I legit don't get it. I could understand it if it was based on each states contribution then raw numbers e.g. cali gets 2 votes per person somewhere which does nothing gets 0.5 but apparently it's the opposite? How the fuck does it make sense?
Can someone explain the electoral college?
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Same guy I'm on 3g to ban evade. I should have mentioned I'm NOT a mutt
we should do away with it, but not before we have fully auditable but individually private national blockchain voting with required ID and a ranked preference voting system. we have the technology.
It’s to prevent stats with higher urban pops from overwhelming rural states with their political will. Otherwise California would decide all the elections forever, and there would be a civil war, break up of the federation.
hilary had more votes but drumpf won in more states
something like that
not Jow Forums related
You need to understand the historical context. The reason why the electoral college exists is because of the rather uneducated, rural beginnings of the country. Initially, it was not expected for a local farmer or craftsman to have knowledge of the politics in washington or even who the presidential candidate might be, so they instead voted for a more knowledgeable local state representative who would vote on their behalf. This local representative carried the weight of his state's vote depending on that state's population. Technically, the representative can still vote for whoever he likes as president - even against the majority vote of that state. However, it has become a de facto rule that the representative must vote for who his state's population has voted for.
PS I'm not a burger
>business and finance
Go read about representative democracies
Its based on the number of representatives each state has in Congress. Every state gets 2 for the senators + the number of representatives (based on population). Washington D.C. gets three as well.
The electoral college is the direct result of the "Great Compromise". Anyone who believes burgers should get rid of the electoral college should also be espousing getting rid of the bicameral legislature (but they aren't).
Every US state at a minimum recieves 3 votes (2 senators+1 default rep) and then the rest are distributed according to population. States who if there were no minimum would not qualify for additional electors (like Wyoming) effectively steal votes from larger states like Cali. The reason this system is in place is because the entity being represented in our republic are the states not people. Frankly this is pretty dumb but it might change due to that national popular vote compct thing thats developing.
Thanks that makes sense
Unironically post this in Sage
This is a strawman since the existence of the bicarmel legislature isn’t dependent on the electoral college dumbass
Each state is worth 'points' equal to the number of Congressional representatives it has. Each state has 3 minimum (2 senators and 1 congressman) but can get much higher as congressmen are apportioned by population so California has dozens of congressmen while smaller and less populous states might have only one. Califags are eternally butthurt because their votes individually count less than farmers in Wyoming. But of course flyover Whites are actually Americans unlike the beaners and gooks overrunning California.
t. ex-Californian
It doesn’t even prevent that, it literally just makes the candidates only focus on Ohio/Florida/Colorado rather than New York/California/Texas. For actual reasoning read
I got a 3 day ban for making a thread about Bernie Sanders, which is actually somewhat relevant because I wanted a discussion about his economic policies. This shit is 100% off topic. Fuck you jannies.
>I made a thread trying to shill a jew and got banned
Good. At least Yang isn't a kike, support him instead.
I don't support him you cuck, the entire point was to get Jow Forums triggered and shit on him. You're just as bad as Bernie with your chink gibs.
You sound like a man that could use Freedom Dividends
>hehe im not a MUTT xD
>makes thread asking questions about america
euros really dont have any constructive ways to use their time, do they
Delusional. Our government is already in huge deficit and falls deeper in debt to chinks and sandniggers daily.
A democracy is the shittiest way to run a government except for a dictatorship.
But that's the point, nobody would give a fuck about those States otherwise. And look at the big States, their urban centers pretty much vote the same way anyways.
The point of the electoral college is that States are supposed to be independent collections of individuals, but the federal government has seized way too much authority, so of course the presidentak elections are such a shit show
It’s so a few select large cities and their culture aren’t able to determine the fate of the smaller less populated states. E.g. New York, LA, Dallas, Miami, Chicago, etc
I need pornography based on this image.