Is there anyone browsing Jow Forums RIGHT NOW who at this point isn't unironically all in LINK?...

Is there anyone browsing Jow Forums RIGHT NOW who at this point isn't unironically all in LINK?? Is it true collective autism?

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You have to be retarded to go all in on link. Go 50% link and 50% bnb mongoloid.

shut the fuck up


One must be INTP master race to understand Chainlink.

We were the people who were bullied at school, but our time has come. Chainlink will unironically be bigger than Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple together by end of year 2019.

need more fud my bags aren't full enough

I have $0 in link and Im browsing right now.
I dont trust sergey and his 350m stack hes already said hes going to give away for free, while we pump his bags scrambling around for k size stacks.

INFPs were all-in link before INTJs started circlejerking about their grandiosity. INFPs just accumulate and get along with their life.

Infp master race here 60% chainlink

80% LINK
10% XMR
10% XLM
Let's goooooo

I’m beginning to think this is actually true

ENTP all in since October '17

All in bb

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I wasn’t bullied at school, I hated it, but we are able to visually conceptualize the value of [redacted]



>he bought LINK
Enjoy holding an utter shitcoin.

who here an intp chad, ive been all in since link hit binance

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Anyone lurking Jow Forums who doesn't hold at least some Link by now must have a particular prejudice against the sheen of NEET autism hanging over the Linkie community, and Sergey to a certain extent. I remember people hating the early ETH adopters for the same reason, hating Vitalik's autism.

All in reporting in

Omg sergeyyyyyy link is a miracleeeeeee who else here is a linkie??? We did it reddit, in our hearts and minds we are already lambo! We did it!!!

Case in point.


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Vitalik is actually an autistic genius though.

Sirgay is just a stuttering big mac eating philosophy major. The only autistic thing he does is wear the same shirt which he probably just does to copy Steve Jobs.

That's what makes him so compelling. He's just a regular dude at the heart of the 4th industrial revolution

I'm confused. Did you want to make money or not?

Show me a single example of a regular dude at the heart of a revolution.

>Philosophy, physics and math are unironically the highest IQ mayors

I'm only 70% in because I'm a degenerate gambler.

what's [edited]?

Don't you realize that Sergey giving LINK out for free is a good thing? Imagine you're a fat stupid CEO and Sergey comes to you
>Mr CEO man, I will create a network that will allow you to cut your operating costs by 90%
>If you give me a chance, I will also give you access to that network entirely for free and give you tokens valued X while your competitor will have to buy access to it
nobody in their right mind is going to refuse. This is why chainlink will have tons of big users

I'm all-in

Fucking checked