THE GOD WALLET PROPHECY IS REAL! THEY ARE UNPLUGGING THE TRADING BOTS! The fall of transactions started before the binance maintenance. This is not fucking random!!!

Attached: ifyouknew.jpg (1889x814, 199K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Isn't price correlated to chain tx usage?

Attached: Q5GNcRYpA2-12.png (300x250, 37K)


Attached: 1552154388563.png (800x800, 584K)

Ohnonononono even Binance will add new USDT trading pairs tomorrow.

Wait, so the whales can move the funds through priority mining but the plebs get stuck on slow transactions? wtf man, we gonna be dumped on.

Only sometimes. With so much manipulation we can only guess that this is a trading bot mass unplugging. That's my guess at least.

so bear market over, price suppression ovrer bots are now adjusted to bull market

Btw, if anyone came to this thread not for circlejerking and memes, but for info, then google 'Veriblock'.

Venezuela power outage
Look at runescape prices they're way up because gold farmers can't log in

this makes no sense. almost all btc trading happens on centralized exchanges. the only transactions are deposits and withdraws on centralized exchanges. trading bots aren't making transactions on the blockchain in this case.

Bots are what caused the price to go up in the first place.

Alt season

I'd say that now is a good time to tether up

Checked and agree

Tradebots turning off means instead of selling every +2% they will let it fly

It's gonna be Wednesday my dudes.

Attached: Techno Wednesday.jpg (300x168, 7K)

The fall started 3 days after the god wallet moved it's funds :

Let's find out what's really going on

How the fuck is that even related to the subject brainlet? Do you even get that this is about BTC?


are you guys fucking retarded?!? trading bots have nothing to do with the drop in transaction volume.


they're all using the lightning network now

So nothing to see here then. Phew.

Correct. Link $20 eoy

Attached: 1354661491728.jpg (383x500, 25K)

Binance maintenance already happened 14 hours ago.

Oh man, the hardest fucking fud this far, those are some scary fucking numbers

Are you faggots incapable of doing basic research before shitposting? The fall in TX is due to Veriblock's testnet going down, they're launching their mainnet on the 15th this month so it'll be back to normal by then.

But go ahead and blame some spics in Venezuela or "god wallet" or whatever, fucking retards

So what to do ? Buy or tether the fuck up ?


one theory

All in BSV