Sometimes I just can't believe we found the next bitcoin. the next 500,000% gains...

sometimes I just can't believe we found the next bitcoin. the next 500,000% gains. the harbringer of the next industrial revolution. and yet, here we are. every penny I put into LINK I do so knowing it is guaranteed, you read that right, GUARANTEED to give me returns, and insane ones at that. It is literally like a cheat code for where to put your money. everyone here who has heard of link has been given a great gift. do not squander this opportunity. that is all.

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kys you deluded retard


I bet you bought NKN


He is right though

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Its really that easy. Buy it and hold for 3 years.

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Here faggot I'll help

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no[redacted]ers BTFO

lmao if it was true no one would sell.. but check the binance selling pressure

Mind = blown

When will you faggots shut the fuck up about link. It's pretty much spamming at this point

I wonder how many biz are not coming from Finance. Chainlink is so obviously what it isn’t and people shilling sound so delusional. This is like believing your parents when they say it will be alright and they get separated a week later sorta logic.

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some people need money and they need it now. this is what happens. i had to sell some links at one point to pay unexpected bills. but i'm re-accumulating.

absolutely based and stinky as ever. What are arkies doing nowadays?

>is what it isn't
what did he mean by this?

>When will you faggots shut the fuck up about link.
LINK is the only thing keeping this garbage tip of a board on life support. Do you want us to abandon you to the cahies? DO YOU? Thought not.

Can’t wait to witness mass suicide of deluded linkies once they figure out they got scammed.

This desu

It's not harbringer, its harbinger. you're also using the word incorrectly.

They are going to write books about us...

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I think that stupid he-bitch is saying that link can't do what it purports to. Which is obviously dumb as shit.

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The constant shilling here finally got to me.
Bought my first 5k linkies last night. Was hoping TRX partnahship would pump it but NOOOO i was lied to and now im holding these bags.

top kek fuggin saved

as above so below

>The next 500,000%
No dude, market cap and supply... 500% maybe

LINK is a scam.


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>This is like believing your parents when they say it will be alright and they get separated a week later sorta logic.

the absolute COPE from late adopters forced to buy link. hundreds of thousands of late adopters were saying the exact same thing in 2014 about all the hot alts they've found, none of which exist on the first 2 pages of CMC now.