Hello frens, just want to make a public service announcement to you degenerates that this will overtake XRP's marketcap within 24 hours. Ripplers BTFO
Hello frens...
Other urls found in this thread:
Not in either because I wasn't a ripple person from the beginning. But holy shit. How the fuck are XRP hodlers not killing themselves? It baffles me it still has a higher mcap than XLM.
Seriously, no one is going to use XRP token for anything. XLM has actual usage. Everyone knows it. Are all XRP hodlers just low IQ niggers?
>20 threads a day about which might be the next x10 coin
>miss out on the actual future of payments and SWIFT because muh funfair and muh turtlecoin
some people just like being poor I guess.
yes because what this bear market needed was 6 more fucking stablecoins
IBM World Wire and it's collaboration and use of the Stellar network is the bigger news in crypto ever. This is actually a trillion dollar use case, and is legitimizing the use of a blockchain.
This, how do people think that tokens pegged to fiat push XLM's price?
thats cute, but ethereum already owns the stablecoin market, and stellar itself is not a true decentralized network, having unfixable flaws in its consensus model.
What this market needs is an actual use case. Alhough World Wire does not mandate transfers using stellar lumens, network protocols are still on the stellar network and charges will be in XLM and the option to use XLM as a form of currency alone is a MASSIVE step forward for adoption.
shhhhh. let him dream. somebody needs to hold till the bottom
Any shitcoin or russian pedophile can make a "stable coin"on a block chain, but Stellar and IBM are actually out there to build a network that utilizes this technology. The actual adoption by building a consortium of actual users is a development in crypto second to none.
Swift did something similar by building a consortium of banks to use their protocol to displace Telex. This is IBM World Wire displacing Swift in motion.
Is this real? Can somebody verify this?
>XRP claiming partnerships for years
>Banks are using xrp, trust us
>XRP price only going down
Thus proving banks in NO way buying or using this dumb fucking discord MIGA tranny coin
if it 10X it would almost make my portfolio break even
I really do hope "this kills the XRP" that coin is sketchy af
you've just said a whole lot of words that don't mean anything. the point is stellar isn't suitable for centralized or decentralized purposes. you'll find out sooner or later.
You haven't explained anything either, unless you'd care to show your reasoning behind this?
That retard can't. ignore the discord tranny.
XRP third in the table It is a stable coin and many companies are using it and have proper real time value!!!!
Lmao XLM is a centralised scam.
IBM is can shut the network down at any time Lmao.
They even state that they have power over the stellar network LMAO LMAO LMAO
Lund also pointed out that IBM is “the single most trusted validator on the public Stellar network today,” meaning many other nodes listen to its nodes about which transactions should occur.
“Look at the Stellar dashboard and see the IBM validators out there,” said Lund. “There’s a lot of others, but everyone trusts us. So in the consensus model, we are kind of a big anchor there.”
Make India Great Again?
Was it ever?
Kek fuck ripplers
IBM is behind most of todays banking software. stfu retard
Isreal you dirty pajeet
It is still so surreal to me that XLM is on coinbase now, because I waited for it for so long. But now, here it is, and you niggers are still shilling.
Honest question op, where do you see stellar by the end of 2019?
by charges, are you talking about transaction fees? you know how much that costs on the stellar network? just a slight bit more than nothing.
most of today's banking software is 30 years old and held together by greying neckbeards
What all you dumb faggots need to understand is that some coins are not necessarily good cryptos, but they are still good investments. Some coins are good cryptos but bad investments. An example of the latter is Grin, which has a good protocol but retarded hyper inflation. Stellar is an example of the former. Yes, it's not truly decentralized and lacks node incentives, but if you idiot do not understand the implications of IBM powering it's global banking network with Stellar, you deserve to be poor. It doesn't matter if stellar has true ETH level decentralization. Banks will trust IBM nodes anyway, who have no reason to act fraudulently because it's their entire business model. Boomer bankers aren't going to use some autistic zoomer platform, as much as we want them to. They are going to use the old tried and true brick and mortar source they already trust. Ripple is finished, worldwire will prevail and Stellar will increase in price dramatically, even though it is not a great crypto.
Look at all these delusional porch monkeys
anyone can argue the point that Stellar is good or not but this sums up the crypto/banking situation accurately. If you aren't all in on Stellar you deserve to stay poor
>he doesn’t know how FBA works
>he’s not apart of Chads quorum slice
We have two options here.
Either A) user is fudding his own coin to accumulate or B) user is not white and has sub 90 IQ
Hey fren :)
IBM world wire is a platform for any currency to be used for a transaction that ultimately is the most efficient :)
IBM world wire is agnostic. They’re not only supporting XLM. That’s an objectively false statement. The most liquid and efficient coin from destination A to B will be used :)
Unless this is the beginning of XLM liquidity and more pairings, this is good news for IBM stock holders. Not bad news for XLM, but not really good news unless XLM has consistently more liquidity than XRP at any given time which historically has never once been true.
We’ll see :)
Holy shit - great way to put it
Yeah, stellar is faux decentralized but it's a solid bet. If you're a purist that can't get over that it isn't 'og crypto vision' then you deserve to stay poor.
I don’t own XLM, but i am not a tribalist monkey and would buy if the time is right.
News like this is only important for XLM if it leads to greater liquidity. XRP has literally historically had 3-4x the liquidity as XLM at any given time.
Ignoring this while in the business of investing in coins targeting cross border payments demonstrates massive ignorance of the subject. There is nothing more important than liquidity. Sure the past 24 hours has lead to an increase, as does any piece of positive news for any coin. Come back tomorrow and see what the volume is. If it goes back down to ranges from last week i’d be worried.
IBM world wire is similiar to R3 Corda. They’re both platforms for institutuons to leverage blockchain technology to send payments in the most cost efficient manner possible.
The coin ultimately being used is going to be the most liquid coin. IBM stated themselves they’re not a bank. So the clients actually using their platform are the ones who are going to affect coin prices from which one they end up using in the backend. To think that because IBM has a deal with Stellar will lead to every transaction on IBM world wire being powered by XLM is objectively false. It would be the case if XLM has the most liquidity and pairings compared to any other coin. Currently, it is behind XRP. Perhaps this will change, but if you take this news as a golden ticket to the chocolate factory for XLM holders, you’re going to be mistaked. It could be if this sparks liquidity increases that lead to levels consistently higher than XRP.
Watch it closely buddy. Don’t draw conclusions from false presumptions.
I've been invested long term in XLM for a while now. I will periodically buy more when you get a few extra bucks. I still don't think XLM will be the next BTC, but I expect it to eventually get to maybe $2.00, which is fine by me. If it goes higher than so be it, but even if it gets to the 0.40 range, I'm still profiting.
I agree with what you said, but you should look up Federated Byzantine Agreement, it's the consensus mechanism that Stellar uses and it is in fact decentralized
just because IBM has validators in the network does not mean they have any control over the consensus
You forget about the other projects? From December 2018?
I’m not here to shit on XLM or anybody who decides to invest in it. There is room for both XRP and XLM to prosper.
But the fundamentals about which coin will make any transaction the most efficient all come down to how liquid that coin is.
News like this doesn’t generate sustainable liqudity increases. I bet you my entire XRP stack by Friday it will be close to last weeks volume levels.
IBM world wire is agnostic. Any coin can be used for the processing of any payment. This is important because it allows us to predict the ones that will be used. The most liquid coin for a corrididor. A corridor being USD to peso for example. A bank isn’t going to use XLM for the sake of the XLM bag holders if it isn’t the most liquid in any corridor. They’re in the business of being the most efficient.
My point is:
Liquidity is the most important.
XRP has more liquidity currently.
This news isn’t necessarrily the golden ticket for XLM holders, but in fact, could lead to increased adoption for XRP because its currently possible to use XRP on IBM world wire.
Be informed and watch both XRP and XLM developments closely. This is by no means the golden ticket. This is only a sure increase for IBM stock holders. Not a sure increase for XLM bag holders
Sure, thats a fair assessment.
It’s important to think of what variables changing would lead to that $2.00 price you’re thinking of, or else you’re essentially gamblimg. In the case of utility currently XRP is more efficient in the case of Utility, because its more liquid. However, this may not remain true forever. If XLM appears to win the liquidity battle Ill be trading my XRP for XLM.
There is room for both XRP and XLM to prosper.
Best of luck to you, and if you want to be informed about the future of cross border payments, certainly watch developments of both XRP and XLM closely.
Fucking clueless ripple shills. Yes when settling it will take the path of least resistance and therefore use the most liquid pair. ON THE STELLAR NETWORK. While XRP can be anchored and traded on the Stellar DEX that doesn't mean it has no volume it does on other exchanges. Who is trading XRP on the SDEX? Nae cunt meaning no liquidity. The only trustless asset is XLM meaning that it will be the most liquid pair 99% of the time. Why even mention XRP, if it was all about volume then everything would be settled in BTC. But you are clearly a XRP shill on suicide watch.
I'll keep that in mind. Thanks fren.
The way tech like IBM world wire is supposed to work is to allow every corridor or pairing to have the most efficient coin to back a payment at that specific time.
For example. At 12:01 PM a transaction is triggered for sending USD to Mexico. At the time of 12:01 the most liquid coin in that corridor is XRP. XRP will run the backend and power that payment. But maybe at 12:02 another transaction from USD to Mexican peso is made. This time XLM is the most liquid. This can be the result of the supply/demand changes of the exchanges for both currencies. This type of technology by far is the most effective for cross border payments because it is maximizing efficiency by swapping around to whatever the most liquid coin is in any corridor at any given time.
The problem arises for some currency holders when one consistently is more liquid than others in every corridor. This snowballs the big currency into maintaining great power. If XRP and XLM are consistently really close in volumes across all corridors this is great. If one is consistently more liquid than the other than this is not good for less liquid one, because it will be crowded out and never used for utility purposes because it simply can’t be the most efficient :)
Watch closely fellas
No one is believing this fake conversation. Please refer to
Lol, we both know why bitcoin isn’t used for transactions because its PoW and non scalable.
You can think whatever you want random biz dweller, but the way you’re thinking about this is going to lead to losses ):
I don’t care about if its traded on the stellar network. If what your describing is true, there should be significant XLM liquidity increases. I never denied that possibility, but here comes the raging autist using profanity for no reason. Current volume amount takes what your saying into account. Even after this variable is accounted for, and it is still less liquid, its not going to be used to power payments compared to the most liquid coin.
I also stated i am not a tribalistic monkey like you seem to be acting as. If XLM consistently demonstrates more liquditiy for corridors than XRP you bet your ass i am gonna buy it. Right now, from this news? No. I can buy XLM instantly at any time. Im not letting tribalism get in the way of objective analysis of investing. Good luck.
ahahahaha delusional xlm bagholders
thats why there were multiple delistings in the past 2 weeks of xlm's most liquid pairs ?? ahahah yea stellar shillers are fucking autistic fr
Lmao, fake converstation? You think i am trying to shill on biz to people with lunch money investment funds? I don’t give a fuck about what you or anyone else here buys. Go buy XLM. I am giving my analysis and to help inform those who may not have the best understanding, so they don’t lose money. Pretty simple.
If you didn't know, The SDEX is set to automatically path through up to 6(?) Pairs to find the best exchange rates, tx speed, etc. All assets will have an XLM trading pair, meaning you can trade any asset to any asset without there needing be a pair, as it will automatically transact using stellar as an intermediary.
What you don't seem to understand is that World Wire is not agnostic in the sense that it can pull from every order book from every exchange to get the most liquid pair, no one can do this yet. It uses THE STELLAR NETWORK, meaning only coins anchored on the STELLAR DEX. In which XRP has none of the volume it does on other exchanges. Meaning that XLM, the only trust less asset, is going to be the most liquid most of the time. This is not hard to understand.
This gentleman is referring to this:
Again this wasn't on the SDEX that is used by the World Wire. This is on Stronghold exchange and has literally no bearing on the liquidy paths that World Wire will use, obviously XLM is going to be the most liquid asset on ITS OWN NETWORK.
this is on stronghold's exchange which has nothing to do with the stellar dex
Great, we’ll see what happens. Again, never said this wasn’t a possiblity. IBM world wire will support XRP usage. Whether this is signifcant or not, time will tell But again, R3 Corda Settler is the same exact tech as IBM world wire.
They’re using XRP right now, and adding more support as time goes along.
With monkey brain analysis i could start a new threat saying “XRP $589! R3 Corda settling global payments for its clients using XRP!!”
IBM world wire isn’t the first of its kind.
Stop being a tribalistic monkey. My position is based on current market sentiment. I never once denied the possiblity of the sentiment changing to favor XLM. But XRP RIGHT NOW is favored. Good thing i can instantly change my positions if the time comes :)
No this is just straight misinformation. World Wire DOES NOT use XRP. It uses anchors on the Stellar Network, of which XRP is one of, but it does not instantly gain the volume of the actual XRP token. You are clearly not taking in what I am saying nor disputing it. So you are either fudding with the facade of being friendly and helpful or are just horribly misinformed.
Even if its using Stellar’s network, its important to understand that alternatives exist to IBM world wire. Compeitition is good. But it makes it harder for us to figure out which will win in the long run. When the volumes of XLM start going up Consistently as a result of powering transactions, ill swap.This is what volume is. It doesn’t matter if IBM world wire uses Stellar network, if it happens to be less efficient than say tech like R3 Corda settler, Economic theory tells us banks will use the most efficient one. If its really close, we’ll see market share like iphones and androids. They both exist. They both prosper. This is certainly not a case of one coin takes all. Taking this type of news as the golden ticket for any coin is incredibly misinformed. You gotta watch the developments of both XRP and XLM. The volume number literally captures these stellar network pairings as a result of IBM world wire working, and even after that is established, and it still isn’t more liquid than the alternatives, you’re gonna have a bad time.
Ah, you’re right. I watched a video on twitter last night of IBM’s Jesse Lund saying “its possible”. Economic theory tells us when “its possible” will actually turn into “its happening” Lemme find that for you.
What are you referring to by "it's possible"? What is?
You can stop now, anyone who has read my replys now knows that you either don't know what you are talking about or are fudding. You are clearly just throwing misinformation into the wind trying to confuse people. Now you've been called out you've not refuted any of my points and have moved the goalposts.
This entirely backs up my initial points. This is IBM's Jesse Lund stating that World Wire "COULD" use XRP at any given time for settlement. :)
Yes, it is agnostic. Here is IBM's Jesse Lund discussing how it "COULD" use XRP at any given time.
Is this FUD?
IBM's Jesse Lund stating how World Wire "COULD" use XRP?
I am trying to inform those who are uninformed, and when you come at me stating as a fact World Wire will not use XRP, and here is direct evidence going against your claim, you appear to be the fudster. :)
why would they when they can just use the native asset which is far more liquid?
I see what you mean now but they are still talking in the contex of anchored pairs on Stellar. They say XRP or BTC for examples in that vid and obviously BTC would have to be anchored for speed.
Well, liquidity is a number that is very easy to determine. So sure, maybe they'll never need to use XRP because every case for World Wire XRP is not the most efficient way of doing business. But maybe XRP for some corridor happens to be the most liquid, for whatever reason. liquidity is whatever cash is available, and that arrow can swap between XRP and XLM all day, who knows. There is more in the ecosystem than just IBM world wire, or R3 Corda settler. the liquidity is retail investors, speculators, market markets, market takers, etc. This one big magic number is the result of many variables constantly changing. at one instance it may favor XLM, or in another it may favor XRP. My point is, World Wire could use XRP. Even with World wire supporting Stellar network, I also point out that R3 Corda Settler exists. This is essentially the same service as World Wire. We're beginning to see competition in this market. I see R3 Corda settler supporting XLM, along with World Wire supporting XRP.
I know you folks are steadfast on the Stellar network powering IBM World Wire, and I concede that is a favorable thing. But again, competition exists. If IBM World Wire is for whatever reason not as effective as other solutions, economic theory tells us it won't be used. Again, I see a future where we have multiple big players. I doubt XRP will take the entire market. I doubt XLM will take the entire market. They're both going to coexist. Like Iphones and Androids. They both have their own customers and relationships they're bringing on their side. I see success in both projects.
Right it can use XRP, or any other asset. The point is XLM is the only trustless asset on the network and the native pairing. I suppose it is possible that it would use XRP, it just makes a lot less sense.
imagine trying this hard lmao
Sure, i can see a situation where IBM World Wire never uses XRP for whatever reason. But IBM doesn't have relationships with every company in every country on this planet. R3 Corda settler (which is using XRP) might have relationships with companies and banks that IBM doesn't.
This thread was created with the notion that this news is the golden ticket for all XLM holders, and that XRP is now worthless as result of IBM world wire. This is objectively false.
imagine having an informed opinion about anything
But you were so very uninformed from the start. Your point now is that XRP and World Wire will service different banks. No shit. Go look at your first few comments where you clearly don't understand how this works.
You said it's all about liquidity right. Obviously there will be competition between services but why if a bank chose World Wire would they then use the less liquid XRP anchor instead of just going with XRP in the first place.
again, this is if the scenario plays out to best support your vision. This being whether or not XLM or XRP is the provides the most liquidity for any bank at any given time.
My initial points cite the fact that currently, XRP is consisently 2-4x more liquid than XLM. If this remains true, XLM won't be used. economic theory tell us that hey even if IBM world wire exists and provides settlement for transactions powered by blockchain, and that XLM is STILL LESS LIQUID, BECAUSE OTHER OPTIONS EXIST THAT ARE MORE LIQUID THE MARKET WILL FAVOR THOSE WHO ARE MORE LIQUID.
I bet you not once in past 8 years has XLM had more liquidity than XRP. This is why I am positioned in XRP. Talk is cheap. I don't give a fuck about IBM world wire being powered by Stellar network, if this solution is not as effective as another one that is powered by XRP. If the market continues its current trend, XRP will continue to remain more liquid. It will continue to as a whole be more efficient. Now will the past predict the future? perhaps not.
I literally said over and over that if this jump starts additional liquidity in the XLM ecosystem, ill eat my hat, and i'm swapping. Remember, It won't be hard to swap between IBM world wire or R3 Corda. One will be more efficient than the other. Currently, the one supporting XRP is objectively more efficient because liquidity is what matters, and we can both instantly read the statistics proving XRP is more liquid. Keep refreshing that CMC page. If you see tomorrow the XLM volumes start going down again and you're back to square one, and you see XRP still significantly more liquid than XLM, perhaps you will re-evaluate having your entire fund devoted to the less liquid coin in an increasingly competitive market where only the most liquid coin will survive.
Good luck, its been fun. no need to bother replying, I gotta go take care of stuff so I won't be back to reply to you anyway. This news isn't the silver bullet for killing XRP.
ill reply to you before i leave because i can see you're worth informing.
Economic theory tells us: Option A ( IBM World wire) or Option B (R3 COrda settler) or perhaps later on Option C, D, E, etc.
These banks who ultimately pick one of the options, are going to want the best option. If one powered by XLM is more liquid than the alternative, they'll pick IBM World wire. If XRP is more liquid than XLM, they'll pick R3 Corda. A vast majority of clients have likely not decided. And if they do decided, they can swap at any time if they see fit. You're wrong to assume that because this option exists, it will have usage. Wrong. If IBM World Wire provides less efficiency as R3 Corda, people will use R3 Corda that leverages XRP. No body wants to willingly have inefficient transactions when the guy next store has better rates. They don't give a fuck about bringing value to XLM. They give a fuck about providing the best service for their customers.
My main point is that currently, XLM is not the most efficient. This is because it has historically been 2-4x smaller in volume than XRP, every day, since inception.
If this trends remains, and tomorrow XLM volumes start going down after an unsustainable pump, and XRP remains much higher tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, to think that just because this option exists it will have usage, is objectively incorrect. XLM has less liquidity than XRP. this means any XLM powered solution (IBM World Wire) has less efficiency and any XRP powered solution. Right now, XRP is the most liquid. If this changes, I'll be like you and hold XLM. If it doesn't ever change, to hold XLM in this case of cross border payments is objectively the incorrect thing to do.
Good luck, im outta here. Hope i've helped provide some clarity these other folks seem to not understand.