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buy mobius sirs

Attached: bb234234.png (716x892, 781K)

how much to make it user?

Who is that whore?

How many coin to cum in her anal cavity twice?

> her face though
Why do white women hit the wall so hard :( In 5 years her face will drop from 7/10 to 4/10.. DYOR. you need at least 20k

what's the ticker i can't find it at idex


100k since ICO hope it comes back, that cost me 50k stellar

i want to buy how? please explain do i need stellar for this?

I'm so lonely bros.

explain pls


God just imagine the smell

kek. wanna make money? join the big boys discord: dPEvmKc

what happened fren

You can buy now on exchanges like Bittrex or if you want to use Stellar then on a stellar exchange/interface like Stellarterm or stellarport

women who appear to
>hit the wall hard

is just the way in which nature is showing you how much she drinks, smokes, and uses drugs

look at the hollywood cunts to see it on steroids. these cunts use hyper amounts of high end drugs and drink excessively. and just look at how they look after 10 years


This. Astounding how much this board copes about their lack of value and hypergamy. Truly astounding


wanna make money? join the big boys to discuss hidden gems and pumps in our private discord. over 30 anons are on our team already don't miss out.

discord : dPEvmKc

