I have spent the last three days with barely any electricity and water in a nationwide power outage. Ask me anything

I have spent the last three days with barely any electricity and water in a nationwide power outage. Ask me anything.

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fellow argentinian

why dont you kill your dictator?
why dont you escape your country?

LARP detected

pic with timestamp or LARP

Why not go to Colombia

If you aren't ready to start shooting and hanging reds from lamp posts we can't help you nor should we

how many lives has the bitcoin lightning network saved in Venezuela thus far

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>why dont you kill your dictator?
He's better protected than you might think. Also most (decent) citizens don't own any weapons. And the ones who do were armed by the government itself.
>why dont you escape your country?
I don't have enough money. And even then, currently our borders are closed. Risking life to flee through "trochas" is dangerous.

That glass says "Juntos Podemos" (together we can). Nicolas Maduro for president. They were given for free in his presidential campaign.

Read first reply

Well give me the weapons. Still going to die probably.


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What is the likelihood of Maduro being overthrown in the next few months?

why don't use use bitcoin lightning network?

I don't put too much hope on it. Most people are praying for intervention, but I fail to see that happening.
That being said, things are heating up fast since Guaido has support from the USA and many other countries. Economic pressure is going hard on Maduro right now.

If I send you .1 eth, how much food will you be able to buy with it

can't believe these retards aren't using the lightning network

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Cuando va empezar la guerra amigo. Y en qué parte de Venezuela vives?

or swim to aruba

How far is Aruba off the coast of Venezuela?
Aruba is a 19 miles long island of the Lesser Antilles in the southern Caribbean Sea.
>It's a mere 15 miles from the coast of Venezuela.
On a clear day the Venezuelan mainland is visible from the south-eastern coast.

Mmm thats about 13 dollars? maybe 3kg of meat. People now charge in USD here, can you believe it?

Ojala pronto, esto esta inaguantable... Vivo cerca de Caracas, en Miranda. Y tu?

did you feel a tiny wind of freedom blowing? like thinking for a second that if this goes on you will step outside and become a real human again like the fuckin paleolithic hunter societies. you snap back almost immidietly and realized that power will come back and the hell wheel will keep spinning in your favela.

Post your pgp public key

having lived in Aruba I can tell you that the general consensus among Arubans is 1) fuck off, were full, and 2) There are too many vuvuzelos there already causing crime and bringing drugs.

At least you got free healthcare right?

Onions guatemalteco, vivo en Santa Rosa. Nosotros en Guatemala ofrecemos nuestro apoyo. Ojalá termina muerto ese hijo de puto Maduro.

Take some from the maurading chauvo gangs I keep hearing about, once you get the first few the rest will come easy
Start organizing

If you are going to die at least don't die as a coward slave on your knees

Read the founding fathers, they figured it out

You got some gasoline, bottles and rags? Throw a little styrofoam or oil in there to thicken it up.

This shit is beyond depressing.

Thanks man, don't want to make this a begging thread. You can contact me directly in telegram @josefgusta

Muchas gracias amigo

how redpilled are the common folk about the Jew?

>length of 3/4" galvanized or black steel pipe, schedule 40
>1" end cap
>1" steel nipple, 6" long.
>2x6 if you plan to make a stock
>3/4 inch pipe brackets/clips

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You got a good VPN senpai?

>Implying there are any medicines in Venezuela

They don't even have electricity..


No hay problemas con el acceso al internet?

Lol if by free you mean shit tier healthcare, then yes. Food shortages are nothing compared to medicines and health supplies.

I don't use the state owned ISP so I'm not that cucked. Only VPN I have tried is WindScribe.

Algunas veces, especialmente en dias de marchas opositoras y protestas. El proveedor del gobierno, CANTV, bloquea descaradamente Twitter y Youtube.

This isnt 2018 larper.

if you were alone in a room with cabello, would you kill him as fast as humanly possible or torture him for a while before killing him?

Fucking kek. I have been doing this all this year.

Torture. To him and Maduro. I have fantasized so much about this is not even funny.

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Pajeets working for the CIA. Now we' ve seen it all.

Is this the new flaveanon?
Hows the oil backed crypto doing?

I've seen that guy. I lurk here since late 2017, don't usually bring where im from but the last few days were near Mad Max here.

>Hows the oil backed crypto doing?
It's bullshit. Honestly it can't be even called a scam. It is just straight bullshit.

How do you not use state isp?

Me, I'd kill him as fast as possible, because God will do a much better job torturing him where he's going
I may be a socialist but I'm tired of the retards who support anything as long as it had the name "socialism" stamped on it (for example, those that defend the actions of the Shitting Path or FARCe)
they're genuinely worse than people who support Pinochet because "le ebin triggering helicopter meme xd"
I really feel for your country, when your options are the guy who literally hates his people and the guy who will sell them to the yanks. Better than us at least, we're already owned by the yanks.

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I'm american. How much would I have to pay you for your to suck my dick? Just kidding I know you would do it for free. Sorry about the power outage but your oil needs to be under our ownership so yeah kill your leader and kill his supporters. Fuck nationalism.

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We still have other providers, I'm lucky I can use one who isn't state owned... Yet.

Are you in Colombia? or Chile? Man honestly at this point I'd rather be sold to the yanks than to the fucking Cubans, Russians and Chinese. We're fucked in levels that can't be explained, is a thing you have to live.

Gracias por contestar mis preguntas. Que dios te bendiga amigo

How much blame do you assign to Hugo Chavez and his policies?

How much does the common Venezuelan?

How do I invest in gayido? He seems like he is going to help get us some money via privatization.

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Igualmente, gracias por tus palabras

100%. Everything started with him. He's still kinda "untouchable" to the govenrment followers who blame everything on Maduro, and say that with Chavez this wouldn't have happened. But this was inevitable. His image of a god needs to die. He is the one responsible for Maduro to be elected as president and put the grounds for this disaster. His only luck was having oil over $100 a piece during most of his regime.

Kek. As far as I know he is socialist though.

Is America behind the power outage?

How bad has the looting been so far?

Is there open war at night?

Is the CIA about to install a puppet regime?

Oh also I heard a lot of people were using dash, is that true?

Are silver and gold ever used as money over there instead of fiat?

Even if that was true, at least we'd make sure to keep the lights on

>Is America behind the power outage?
You know, is hard not to speculate, but common reasoning screams inneficiency. All country's power relies from one damp. And it has been years without proper care.

>How bad has the looting been so far?
Really bad in a few cities, mainly Maracaibo. There were several supermarkets affected.

>Is there open war at night?
Not in many places, but there has been some fights between protesters and the national guard.

>Is the CIA about to install a puppet regime?

>Oh also I heard a lot of people were using dash, is that true?
It is! Well maybe not "a lot", but there's some. There's a community of Dash Venezuela and they have organized a few meetings.

>Are silver and gold ever used as money over there instead of fiat?
I don't think so... Everyone asks for USD now, or trades food/goods.

Except it literally is factually true

I hate socialists just as much as the next guy but Maduro would literally be doing great rn if the US wasn’t actively trying to bone him

Gracias amigo, que tengas buena suerte
>t. Gringo

Sup walkie

>I may be a socialist
this is why your country is shit, because you're incapable of learning from your mistakes

What exactly would he be going great? With actual concrete examples backed by reality.

There’s no factual examples to give to answer a “wht if” but if you don’t realize the entire collapse of Maduros regime has been orchestrated by the oil and banking interests of the United States, you are absolutely and completely blind, uninformed, and probably have a basement tier iq

Thanks, same to you

Nearly 1 am here, going to sleep. Bless you all

I have read MULTIPLE left-leaning Americans post about Juan Guaido, saying that he's a US-backed prop and that Venezuelans need to be left to themselves. Seems like the Left here is basically backing Maduro because they see Guaido as a Trump-backed coup. I've seen Lefties literally claim that the conditions in Venezuela are just "media influenced" and not that bad, basically claiming this is all somewhat of a conspiracy to get rid of Maduro and replace him with a US-preferred puppet.

How do you feel about that?

From my point of view: the Left here is so fucking pathetic and morally despicable that they would prefer other people starve and be left to rot rather than replacing a leader with a Trump/US backed candidate.

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U S A! U S A! U S A!

disgusting creatures

fuck off faggot

>spends his time shitposting on Jow Forums instead of fixing his country even in the worst of times

This is why you deserve this

Why dont you go to Bucaramanga and get a proper job wiping windshields or sucking cock for $10USD like a good venezuelan goy?

>mfw I realise smart venezuelans left years ago

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Or I have seen communism with my own two lying eyeballs and thats the end result of every marxist scheme ever implimented

all you had to do was tell maduro to fuck off

thats what many did, have you been to buenos aires lately??

still need access to bullets. they aren't so easy to get in some places

do you think once marudo is outsed or leaves that the venezuelan people will trust american oil interests and compaines to rebuild your nation into a democracy like something similar to Saudis or is there just too much resentment with americans foregin policy and interests

Hello I have a buddy down there, haven't heard from him yet :(. There's an app you can use for free NIM" GetNIM on google play store. Godspeed