How do you cure depression?
How do you cure depression?
Wellbutrin worked for me.
You can't, just like you can't really cure anxiety.
You can only learn how to live with it. Or drown it in meds/drugs
clean your room
exercise. And no, it's not a meme. And yes, it does work. If you're depressed you'll have to force yourself to exercise. But it works.
Unless ye make the things of the right hand as those of the left, and those of the left as those of the right, and those that are above as those below, and those that are behind as those that are before, ye shall not have knowedge of the kingdom.
Don't think about Link.
Sell your crypto
you're dumb and never went through/unable to perceive any serious times that challanged your mental health
you can't excercise when you're truly depressed.
live through it. don't take meds. face it like a man. it might go away or might not. don't try to cure it. try to own and understand it.
by winning. but it's a cruel world sometimes
buy some eth. but not right now. wait until the buttcorn pump ends then buy in at 130ish. you'll feel better once PoS comes. i gaurantee it.
a gf that loves you
no cure i guess
Have a goal and become borderline obsessed with it.
You can't
checked and this. OP it's more about not treating your emotions personally. No meds or stimulants. Take it raw. This is an opportunity for spiritual growth
To accelerate progress you can try typical mechanical methods such as exercising, eating less meat and processed junk, drink distilled water, mindfulness exercises, eat more alkaline foods, etc.
Do more, think less
I will never go back to being depressed
Kanna it's a herbal SSRI unique in that won't raise seratonin to dangerous levels. Will get you over the hump then do what others are saying on here like exercise and focuss on a goal etc
Are you on this user?
10 years depressed. Feeling lower today. Try to get more sleep, i always feel a lot worse when I'm sleep deprived. My job is physical so i get plenty of exercise, but am starting a gym/lifting class next month so i hope that helps. Others have also said mindfullness meditation. When i try this my anxiety unclenches in my chest, i can physically feel it happening. As far as i know there isn't a cure. I have a longtime gf that loves me and i can laid regularly but my depression still fucks with me.
The problem with raising seratonin is it makes your penis stop working.
you need prescription drugs
you definitely can, dt
You won't find the answer here. Jow Forums is literally full of retards who think depression doesn't exist and that you can cure it by exercising and eating well lol. I won't be surprised if they also think vaccines are an invention by kikes to exterminate the white race.
How do you know if you are depressed? I have no way of knowing if my mood is below or above average happiness.
Anime, browsing Jow Forums on the toilet at work and taking long night walks.
Everyone perceived it differently. But there are tell-tale signs like sleeping too much, not deriving enjoyment out of anything that used to make you happy, difficulty forming or maintaining relationships, poor self care, etc. if untreated for too long, the mind state becomes your new baseline you start to believe that feeling poorly is the norm.
Sunlight and warmth is a good place to start fren.
The Gospel of Thomas is luciferian bullshit, and this is the most random reply that I think you are saying something very important, but I don't know what.
Based and mind fuck pilled
this is true though
Enjoy your tiny balls and bitch tits
Fat green dildos
I only sleep about 4 hours a day.
I must be happy.
become neet
Find someone who is more depressed than you and mentor them
>but there's nobody more depressed than me
yes there is.
Buy and follow link breadcrumbs
Invent a sport or like a game where the most depressed person wins.
nb4 chess
Do push ups until your arms fall off and your smiling your face off
Stop masturbating, take negativity out of your life, therapy on yourself, find an emotional connect with the world, and have a psychedelic trip if worst comes to worst.
That's just going to make him more depressed seeing the other cunts situation
Unironically mushrooms and LSD.
Better if there is someone experienced with you.
Quit abusing modafinil.
its in the name faggot
This, but still take meds if it's moderate to severe though. Stop drinking to help with anxiety and even worse depression. Get sleep and don't be too hard on yourself
Shoot up your school/work place
It has been proved already that you just had a poor diet or abuse of antibiotic and you just fucked up your gut flora. Everything you eat or put into your system goes through your brain. Research Aajonus Vonderplanitz
Why is depression considered a disease but happiness isn't?
break down the word.... dis...ease..
happiness is ease...
I went through a dozen doctors and therapists, trying dozens of medications to no avail. Almost got put in a psyche ward for a suicide attempt but dad bailed me out and then slept in my room for two weeks so I wouldn't have any free time until I was no longer a suicide risk. Then I had to fly out of state for a month to get ECT and I woke up from the tenth session screaming that I had been awake the whole time (I probably hallucinated that I did, I don't remember anything). Then some friends from high school reconnected with me and we became criminal druggies, drinking vodka and doing MDMA and committing petty crimes for the heck of it, like throwing rocks at parked cars and stuff.
Then I got better. Just like that. After 10 years of a downward spiral, I just started losing weight, got a job, went to a college, and graduated 4 years later with a 4.0. Then I moved out of state and started a brand new life in a new town, and I saved just enough money from my entry-level white-collar job to budget for my first vacation abroad.
Sometimes there's no reason for being depressed and the reasons for your recovery can be just as arbitrary. It's like serving a prison sentence for a crime you never committed and then one day you find out that you've been pardoned. The whole process is irrational and it can only be endured. But enduring is the best thing you can ever do to yourself. One day you will be so happy that you never gave up.
Personally I fast until 2 PM, keep up a gym routine with goals, follow it with a cold shower, eat one healthy meal and some vitamins (multi A-K with iron, mag/zinc/omega-3-6-9/potassium)
I usually smoke a little weed after I get back from the gym and before I take a shower. Its nice. I'm on a break from the grass for awhile to see how it goes without it.
cringe, being depressed is like a dip on a chart, you either come through it as a better man or it swallows you and you have to kill yourself
Have an 18 year old asian girl sit on your face twice a week. If that doesn't bring you joy then it's time to off yourself. Remember to livestream it and subscribe to pewdiepie.
lifting weights consistently, remember to set goals and eat enough protein to build new muscle after the old tears
life is fucking suffering
fuck everything
800% gains
Try 5htp user, it's natural and It works better than antidepressants....also it's cheap af on eBay. Only problem is it works for like 3 moths and than you get immune...but still your break your depressive thought processes for 3 months and aquire new thought patterns which in the end if you persist enough remain with you. Seriously give it a try, you have nothing to lose
White kratom and phenibute HCL with Kava or White Willow's Bark.
fecal transplant, same for iq height and aids resistance
You can't, even happy pills turn you into a husk.
getting some of this
thanks user
Eat red meat. Im not even jokeing. Bacon, eggs, high fat milk, cheese, red meat
Look up carnivore diet.
One of few reason why vegans and vegetarians are overly depressed.
Reason why this works is because when you feed your body the right diet, you fix your hormon balance.
>get ECT
Maybe this was the cure after all?
Youre welcome man, most people say It also helps them sleep so they take it at bedtime....for me It was the opposite and It made me pretty hyper. For me the best way to take It was in the morning with carbs (with breakfast) and green tea. Green tee really seamed to maximize the effect. Also i bought the 200mg pills and after a few days i noticed It was too much (i was too happy, It was almost violent) so i tried 100mg a day but wasnt satisfied so i went with 200mg every 2 is really individual so be sure to experiment what best suits you.
I gave It to like 8 different persons and 7 of them were amazed....good luck user.
...also be sure to not mix It with antidepressants or MAOIs
Exercise, proper diet, finding meaning in your life, and not falling for substance abuse. You won't do any of this though and end up a crybaby alcoholic or something that blames everything but himself for his problems.
This is cope. If you have low t there is nothing wrong with supplementing what you are missing.
Could have been. I didn't notice anything was changing until a few months passed.
LSD cures "physical" depression, existencial depression cannot be cured unless you got money tho
You mean 5DMT?
10ccs of money, directly into the bloodstream
Subscribe to pewdiepie
Try and do one productive thing a day, could be as simple as clean your room, do the dishes, wash clothes ect. Do something youve been putting off for a while.
Then do another thing.
All of a sudden it snowballs
Lay off alcohol for a bit, and try and eat some decent food.
Realize it's a meme and move on with your life.
This actually helps me a lot.
Hard drugs.
Hard drugs usually help.
The carnivore diet. seriously look into it you wouldnt believe the shit people have been able to cure on it, everything from arthritis to depression to back pains
it defiantly cured my depression and im losing a ton of weight because im hardly ever hungry
Re-explain everything good in your life as lasting, inherent, and all-pervasive, and re-explain as much as reasonably possible that's shit in your life as external, and localized, and easy to improve slightly. Find proof of it wherever you can and argue with yourself when you notice you're not doing this. Should help.
Can someone post that fitizen AB workout image where guy got in shape using simple plan?
user with dysthymia here, how come every single one of you has depression which lasts over a couple of years? Do your doctor's not know that such a condition exists and instead they just call it depression?
Go outside in the morning, do a 90 minutes running every day.
Do combat sport. After sparring with tough guys, youi'll be happy if you're still in one piece once it's over. I am. Repeat 5-6 times a week.
That work from light to medium depression.
For strong depression, i don't have any advices.
Perhaps as it was already suggested in one of those topics, try Ayahuasca.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You didn't say shit
Nigger fuck you
friends. also clean your room pic related
I chugged wellbutrin for a few months and it didn't do shit for me. It at least gave me enough energy to get out of bed in the morning and face myself in the mirror, but it wasn't sustainable. SSRIs worked for me but they completely break my dick.
Honestly at this point I'd rather have a broken dick than these feels. I don't know if I can live this life frens.
also my room is sparkling clean, I'm prior military I know how to clean. I also was stuck working construction, I'm the fittest I've ever been in my entire life, and yet I've gotten so depressed I couldn't even get out of bed, and got fired from my shitty job. Leave your shitty peterson answers at the door please.
Chronic depressed fag here, unironically glued to bed and shit
Good to you, but what works for one doesn't always works for others, usually you have to try a lot of shit before finding the miracle drug and that's ok, as far as you don't rely ONLY on drugs. You have to change your habits, you have to become active part of the healing process.
Somewhat true, sometimes. But learning how to live with it (and what to do to avoid the worst scenarios) mitigates the severity, by definition. So another card left to play.
Depends, we're not all the same. I'm more comfortable in my "organized mess", for example.
True, exercise works. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot, it depends, but it works. Even if it looks like another nail in the coffin, it's not, your brain is tricking you. You must learn how to trick your brain instead.
Fuck you again, philosophicalfag, go fork chainlink
You're somewhat wrong. But if it's your way to cope with it and it works, good then. But remember, everyone is different and you have to find your personal way to cope with it.
This is bad thinking, should avoid it.
As said before, it depends.
Nah man, never ever overthinking if you're depressed, anything, you must balance your life instead.
Again, what works for you couldn't works for others. You have to try until you find what works the most for you and settle with it.
I myself use this quote on this shithole from times to times.
There's no point in suggesting what drug works for you.
Don't give up and search new ways, always. That's the key. If you feel defeated, then you'll become more depressed, it's a vicious circle.
Sadly true most of the times, but there are ways to somewhat fix it
Often true. But don't undervalue exercising, it's not the cure, but it helps. If you add it to other tricks then you'll feel less shit
You stop watching porn and fapping
Give yourself a purpose and start working towards it.
For example,you want a loving wife and kids.
For that you need a decent amount of income.
Start working towards it, small steps. That was just an example.
You can cure anxiety and depression im a living example. Its tough and requires what most cant pay.
You pay in pain and struggle but enough payment will cure it.
Usually becoming an extremist (not in the political sense necesarily) is the way to go.
I can go into detail but im afraid most people here do not care to read.
Excersise is number #1, eating whole foods, fresh and lots of water #2. Removing negitave people from your life and attracting positive. Get lots of nature, forrest walks, jogs, bike rides