all you Grin brainlets who told me that bitgrin is a scam and called me a idiot
Im up 6x so far
grin is down 80% last month
next time listen to smarter people
all you Grin brainlets who told me that bitgrin is a scam and called me a idiot
Im up 6x so far
grin is down 80% last month
next time listen to smarter people
just bought 100k grim
>100 years
Well bought grin at 10$, no moon in sight yet - didnt knew the supply is infinite. -_-
nice doing business with you sir
Go buy
like instead of the superior fork with a GUI wallet and more responsive team and better goals
How many they create a day? Does it get harder to mine?
please consider offing yourself
if you are in this space and don't intimately know MW, which will replace all nakamoto blockchain models
this thread is for smart people who already know that and are looking for the MW coin
which is bitgrin
Why do I need a mimblewimble scamcoin when wasabi wallet does mimblewimble with my bitcones already? I bet you never heard of mw before these scamcoins
MimbleWimble is a scam don't listen to these pajeets
You don't know what MW is
get out of my thread
I know scams come up with smart sounding acronyms to sell their snake oil all the time, I'm sure MimbleWimbles will be no different. Good luck with your ponzi scheme fren.
If you seriously don't know what MW is, after its been dropped user by a satoshi like figure few years ago.
You will never make it
go buy some tokens
I'll keep my money in stocks and bonds thanks. What baseball cards are you invested in?
imagine buying something called GRIN for more than $0.01 cents
The hodl meme is dead, buy the dumps and sell the pumps
Brb making bitcoin2 coin so you buy it for 10$
Plenty of people like you who sold btc at 10cents or 6$ because of your attitude and never bought back since they were wrong
what you actually do is find the one in a million project and hold it for years
MW is the first thing like that ever since Ethereum
So this is the Harry Potter coin...thanks for the informative replies. Really shows how smart you are.
Its the first actually private blockchain
No public addresses, No amounts, all while remaining more scalable than BTC
Everything gets blinded in a very complicated math with zeroknowledge proofs, blinding factors, schnorr challenges, rangeproofs
And no its not just some whitepaper with promises, its actually live and working right now.
funny I was reading about MW the other day
so what is the roadmap for this?
depends on the implementation
but the best thing on the roadmap is UTXO pruning
I'm just confused about the tokenomics desu. Did they create a wallet yet that is good?
Bitgrin did ( Grin fork with bitcoin economics)
they made a gui wallet
how is it the first private blockchain when we've had monero for years
Mimblewimble is the tech Monero, Zcash etc wish they invented but were too close to Bitcoin to come up with anything original.
2 years in the making and it's arguably a top 5 innovation in this space since Bitcoin itself, and could easily be #1 or #2 when it matures.
I admire Grin for trying to be even more different still with their inflationary economics but that's gonna be a no from me when it comes to investing.
Will throw 1 or 2 BTC at Bitgrin and see what happens.
Derojeet here
dero >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> every other shitcoin
buy dero instead
Because Monero is built on BTC, and just adds a (what a lot of mathematicians think is trackable) "privacy cloud"
MW is a completely different and radical way to do privacy
Monero in't 'built on BTC' you mong, It's one of the cryptonote coins forked off bytecoin.
everything is built off etc
"privacy cloud"
"built on BTC"
omfg im suprised more arent taking your bait just for the lulz
You don't know what you're talking about
Like said, everything is built on btc
Doesn't matter if it was forked from an altcoin that was forked from BTC
Ok, let's say that XMR is "dead", now the question is grin or beam ?? one with unlimited supply and the other with jew tax
Lol you're retarded.
Where can you buy it?