>Never gonna make it
He doesn't own at least a Vechain Thor Strength X Nide
i was waiting for this to pop up. I only need a 100x to break even now
Thundernode checking in
am i gonna make it?
remember when you guys thought this shit was guaranteed $100 EOY? good times.
Fucking hell man, nothing has changed about this scam. Every shitcoin has been pumping and dumping. We are seeing gradual climb up in most shitcoins as BTC has likely bottomed out and will slowly climb up over the next 2 years.
Don't tell me you're unironically holding this chink scam in 2019, OP.
I am still holding my x node with about slightly more than 600k VET in it. sold everything else. I absolutely capitulated on this chink scam.
Some people will never learn. Vechain is a chink scam
Thunder X node, 10m OCE, 10m SHA, 50m PLA. How fucked am I?
What fucking shitcoins are those man? Are they part of muh "VeChain Ecosystem"?
Kek I'm going to be so fucking rich. The vast majority of the crypto market is braindead. It's only a matter of time.
u know some ppl bought and sold the top last year
thats me faggot
and i just bought few weeks ago @ 109
euphoric is all i can say, i am riding this into the top 10 faggots
The absolute state of Chink scams...
>Hulk BBC Avenger Node
Shows you the state of the brainlets this scam was formulated to attract.
>he thinks this shitcoin will ever recover
Best of luck to you Ranjesh but that is not happening lmao
Look at this absolute poorlet. Makes 20% in a couple of weeks and is happy lmfao. Quit this game immediately you absolute fag. I made 360% in the last month
Everyone and their mother knows this is a chink scam. Even Reddit.
i rode this from 0.20 to 9 dollars you fuckin faggots and made the killing, it was a robbery
now bought at 109 and will sell once it enters the top 10 where this coin belongs u fuckin cockroach faggots
stay poor and mad you fuckin faggots
>i made 360% in the last month
wow dude! nice! where can I sign up for your calls? you sound intelligent, wealthy and incredibly handsome!
You're a brainlet who got lucky, like I said good luck bro
>brainlet who got lucky
>makes 20% in a week
i swear i feel sorry for you, if you knew how much i made off this you'd literally delete your comment and immediately kill urself
YOU stay poor you fuckin faggot
>flexing to autistic neets on a Croatian badminton forum
Get a load of this guy
Paid group incoming
Why has it been pumping
They are having a shillanza conference soon
Can't wait to be rich. Seriously all the fundamentals of a winning crypto are in VeChain. People who are knocking it are going to be sorely sorry in a year or two. Picture ETH in 2015 against ETH 2017. This is what is happening with VeChain right now. Imbeciles.
Jebem ti majkuuuu u pičku, proketli četnik.
Puši kurac, buraz
Ma mrš u Jasenovcu, Jovan Jovanović!
Do you understand the definition of centralized you retard? Vechain is a glorified data base with macho man ultra mega nodes. It’s chink scam.
Gonna dump extremely hard tonight/tomorrow. Hope you sell soon.
Sitting on 50m VET. I already made it, just have to wait 2-3 years.
No thanks, Satan. I'll keep holding
You should have bought amb instead of this chink shit.
101 nodes isn't centralized. No need for name calling mongoloid.
Thats all I'll say.
and now we're guranteed a 1$ EOY. good times
Whose running the nodes? Vechain runs 99 of them. How is that not centralized?
The fuck are you talking about? That simply is not true. Can't believe I'm even wasting my time to respond to this.
List right now who is running the 101 authority nodes
sunny must be really angry about loosing the control over the price...he needs a cheap vet!
You know damn well I don't know the answer to that. If that's you're only point and why you're calling this a scam you're the retard.
Muh trillions of transactions.. LOL
CREAM scammer. He ran 2nd best hedge fund in china with 1% a day profits
Vechain is all empty chink shit
Vechink is a scam. But it is a chink scam that will make you rich if you understand the process by which it functions.
This phase right now is the whale re consolidation phase where they reclaim the coins they dump are dumb gweilo for cheap. If you also accumulate, this will allow you to participate in the vechink pump and dump.
It doesn't matter if its real or not. What matters is how much you believe in Sunny Lu and his VC buddies ruthlessness to pump their shitcoin through aggressive normie marketing and fuckery AGAIN.
I believe. That is why I accumulate now.
I hate all of you.
>proof of authority
>101 anonymous block producers
>can't even name them or figure out their identities
>implying they should be trusted with any sort of authority
>trusting chinks with critical supply chains
>trusting chinks with literally anything
The absolute state
Wahhh "the absolute state" wahhhh I'm so cool I use Jow Forums lingo to impress myself and other fags on this site. Fuck off dude. Time will tell us who is right and who is wrong.
Fck off to reddit faggot
Go fuck your "VeFam"
That would be incest, which only you sick fags on Jow Forums are into.
Get a load of this fuckin VeChink brainlet fanboy
>It will below your mind
Just you wait.
i always buy the coins with the most Jow Forums FUD so i know how easiest to be rich
Strength X here and i cant wait
Most used industrial blockchain
bingo. 1.5mm VET holding hoping for a 10x to dump this shit into the FOMO idiots
Should be a nice pump leading up to their Summit in April in San Fran
suppression will start soon again
I really like that they made good on their promise of trillions of transactions and tons of enterprises using their metwork by 2018.
Oh... wait...
here we go ....down
>This is not a white paper...it just isn't!
This shit is literally the most legit project in the crypto ecosystem.
This, but ironically.
>rebrand coming
>sort of excited, but vechain is already slick and works, why need to rebrand?
>well lets wait and see
Real world adoption
i lost my mobile wallet switching to new iphone while moving to new apt lost seed too.. i am literal brainlet :''''''(
go back
back to r*ddit you cuck.
So much delusion going on here. Keep buying your Links faggots, see how that turns out.
Yeah and be sure to take some profits out of OMG and put it into VEN... oh.. wait.
I should have sold ages ago im actually brain dead when shit like this happens and im still holding
>I mean I wish I had sold when I was up like 40x but hindsight is 20/20. 90% of the people involved in crypto throughout 2017 are saying the same shit.