Grill confesses

>grill confesses
>proceed to escalate
>asks "are we dating now" right before it happens
>tell her personally only interested in fwbs for now
>cries and leaves
wtf? Should I call her to make sure things are fine?

This is unironically business related because I can't afford to make an enemy out of her for career and social reasons
>inb4 dont shit where you eat
She confessed first it was basically guaranteed. How badly fucked am I?

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Always wait 3 days before making contact

Bang any hot sisters or cousins she has. That should make things right

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can't really say anything though
>apologize and look like a cuck
>don't and risk defamation
She's absolutely the type to spew shit just to make herself feel better again, unless she was seriously attracted

You were upfront with her and she will be able to move on to someone better. You did the right thing op.

Go /stealthmode/ and you just win.

>I can't afford to make an enemy out of her for career and social reasons
You answered your own question. Prepare to lose it all due to her vengeance.

Imagine being so cucked with your job you have to care what women think

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just called and she acted like it was nothing and that everything's fine. welp probably should start looking for a new job now


that's why women should have never left the kitchen. these stories happen everywhere where there are mixed coworkers

only beta boys follow those stupid PUA rules

>be me 25 year old khv
>monk mode nofap became a chad
>7/10 classmate says she's in love with me, she's a little autistic but cute and could see she has 0 experience, been toying with her for a long time, she coinfesses while crying
>say I'm only interested in fwb
>she hated my guts and never spoke to me again
>later, be 26
>meet a 7/10 roastie, she makes most of the moves
>she's my gf now for 2 years, anal, choking, everything is allowed
>tfw I can't stop thinking about that cutie from college now that I want to settle and that sex repilled me that it's a worthless thing that I spent my whole life obsessing over
>Heard she got married a few months ago

Always choose the most autistic idiot
She loves you. Tell her you made a mistake and are really in love with her. She will believe everything you say

>This is unironically business related because I can't afford to make an enemy out of her for career and social reasons
>tfw women interested in me always try to entangle me with their via some cosmic-level schemes
>see it and don't get engaged until I have a feeling of her personality
>always ends up being violent and horrible
She dominated you. Accept defeat.

Why not wait to tell her the fwbs thing after you fuck her?

You are an idiot who in a few years will be crying because he only has his magic internet frens.

Prepare the rope kiddo.

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>Having casual sex
>Having more than one sexual partner

Never going to make it. Your life will probably end in suicide t b h

Based and redpilled

I can't stand these incels that call back - indicating that what a man wants is wrong.


Hive mind. OP is fucked.

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Are you dumb? Just say "yeah sure now lemme eat dat ass" and then dump her, wtf are you doing