Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin

It's not to late to hop in .
95% don't understand the implications yet.

Pic related

Attached: Screenshot_20190312-100853_Twitter.jpg (1407x2203, 850K)

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wtf? I love syphilis now.
syphilis + bsv = love

You don't even understand it, because it doesn't make any fucking sense... just like 99% of the convoluted bullshit faketoshi spews.

>look at all the smart words!
>you're stupid if you don't buy our bags

But honestly, do any of you remember the AI in the blockchain pasta? This actually gives me goosbumbs.

Even if they build a super AI, fuck them and that AI piece of shit.

Attached: jtpcYLt.png (480x644, 137K)

Exactly this

Attached: wvlVKaJ.png (480x480, 98K)






Hes a conman and youre falling for it

They're doing it! They're building the Vishnu!

I'm putting all your posts in the BSV blockchain so the future AI can go back in time and punish you all retroactively.

Attached: download (13).jpg (199x253, 13K)

ahh I found the pasta. The crypto brownpill it is called. I can't stop laughing. It's the best crypto pasta

Reminder that cobra sold his Twitter account and this is yet another paid BSV shil.

reminder that the brown pill pasta was a meme born from the real truth bomb that is the crypto black pill

Attached: blackpill.jpg (1223x324, 133K)

reminder that unwriter is a psedonym of craig's AI Tulip

Attached: _unwriter.jpg (1080x532, 38K)

I am really confused. They are basically explaining dapps/smart contracts 101 like they just invented it. Am I missing something? Feel free to bully if you can provide an argument on why is this great and different from ETH/EOS/insert your project of preference.

>Cobra: they're literally schizos
>Bitcregs: see!??? he loves it!

Work of art

I know we're all in on the joke but fuck me these people are stupid.

Why doesn’t unwriter follow Craig on twitter.

looks good to pump today/tonight

Maybe he doesn't like him.
Why do you think he should follow him, is there any logical conclusion I missed?

Faketoshi and a pedophile runnin a coin.
What could go wrong? Thank God the market's getting matured and the price will continue to tank ultimately fading into obscurity, so let's hope this is the last we hear from these two clowns.

>Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin
BSV is literally a fork of a failed fork.....

Attached: worry.png (480x480, 77K)

Why do i believe csw? Why do i always pick the wrong side

TFW the vishnu is the blockchain is going to go Rokos Basilisk on everyone who can't bribe it with a couple of BSV.
You are missing that unwriter's solution is a far more elegant from-the-ground-up approach as opposed to the top-down philosophy of ethereum.

Attached: cigarpepe.jpg (249x249, 41K)