Uranus in Taurus

The last time that Uranus was in Taurus was from 1934 to 1941. We were in the middle of the Great Depression (which, it’s worth mentioning, was triggered by the Wall Street crash of 1929, an event that happened while Uranus was in Aries). We were also on the brink of World War II, a time of great upheaval wherein, among other things, the dominant culture’s relationship to money changed drastically

Because Taurus is ruled by Venus, we will be spending this entire transit re-evaluating the issues Venus herself governs: finances, abundance, beauty, and earthliness

Uranus being housed there is going to demand that we pay more attention to our relationship with the green world that surrounds us.

Invest in alternative economies. Prepare for the rise of cryptocurrencies and the potential of upheaval in the global financial markets.


get comfy lads

Attached: ECC4197B-1AAD-4EBA-9E11-E15AB511200B.jpg (1041x739, 143K)

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Attached: CBA04F0E-53DB-4BE2-B3FA-7847ACC617BA.png (200x202, 28K)

looks legit. Thanks (((NASA)))

kek, the photo may be fake but Uranus can be observed by earth-based telescopes. i needed an image for the OP

Uranus entered Taurus last May, but due to retrograde motion it spent time in Aries at the end of last year into this year. As of March 6, Uranus will remain in Taurus until 2024. Now, the real fun begins.


Attached: bobo can see it too.png (1368x888, 704K)

What is this gay shit? Astrology? Holy fuck please off yourself.

Wednesday-13 my dude. The day Uranus gets rekt.

Attached: A90CD5A5A41299226030531563520_SW_WEBM_1452733833102_image.jpg (480x480, 22K)

>focus on green
>sudden insights
>fast connections

NANO ftw

>I don't get it so it's stupid
>Didn't see second post pic related
your loss, brainlet