AAAAAND we're back!

AAAAAND we're back!

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We made it bros.

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Caps lock faggot is kill

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Fuuuck I shouldn,t have canceled all my orders 6 hours ago.

We were supposed to dump...
Fuck this shit, fucking retarded bullfags it's all because of you that we have this long and painful bear market.

>ong and painful bear market
it's over retard

>hasn't even V-d
Yeah, sure it is, buddy.

The uptrend is holding guys, we officially made it

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wow so much cope and cringe in this thread...

were still going down...

Your mom just went down

the main downtrend hasnt been broken, you made shit...

you guys are delusional...

HAHAHA your longs getting liquidated soon XD

>muh V

Negative Ghost, rider the only way is up now

Litecoin has absolutely broken it's main downtrend

Please provide a chart, most coins are not in the downtrend that started with the spike in Jan2018 anymore

this isnt stealth phase anymore you idiots. multi year bear markets are a thing of the past. we're in early adopter/institutional phases. have fun fuckers and i hope you have btc and eth

>disregard trends
>disregard data
>disregard the entire concept of how these "memelines" work
>we bull now
I'm by no means a master economist, but we're not threading safe ground here.

You mom is "threading" Tyrone's cock through her tonsils right now

I wish Tyrone would use my tonsils some time. :(

Kek, I fucked up. But are you seriously going to disregard every piece of information we have about previous cycles? That is pretty fucking niggerish of you, if I do say so myself.

no we are not back

look at the fucking charts you mongresls

Tfw you think the bottom is actually in

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stay deluded

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