Whale here, I'm about to dump a few thousand coins on Binance, BFX, and GDAX
fuck off fag
so be it, enjoy 3750
dont get my hopes up
Are you buying BAT?
fuck off fag
what did u have for dinner?
no I was given a few million, dumped them on Coinbase listing
I haven't eaten, I will eat later
what are u gonna eat?
Krill, probably.
I miss the days when the market could absorb 1000+ btc sell offs
when the order book is ready, I'm not going to fuck anyone over. Nice whale here
do your parents know they raised a liar?
Thats legit. Thanks man. And why are you selling?
I can't help you.
I'm buying a new house :)
Nice. That was a fun ride down lmao
Good for you dude, that's a big step. You made it.
thank you,
and congrats. Home ownership is awesome.
anything to make the wife happy I guess.
sometimes I wonder why I haven't completely cashed out desu
>given a few million
Nothing is free user, larp confirmed.
bat is basically free if you agree to shill it
I'm going to start placing market sells for $100k, like I said not trying to move price here, but I hope I have the patience for this market
How many dicks in your mouth did it take to realise you were a faggot?
idk, for some reason I believe him. And I'm a BAT maximalist obviously. Either way he made a couple 100k if he did. Can't be mad at someone for that.
are you going to short it before you dump? Seems like a decent way to make some guaranteed profit
> who me
This guy's about to have a bad day if no larp
nah, that's cool man. We close on Friday, and I need the money by then. I wish I had more time to wait for more liquidity.
Hey it is what it is. Good luck with the closing!
USELESS meme lines.
I also agree. This is probably one of the most manipulated markets in history. Trying to fit TA to it is almost useless when the big players still have the pull that they do.
I think the meme lines would probably work if it was just computers trading, but you're right the human element fucks everything up.
No one knows what the hell is going on right now, there's at least two large whales that recently tried to force the market out of this range, and they couldn't do it. Just not enough buyers to sustain anything.
I think the most depressing part (for me at least) is seeing all the milestones we passed in 2016-17 get undone.
Ya I left long ago. Got my first wallet in early 2011 and remember doing a bit of CPU mining and hitting up faucets. It could've been great. Now its just another instrument to suck money out of people who don't know any better yet. Its seriously a shame.
>whale here
>12 posts by this ID
even if you were a whale (you're not, no signed message from btc address with the coins), the bots would just dilute your sale by making an auto buy wall adjusting to your order
the only thing that would actually manipulate the price would be something orchestrated with the bots
Bumping for more whalechat
And thats clearly fine with him. He's cashing out to buy a house so it actually works in his favor....