Day 7 of NoFap + Cold Showers + Inmernet Fasting

Day 7 of NoFap + Cold Showers + Inmernet Fasting.

Im felling overpowered frens.
I literally feel like im unironically going to make it.
Im blessed.
This site is an addiction; fuck it, if you dont escape you will end up like this poor user . Will you regret spending so much time in this site in your deathbed? Think about it.

I was blind but now I see.

I oficially capitulate from this site; goodbye, has been a good riddance.

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Based, keep at it. To be blunt anons do nofap for like 3 months and normies/women will literally worship you

i am on day 78 of no fap, i have been doing cold showers and if for years but nofap is the hardest addiction i have came across

This site made me wealthy. Let me explain something about no fap

It's just like alcohol. Alcohol can be on your side, but if you have too much

it will work against you. A good timeframe for nofap is 7 to 10 days before

your test levels start to drop. You will slowly become a enuich and a pussy

Get those test levels up but the only way to maintain is to jo on shedule

or give up jo and have a gf / fwb

>monkey discovers he doesn't feel like shit if he treats his body in the manner it evolved to deal with

Congrats. Now drop soap and deodorant too and enjoy your massive testosterone gains. Protip: rubbing aluminium oxide in your pores isnt very good for you.

Well done dude. Keep it up.

I forced myself to NoFap in 2016. Within 2 months, I went from hiding in my room and playing hentai flash games to getting a job and having a 10/10 coalburner offer to suck me off.
I said no because she had a lot of STDs. It took everything in my power to do it. If I retained the weak mentality I had before I went on NoFap and fucked her, I'd probably have HPV+ a lot of other shit now.

Be strong user. Fasting is great. Certain vitamins (multis, zinc, potassium, omegas) can be really helpful depending on what deficiencies you may have. Do you have a gym routine yet?

See you tomorrow.

On day 40, I’ve been experimenting with no for about 8 years and it’s proven that when I’m deep in it, my life is shit, depression and anxiety are absurdly high. Back then I would stop and just a few days later withdrawals would hit, now years later when I stop, withdrawals come a little later. Around day 20 was fucking tough. Nofap really isn’t a joke and will change your life. This goes for people who started early and abused it. If that’s not you then disregard. Good job OP

quit cold showers. here is the redpill. and believe me, because I am bizpilled. the rule is simple


too cold showers enable a imunitary response and it's bad for your health. 20 celsius or 15 is more beneficial for you and it's definetely not hot on the skin.

Whenever I start cold showers, I start to get sick very quick. Stopped doing them after second attempt.

this vegans basedboys are retarded unhappy and never make it. they eat grains and veggies like slaves and even once a day. and do nofap like eunuchs. eat liver, man, it's unironically the same root of the word life.

i wanted to say basedboy so yboy not based this is on point instead

checked fuck SO YY bOy s

hah see you soon

see you again in a month user


i got verified by the user after me so COPE faggot

>Inmernet Fasting
you wot m8

Funfact: Sergey is 10000 days on nofap
We’re gonna make it frend


don't forget, you're here forever.

you will be back. this is where people go when they have broken the simulation. you are not there yet my fren

Really user? Because I've been here a few years now and everything's just gotten gradually worse.

thats like a fat person blaming the cake because hes fat

No add ketosis diet. Preferable carnivore

>I oficially capitulate from this site; goodbye, has been a good riddance.

English isn't your first language, is it?