Post your personal 10/10 and guess each other's portfolio

Pic related is mine

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100% shitcoins

Bat & xrp

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When did BTC become a shitcoin?


ITT I rate other people's 10's

Do you think sarah holds btc?
All in on LINK

Sarah lives in my city. Haven't spotted her in the wild yet tho

How dare you to call this an 7

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I mean, if there was one coin that she'd be holding, it would be BTC. She's too attractive to even hear about stuff like LINK ETH


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Pretty generic asian looking. Maybe she's like a 6/10 without makeup and her bangs covering her forehead but I gave her the benefit of the doubt for you.

Can't see body but face is 9/10 good find user

wtf this is totally off topic. where are the janitors

sara pls notice me

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solid 6/10 for your 6's. Without makeup would be pretty bland. Well, 6.5 if I'm being real.

Whatever the most based coin is

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Wide nose, heart shaped face, looks a little too scrawny... maybe a good 6-6.5

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You can find this "10/10" in nearly every Starbucks lmao

It does say personal 10/10 not objective 10. Since none of you faggots mentioned it though, she isn't just a random stacy, her name is Maria Katasonova and she tried to run her own right wing party in Ruassia IIRC. She's constantly in pictures with big figures both from the Russian government and outside (eg Marie LePen)

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That's Sanne Vloet. She's a fashion model with standard fashion model body; 5'11" slender.

Not like I'm rating objectively here, just having fun in this shitty non Jow Forums thread.
Nice I checked her instagram and will give her a solid 8.5 overall.

Are you a beta male lusting over a girl with masculine traits like leadership?

Weak thots


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