Who is best meme girl of Jow Forums?

Who is best meme girl of Jow Forums?

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trailer park chan

Obviously the greasy grostle

Neither, fuck off

Hmmmm, Stacey Racey or Darcie Fartsy? That’s a tough one alright.

Personally vote is for Mommy Dearest

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Right girl source?


Her name is Wifey Blythey

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I'd give all my linkies for her white trash pussy

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>gulf clap

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Lmao Jesus I didnt recognize her face. Fuck yeah, she has my vote

>no mention of lazytown girl

Inspiring stuff user.

Bow before the Queen of Jow Forums you worthless fucking maggots

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this guy knows what's up

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Ah, nice to see a cultured user in this thread.

>be broke college girl
>complain about tuition on twitter
>virgin white cucks offer to pay for photos of you saying you love bbc
>desperate you do it
>humiliated online as a race traitor

Attached: thisismylife.jpg (743x1321, 213K)

we as humans are so advanced but still monkeys

Guy in green is her dad

whoa. pretty realistic.

>Get killed in the year 2044 when literal Nazi's have control again and start colonization of space

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Is this even a fucking question? Groestlcoin dev is the best

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this lol. I think about this constantly. How can one thing be so advanced, yet so primitive? We are a weird group for sure.

>white people

What is her father thinking?

Left, obv


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I wish I was the rope.

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Where is the HOLO feet girl ?

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The only best girl of Jow Forums meme or otherwise

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imagine if your existence was essentially a meaty fatbody with droopy twig arm appendages, flabby supportive tentacle legs and a stubby thumb-head with tacked on rope-hair.



Imagine if your existence was this poster

>No images of a certain someone having their feet rubbed
I didn't think the "stealth mode" meme would last this long

Degrees of Lewdity

this thread is proof that biz respects women

What is the deal with the girl on the left? Just looks like your average Jewish teenager at summer camp in Wisconsin

mark of the beast

Oldfag here. She is. Thats it

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She is our queen
And tiger mommy is a close consideration

She has a bigger nose than black people

it's MA'AM!


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I'd be scared she'd snuff me up into that thing

more like
>gibsmedat socialism

this, it's galia
biggest ico scam in crypto, everyone fell for the qt jewess pussy
i fell for it too but still would

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>cameras instead of smartphones
Is it 2003 in the picture or are they all just that poor?

I have no idea and this picture is the closest I got to finding the source of this degeneracy. Its probably not the same place or group of truckers tho.

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I think this is the sturgis rally

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Boomers. You can probably buy a smartphone for less than the price of a basic camera.

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>giving your linky for her soft white stinky
Always remember to use your pinky

Holy shit, did she really grow up to be a no white bois sloot?

Me in the tent

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imagine the smell

It's her

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Wait wtf!!??
That woman is one of the devs? I've seen her posted on here for the last two years. Even seen pepes made from her. I did not know this...
She is the queen of Jow Forums imho

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Got to post the original for comparison

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is this really a coin dev?

it's some disgusting hippy at a festival a few years ago. this angle makes her look 6/10. rest she's a 2/10

So you're saying not a coin dev

Son, this is the type of girl who will willingly and enthusiastically choke herself on a cock until tears come to her eyes. If you're not getting it from her admittedly loose pussy, she would immediately sense that and grab your dick and stick it in her ass. She wants that shit and she wants to please you.

This board, perhaps more than any on the chan aside from Jow Forums, doesn't seem to have a good grasp on women. All the photos posted here are either of an absurd racial pastiche, or of a model who would self-evidently behave like a mannequin in bed.

Pro-tip: having sex with a 6/10 who enjoys it and wants to participate is infinitely better than a 9.5/10 addled on opiates and who has never worked a day in their life.

Drop your balls, faggots.

Unironically cyberpunk GNT dev

Having sex with a man is so much better than any woman, 1-10, any rating. A man knows exactly what feels best because he has a cock and a prostate too. So before you start talking shit go get your anus widened and deposit your cum in a pos’d twink. The thrill exceeds anything you’ll ever feel with a grille.

oh don't get me wrong she's probably a beast in bed

she is niggercoin dev

Jesus wept...


That Jewess will rim job you straight to heaven.

Listen. Look at this head. Does this look like a girl who wants sex? Or the type of girl who wants to sell you a used car that doesn't work?
You tell me. Those arching eyebrows are a pain to look at imho
And then the photo above? Where to even begin. She's flexing over some cuck in a skirt. She's a new age woman that has never had to work for anything in her life. She's just found some betas to take what she considers "classy" photos of her. But they're anything but. Wtf is going on with that rope?
I agree, this board is filled with virgin autists. But you've made a mistake with this woman/ She's not the sex godess you think she is. Look deep into those eyes user. The answers are there.

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You're either a faggot, or you're trying to claim that having sex with anyone other than a incompetent bimbo is equivocal with having gay sex. Which, if that's what you're claiming, also makes you a faggot.

Until you can tell by sight how tight a woman's pussy is and how good she is in bed, you don't know shit. Also, good luck cleaning up on a Friday night lol

Lol yeah the answers are in her pupils, which are wider than a shark's sniffing blood.

Her skin is slick with sweat even though she's in partial shade.

She's posing for a stranger who just covered her in rave-themed bondage ropes.

Rave-themed bondage ropes that, to be more specific, tighten around her genitals if pulled on the loose ends near her hips.

This girl wants to FUCK and FUCK BAD and she will clearly give and take what's demanded of her. Christ y'all need to develop better radars for this shit. I'm starting to think that I was wrong and y'all are worse than Jow Forums

The beauty of this picture is that we can't see that diseased, unhygienic, poor excuse of a vagina.
Imagine the disgusting smell that just resonates from what we can only assume is a diet of crystal meth, bourban and fast food.
I am dry heaving at the sight of her.

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>gigantic pupils
>slick with sweat
>bondage ropes
There are better explanations. Gigantic pupils because of the cucks she's managed to rope into this display. She's not sweaty, but instead covered in massage oil that she thinks makes her body resonate. They're bondage ropes, but instead some wierd fish nets she's caught into.
I've enlarged the eyes for you.

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white trash mel gibson in the green tank top

Son if you think there's a better explanation than 'this bitch is rolling hard,' then there's nothing I can do for you. Please go outside sometime.

I've enlarged the key issue for you; you should pop it.

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the reluctant kneepad one

Is this Edward Norton?

whatever happened to "her"?

momoko-chan, i...