How do I stop spending so much time on this board?

How do I stop spending so much time on this board?

Since 2017 i've been GLUED to this fucking board. Endlessly waiting for threads signalling a good news update, some new bull run indicators. Ways to escape wageslaving. My life has gotten exponentially worse since I've found this board. I've lost thousands (thankfully didn't sell, just holding huge bags) of my life savings. Lost hours and hours of time just fucking shitposting. I've even lost friends.

you guys are the only people I talk to now. And its sad, theres only like 10-20 people here at any given time. Im probably talking to the same people.

How do I break out of this doomer space? Every thread nowadays is about doom, depression, guilt, anger, sadness. Its a spiral into the void, and I need to break out of it if I want to be succesful as a 24 year old boomer college grad struggling to find a decent job/income.

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It only ends in death.

This place will consume you alive until you are hollow.

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You like icarus fren, you flying so high you get burn, normies don't aspire at anything so they don't burn at all

Get a hobby you tubby bitch ass nigga lmfaooo like go outside hahahaa

Jow Forums in 2017 was such a thrill. Some retard would post a shitcoin on here and the next day it would 3x. It was insane. I wish we can go back to those days

how is cyber addiction real? just turn of the pc dude

>I've even lost friends
no you didn't
we're you're new frens, fren

Get some discipline and motivation. Say: okay, today im going to alot myself 1 hour of internet time. One that hour of internet time is up i will get up and not go on the internet again until tomorrow

when did "x bitcoin for sharpie in pooper" show up? summer 2017? winter 2017? Jan 2018

>Stop looking to get rich quick with crypto
>instead put that money into a Roth IRA and dividend paying stocks
>Find was to cut back pn all your expenses (penny saved is a penny earned and all that)
>Focus on getting marketable skills even if that means going back to college.

I'm a student, developing a product that will make me millions, and browse biz. What's your excuse?

Do you not see how much biz has fallen? Should that be a sign of how little to no chance crypto has of recovering? No one is or will ever buy this pump n’ dump game. Have fun waiting for crypto to save your sorry ass.

>(penny saved is a penny earned and all that)

stopped reading there

There's literally money to be made every week here and OP is focusing on doom threads

hello user
Jow Forums is comprised of sophisticated AI chat bots.
we are your friends.

>thankfully didn't sell, just holding huge bags
you forgot to mention that you're retarded

>he fell for the bull meme
>he ignored the bobo posters

Oh I am laughing

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Speak for yourself robotlet.

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I do. I go to the gym sometimes...


yep I was so naive back then

The thing is I have a lot of free time at my wagecuck job so im just here all day every day. but then I go home and im still here lol

thx fren

ill try this i guess

I have a 401k and I am buying divy stocks on robinhood. I dont make much money so like $300 a month goes in my 401 and another $300 goes in my robinhood. the rest goes into crypto. I am considering taking online courses for data science but it looks very daunting right now

what product

yeah i guess. were fucked

more money for what? LTO? CHX? The latest pajeet flavor of the week shit? Fuck off pajeet


I know I am

yeah well. fuck you

fuck pajeets

>developing a product that will make me million

With you OP. I even looked like the meme wojak in your pic, but with a crown of unruly hair.

So you are rich in a bunch of literal who shitcoins that are probably never coming back and broke af in actual fiat.

Unfortunately, there won’t be another bull run. The crypto market is saturated and there are too many shitcoins for anyone to care about. If you didn’t get into crypto 2017 or earlier, you’re fucked. Now investors are taking out their money from crypto and waiting for the next big thing to invest in.

around the same time as the DGB Citibank presentation and Minecraft server release kek

The blockchain can’t evolve and get faster/capable of doing more, right? That’s the reason big banks and large financial institutions are slowing latching on for their own slice of the pie?

Quit trying to get all clairvoyant and wait for the tech to develop more. Only like 6% of the world has crypto holdings or knows much of anything about it. Big things are coming, just not as soon as you want them to.

The time to be euphoric is now.

When everybody else is euphoric is when you sell.



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You need a PhD min for any of the fun data science jobs.

I was thinking more data analyst but whatevs

im trying user. im trying. but accumulating right now is sado masochism

Same here user...same here.

we are all going to make it. the one true god says so.

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>doesn't take advice from the man who's face is literally on the hundred dollar bill

Shiggy diggy

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