LMAO, plebbitards getting censored on saying Bitcoin network sucks for transactions

LMAO, plebbitards getting censored on saying Bitcoin network sucks for transactions.

At least people can say it here. For a year now, I have been only using ETH for txs between exchanges. Buttcoin is useful only in cold storage.

Attached: 1.jpg (1004x918, 144K)


fuck bitcoin
fuck core
and FUCK reddit

cheers to bitcoin cash

that makes sense though, you can't just post things because its true.

OP's not wrong


Attached: bsv.jpg (1200x1068, 115K)

I had to wait 45 minutes to transfer BTC to a different wallet yesterday. Lost 20% in potential gains waiting for it to get into the new exchange. Never again. I'll just use ETH from now on.

You retard realize that the exchange caused the latency right?

Since one year BTC implemented Segwit, google it you will look less retarded.

And here I was, starting to doubt staying in Jow Forums. Reddit is a shithole.

Checked. But you are wrong to disparage bitcoin because of redditard crypto drama. BTC/BCH/BSV is still very much alive and well, as is ETH/ETC. Frankly if you don't have a stake in at a bare minimum these five coins you are exposing yourself to getting left behind.
Let the redditard BTC maximalists stick their heads in the sand. They don't deserve to be involved with what is coming.

Shut the fuck up core npc and let the sentient beings talk.

literally cannot remember the last time I transacted using BTC. Even ETH can get annoying at highly congested times.

When you send a bitcoin tx, you're waiting 20 mins MINIMUM for the first couple confirmations just due to the time between blocks. depending on your exchange's conf requirement, you're usually waiting an hour+ for a simple bitcoin transaction.

Core has killed Bitcoin long ago. 300kb blocks will be the lowering of the coffin.

>useful only in cold storage
I wonder how long this meme will continue. Gold is useful in cold storage because it requires no maintenance only storage space. Bitcoin requires not only storage space but exponentially increasing energy expenditure to maintain.

How do you view this.

Also they’re trying to push this post watch

go to the thread and change 'reddit' to 'ceddit' in URL

Shut the fuck up yourself faggot, holding btc,bsv & ltc here, enjoy your eth/etc shitcoins bags reddit fag.


>not gonna make it

ETH is ok for transactions except during peak times like cryptokittie. Bch is still the best.


Even Samsung knows ETH scaling is coming, lmao @ btc maximalists