If only you knew how bad things really are

>If only you knew how bad things really are

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kek, my brain automatically associates his face and body with shopped pictures, so for some reason I feel like he is photoshopped on that background although it's not the case

looking pretty fresh there desu. the roasty interviewing him was probably soaked

Looks pretty based. But I think jacket wise he should go for the elder maxson look.

Attached: Fo4_Maxson's_Battlecoat.png (666x933, 844K)

okay memeing aside, he really wears that shirt all the time? to match chainlink colors? that is autistic as hell

Why does he wear the shirt?


Newbies and casuals fuck off

This is a different shirt, the blue is of a darker color if you compare it to the shirt he wore at Devcon.

Fuck me he looks great
The shirt is a warrant canary. Since Sergey operates in a legal grey area he must be very careful with how he communicates to certain sects. If he removes the shirt before you know what, it signals insiders to GTFO.

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Bideo gam

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>blue is of a darker color
you’re even more autistic

Attached: PicsArt_03-11-04.30.42.png (617x766, 642K)

Lets do a bunch

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Attached: 243B4339-8474-454C-8371-13CCBF047D4B.jpg (1280x719, 611K)

Furthermore, it has been speculated that the addition of each newly patterned shirt signals another stage of completion towards his final vision.

Attached: 1552324506095.png (788x699, 39K)

Attached: 7D597F49-CFC9-4E8A-BDFD-96F26EEFB1D4.jpg (1280x719, 607K)

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Looking good, man

Leaders and powerful minds dont's smile for camera like 16 y.o insta thots. Also memes are getting to him, he's now dressing to match color.

Everything blue. Like my balls waiting for mainnet. That's good tho. They are doing complete opposite of what cryptocompanies do.

Just fuckin winning behind the scenes.

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Dude how the fuck you did those in 1 minute

Attached: B4B21A14-7210-4E5B-BEE0-DFAA00C7C4E4.png (435x435, 221K)

here we go

Attached: Bane Sergey.png (617x766, 707K)

Damn he is looking healthier. His skin is clear and his new haircut makes him look more Chad.

Is he hunting for pussy or something?

Mainnet imminent, less overtime required to finish the project. Dude is cutting down as we speak and will be shredded once mainnet gets released.

wtf is going on

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kek has blessed this thread

Attached: bog1.jpg (789x729, 76K)

Como breaker :(

Attached: bog3.jpg (586x604, 34K)

Shop user can you shop
1. Sergey face into Conor.
2. Chainlink tatoo on chest.
3. Oraclize in the picture he's ripping.

Attached: Aldo-Picture.jpg (600x330, 112K)

Just needs a killer hat and sidearm

why is there a floor on the outside of a building? where is this?

bullish as fuck

why do link threads always get the best gets

he's a big guy

>The stone
>The chairs
Probably still in Paris... And it's a courtyard from the XVIIIe. Are you from a thirdworld country lmao.

You guys.....just when I start getting depressed about all the link I have bought, a thread like this comes along and really gets me going.

yes, I am an american

Somone fapped to 'Sigil LINK' and invoked the egregore around Chainlink. Check the warosu threads for more information. That's why we're getting so many gets.

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wtf is going on

For (You)

cardboard sergey strikes again

My name is Kyle and I work as a waiter in SF. Sergey used to go to the restaurant I work in and unironically eats gourmet burguers. He changed the shirt because one I threw marinara and spicy sauce on the shirt. He didn't get mad though but I almost shit my pants as I knew how important it was from him. I lost the job 2 weeks later without notice. Don't know if the two facts are related but if someone can ask rory if Sergey can ask the restaurant manager to hire me back it would be great. Also when mainnet

>they expect everyone at the wreckage, brother.

Attached: tumblr_m7saw2L5xo1rv2d3co8_1280.jpg (600x400, 83K)


Attached: banesergey.webm (640x480, 2.83M)

He looks good

Attached: 1551958228537.gif (1071x1283, 1.28M)

Real good

Sergey Is the perfect man... smart and handsome

hmm, dumb & ugly eh, my oh my.. he really doesn't have much going on for himself does he

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