg (780x757, 63K)

Ok hit me with it


The jan man will hit me with a ban man

The smugness of this post genuinely pisses me off fuck you

Screenshot or saged

That's the point, it's smug short haha

OP of the original caps thread.

Thank me later when the dump starts at binance going offline tonight

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Ooo you see that

>implying they wont stophunt

>stop loss

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Pepper your angus.

Attached: 1546633773694.jpg (738x568, 42K)

Show is position so we can watch you ding dong.

Why so early?

kek wednesday is a meme, tuesday there will be blood on the streets

larp, no screenshot

Indeed, but I'll take the bait of larp-op and say that it doesn't make sense to short with such high leverage PRIOR to the scheduled binance (((maintenance))), then shit will get real!

HAHAHA u stupid fucking idiot. go lose all your money bearcunts

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lol get rekt

Just closed my short, thanks op.

I don't even care about my own money at this point, I just want to see bobo get absolutely rekt

Placed a 25 BTC one with x25 to get you rekt. Hopefully you get liquidated asap.