Have some free time. If you have any questions i'll try to answer them for you.
Have some free time. If you have any questions i'll try to answer them for you
Other urls found in this thread:
wen moon
Will you sue craig for defamation?
When bathroom?
>True Chads hold 50%/50% 0xBTC/LINK
Who is Craig?
What do you think of OnChain Ventures and fiews.io? How relevant are they or are they literal who's? How much contact is there between team and these 3rd parties?
How much will we see adoption within 2019? When will we, the neet node operators, get a nice piece of the pie? I know the big corps will need to have a nice bit of testing before that but how much time do they really need, more than a couple of years? Could it really take until 2025 for Chainlink to take off?
Estimated price ?
Any clues on any of the larger projects, especially ETH competitors, that are in discussions with the Chainlink team?
Is corda/r3 using cl or only oraclize ?
Is there plans to integrate cl in R3?
Thanks !
How much $ per Link in 2020?
>he doesn't know
Any announcements coming up?
How many people will be running nodes? Has the estimate changed from Sergey's number of 19k? Is that number actually realistic?
Tim curry funny, post morr tim curry when you reply in this thrrad.
Based on tim currys reaction in this gif i would say we are close to mainnet
Was the trx mail fake? Is there collaboration with trx behind the scenes?
Op pls
Not sure about OnChain Ventures but Fiews.io is an interesting one. I can't really speak about any discussions but the team has communication channels open to anyone willing to contribute to the chainlink network, and it's quite common for someone to reach out.
Adoption happens at different rates. I can't foresee the future but there is an established need for these tools from corporations to government bodies. To answer your question simply, i would say before 2025.
Do you prefer Municipal or Off Brand Marmalade?
I prefer my Babushka's.
Horseshit thread. This dude knows zero.
I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise though.
Am i deluded? I have tens of thousands of united states dollars into this fat mans dreams
what about clcg and linkpool?
Thanks for the reply, I hope I don't have to wagecuck 5 more years but if it comes to that I will do it. Never letting myself get into a situation where I would be forced to sell any of my links.
Can you tell us something that Jow Forums has most likely missed and holds immense value in discussing its ins and outs?
Again, I can't speak directly on discussions, but yes those two have reached out to the team.
If you’re in the know, when $1 assblaster disciple
Dearest !xkY larp,
I am but a simple neet, with my small stack
plz give me some hope
im losin it
Me too. We are gullible retards
Not entirely sure on what Jow Forums knows or not. The way I think about it is, as the world becomes digitized and incorporates technology into daily life to assist and automate more mundane chores, the more data there is siphoned into networks that need to be able to process that information and record it into a database (blockchain) where it can be readily made available to either be audited and/or referenced at some point in time to all parties involved in that transactions.
How sure are you that LINK is going to become big? Give us a percentage.
What happened to the tron announcement?
The team understands the network effect, so why aren't they releasing mainnet asap? The first network on the scene will get all of the usage, they know that. Or are they so in bed with their big sponsors that they don't care.
Take my hand.
Very sure, but nothing is certain apart from death and taxes.
Is this trip that same shitty larger who posted bullshit about two weeks then on March 4th had nothing but even weaker larping and hoping?
Or is it a different trip? I can't keep these larpers staight
what is ur connection to the team
how many links u have
do u work in this industry
which do you think is biggest market for link: insurance derivatives law or something
I cant think of any interesting questions but thanks for the larp m8 appreciate reading these threads for the hopium
Tim Curry's first line in Home Alone 2 is:
CONCIERGE: "Yes, two at eight, Henri."
Mainnet on the 28th confirmed?
Gross. Grand Mammy's Finest is Off Brand swill you philistine.
I mean damn when this thread started I was pissed at the asinine questions wasting your time, but now I'm pissed at your asinine answers wasting my time.
Say something of value or fuck off christ
From the last thread by !xkYhOIw6wY 2 weeks ago:
Any comments on this in retrospect?
god damn i cant wait to kill all of you one by one
Man I'm all in on link but feeling the fomo for req/rlc/hot/sky/bsv
Do you ever feel fomo for other crypto projects?
What would be the most exciting thing you can tell us about, that you think we probably don't know yet?
Seconded -- what say you, non?
How often do you lurk?
can you wait till 2025? you will make more money with the next btc pump then link
Do you need an insider to answer this when Jow Forums collectively have found the billion and 2 partnerships? The blockchain industry is literally depending on Chainlink to succeed. Too many projects are relying on it and the ecosystem it created (Linkpool, fiews, CLC Group). And note that I brought up the ecosystem. How many start ups do you know have other start ups formed independently to support the platform before the product is even out? Hell, how many companies do you know accomplished this?
but if we gotta wait till 2025 for anything to happen whats the point?
>the next btc pump
I believe 1 link will be worth $10k someday, but I'm not that retarded to think that btc or crypto currencies will ever come back
YO OP u skipped my last question fren so what kind of return do you expect from staking linkies on a monthly/annual basis?
yeah i know i making a point kinda. Whats the point of holding link when the can keeps getting pushed down the road. Im starting to really thing this is a fucking scam. its been almost a year now and now 2025 is when we are going to see some real action? pls i might as well start putting my cash into my 401k.
so are you going to drop what you came to drop?or jerk us around more?
Look at it this way; if you could invest in your retirement fund, knowing fully well that if you use this method, you are guaranteed to be retired by 2025, would you?
im a fucking boomer already. its looking like it wont matter either way
so threads dead?
Maybe he's being vague because it won't matter anymore in a few days?
are you guys really this fucking stupid and helpless? this dude isnt telling us anything we dont know what the fuck is wrong with you guys holy shit
Tim Curry's bday is 4/19. Maybe pointing to mid April? Are there any events happening at around that time?
im not stupid. Its funny how the faggot took off when people started capping his posts and posting
so what happend to your free time?
The questions you keep asking surrounds main net.
So? Whats the problem
I've already answered it.
Why was it ok to talk about it before but not now?
Cmon give us some details pls
Because [redacted] is currently in stealth.
What is something new you can tell us?
can you confirm the team has people post here for marketing purposes?
Thomas absolutely posts here, user. Idk if others do as well
Boring larp. Sage
Do you think corporations like Google that currently enjoy a virtual monopoly over the curation of information will be made obsolete by Oracles?
It seems it would only be a matter of time before somebody developed a means to query the entirety of on and off chain data without going through an intermediary party.
Because you asked nicely. There's been mention of a large logistics company looking at chainlink.
Amazing how anons still don't understand. Chainlink is not an oracle, it will be a decentralized network of oracles. Google will simply be one of the thousands of information providers.
>There's been mention of a large logistics company looking at chainlink.
Is this what we've been reduced to? Ambrosus tier bs?
Haven't logged on this faggy board for months. Who's OP? Sergey himself?
I am TIRED of LARPS fucking with you all. SWIFT will announce they are using a custom oracle to settle on CORDA powered by CHAINLINK. now CHAINLINK will be USED by MICROSOFT, FACEBOOK, ORACLE, DOCUSIGN, SALESFORCE, ETC. this is true and this is why they’ve been silent.
if this was sergey i would sell all my link
Sweet, no new info, no clues on mainnet, nothing
We already know they’re the de facto standard but at this point facebook, mck, microsoft and amazon could announce partnerships and nothing would change
When mainnet? My balls are so fucking blue with this hold
>t block 478
Just hang on, it literally happens this year. Sergey has been doing serious work behind the scenes and chainlink mainnet will drop with actual usage.
Logistics like FedEx or UPS?
What would be the smartcontract use case for Such a large logistics company?
pls gib more info
>What is something that you see frequently ignored or misexplained about the project?
This is why it's going to be hard to gain adoption. Even half the fags on this board don't even understand what it is. Imagine explaining this to some mid level manager who has to pass this on to his boss and explain to him why they should set up a node to sell their API data. Kek.
Why iexec is a worse option compared to chainlink in the short term considering adoption will be in 2025
What a waste of fucking life biz
is anymore. Fuck this place. Even the larps aren't even fun or entertaining anymore.
Why are people treating OP like he's Sergey or a member of the team? What proof is there? It's just another larp
I didn’t even mention chainlink let alone characterize it as an oracle.
Your reading comprehension leaves a but to be desired, fren.
As I was saying, if Google is merely one of thasands of information providers among a decentralized network, it stands to reason that one will soon be able to circumvent using third party search engines to query all existent on and off chain data, no?
If not, explain.
Does Sergey have a gf or bf? Asking for a friend
>Life After Google
literally the name of the book
>discussing chainlink with a mid level manager
Even if the trisomy 21 victim ever figures a fraction of it out he'll realize we are coming after his job.