How much debt do you have Jow Forums?

How much debt do you have Jow Forums?

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180k lmao

0 but germanpoor

$0 thanks mom
That said I went to shit schools so it’s hard to get a high paying job

Devil May Cry is such a beta fag game jfc get out of here OP

Lol. People from my uni AND my parents own me money. I'm not pressuring them to return it though, it's all fine.

And I have 0$
have sex

It feels like that DMC caters towards boomers who wanted to be edgy but could not really express themselves when they were younger.

700K mortgage, its for a rental though so im making money

None, dont spend money you dont have tards.

(Except when you want to buy a home)

> DmC2

How was Captain Marvel faggot?

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6 or 7k. All students loans. Paid off two used vehicles, 700month rent. No kids/dependants. I'm 27, 28 April 2. Just started trading stocks online. Made 40$ in a week, now we go big league.

Paid all of my debt off by living very frugally for a couple of years

Bitch that's less than I make in an hour

>holding your parents accountable for money you give them
Do Americans really do this ?

500 dollars

10k, put it all in link.

None, I'm not a fucking retard.

Half the fucktards with college loans did courses that were shit and had no chance of them getting a job with.


10k for student loans . Could've paid it by now but fuck em

Paid off 30k early. Should have bought $15 ETH instead, of course.

13k left in student loans, started with 30k a year ago

Finally someone brave enough to say it

more than you can afford

What do you do?


>he doesn’t live with his parents while also having a high paying job and having zero bills
I made 90k last year and I don’t even pay for my phone bill kek

$106k in credit cards, dml