How is it possible to lose money in crypto? this shit is so fucking easy. I'm up 8x since December 2018...

how is it possible to lose money in crypto? this shit is so fucking easy. I'm up 8x since December 2018. Literally just flip alts. Obviously alt season has come to an end so i'm all out now and hold a massive bitcoin short since its obvious which way its going...

Attached: hot.jpg (683x1024, 202K)

>its so ez how r u not rich

Attached: 1541552632510.png (205x246, 4K)

i think it's pretty obvious you are the brainlet here user

How much BTC do I need for all 3 of these ladies to sit on my face?

whats your net worth

after december?
$320k. probably going to be $600k once this short pays off

btc +2% / alts +3% today
how is it obv its going south?

loooool look at this brainlet

enlighten me, master

btc is up 20% since its feb lows