Why is everyone here so mean?

Why is everyone here so mean?

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Because you deserve it.

fuck off faggot

Grow a pair you fucking faggot.

Suck a fucking dick, babydick.

Bcz the same questions get asked over and over again by brainlets

the jannies bring it out of us
fuck you and fuck jannies

People here are actually much nicer than lit or his. There's genuine hatred going on there

Literally kys faggot

Love u bb

Holofuel $1 2020

This place is the nexus of high potential and low real world achievement
It is so valuable because it is the crucible of ideas
Only complete failures at life with high IQs and strong genetics would submit to a form that is 90% fake spam, 9% hateposts and 1% gems

You can never leave

I'll tell you why Jow Forums is angry all the time. It's full of really stupid people who bought shitcoins and they spend all day making fun of each others shitcoins. Spend some time here and you'll see that I'm spot on.

I'm going to find you and fart in your mailbox. How about that?

Come to the /FAG/ General fren no meanies allowed

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Yup, most people here are poor Jow Forumstard NEETs waiting for chainlink to save them. If I lived that life I’d be angry all the time too

Wrong link


I wish you well inasmuch as I don’t wish you specific harm. That said, you’re a huge pussy.

It’s true.

Generals are reddit, fuck off.

I'll be nice to you fren.

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