what went wrong? this coin is scarce, only 6 million circulating and has the most fiat gateway acceptance for any 'privacy coin' and seems to be supported by (((them))) yet it has done nothing but bleed in sat value since inception. even during the huge alt boom in january 2018 this went nowhere. except for some reason in summer 2017 it pumped a little against btc
I'm not sure but this seems like a buy signal.
>only 6 million circulating
what is the total supply or is there a cap ??
I've been watching it for months expecting it to break out. It never does.
ZEC is the deepest rabbit hole in crypto except for SingularityNet
>ZEC is the deepest rabbit hole in crypto
Care to elaborate or at least give a hint?
Basically someone could have hacked it and printed and infinite amount of ZEC but you'll never know since it's a private coin.
Look into who is involved in each project and what they have been doing for the last 20+ years. Look into why some think that these two projects have already been "chosen" to succeed.
in other words. buy a few dosen ZEC if you wanna make it.
there are an infinite number of altcoins out there.
alts aren't scarce.
I didn't want to just straight up put it that way, however, yes you should have some as you should have bought BTC when you found out first time about it. It is on almost all the major fiat gateways for some reason...
Can someone spoonfeed me just one bit of insight. I really like ZEC, but why should I get it over ETH that also has zk-snarks?
Only had 9 of these but hoping to flip some shitcoins for more
I didn't save it but there was an "insider user" (so, make of it what you will) making some interesting claims about ZEC and it's future. Someone may have capped it.
Anyone have this info?
I remember the user saying JPMorgan was stockpiling silver because ZEC was supposed to be backed by silver and all the elites were going to make ZEC the new bitcoin in 2020. Its backdoored and supported by Coinbase/Gemini so it kinda made sense. I really fucking wish ETH would get off their ass and create their decentralized super computer concept to break humanity free, but knowing VitaLICKSPENIS, he'd have a Commi breakdown and destroy the project if the right wing were able to use it.
Insane inflation and the fact the founders get 20% of the coins to dump on a daily basis, it is going to stay at the bottom of the river until most coins are mined out.
>but you'll never know since it's a private coin.
falling for the privacy coin meme hehehe
this was pretty much the qrd
bro > insane inflation
there's only 21m coins.
xrps 61 billion still not circulating, and no one knowing when they will start circulating how thats insane inflation.
to add to that, the self funding properties of this chain are a pro, not a negative. unlike Blockstream bitcoin where the there is no self funding mechanism. those things get infiltrated and taken over.
Agreed, it's rare ultimately, but until we hit a few halvings it will be awhile to curb the number of coins being minted everyday. Also XRP's marketcap is a fugazzi as most coins are owned by Ripple.
except for fucking chainlink and not some retarded singularitynet
I'm personally buying Dash and ZEC as if it was Bitcoin. I think BTC legacy has failed. I was in the BCH camp for a while but then they went splitting once again and I have had it with any Bitcoin name clamer. Now very comfy in Dash and have a stack in ZEC. for ETH I have KMD instead. I think both ETH and BTC failed.
The absolute state of this post
You were ultimately conned into bch, and you’re shilling Komodo over eth?
You absolute pajeet cunt, you are never going to make it and you’ve made me market sell my remaining zec
PoS is a YUGE update. It's been like 2 years in the making already. Just give it time.
The absolute state of zec bagholders
Kys now
Thanks user. There are powerful forces behind ZEC no doubt. I thought the post would have been along these lines.
>and you’re shilling Komodo over eth?
lmao many dapps are laeving ETH for KMD.
cryptokitties wouldn't clog the entire network like how it does on ETH. Still having the most faith in ETH at the state its currently in only shows how little you actually know about anything of this.
if you still believe in Blockstream BTC lightning network you are the most delusional retard ever.
>ASSuming I am "bagholder"
>KYS now
We found the kmd pajeet bag holder
Muh tps, oh fuck off
If you honestly think eth has scaling issues that aren’t solved, whilst thinking a pajeet scam like kmd fixes this in 2019 you are absolutely clueless
Cunts like you need to disappear for capitulation to properly happen
Course you are, read your absolute blatant shill rabbit hole theories which stink of pajeet from a mile away
‘I didn't want to just straight up put it that way, however, yes you should have some as you should have bought BTC when you found out first time about it. It is on almost all the major fiat gateways for some reason...’
Zec bagholders are some of the most desperate out there it’s embarrassing
Imagine thinking you were going to make it with zec
Name ONE decent project running on kmd that isn’t a pajeet scam?
oh look a "why is zcash shit" thread
obligatory pic related
imagine actually creating a privacy coin and then saying it can be traced so criminals wont use it zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
kek. imagine being such a brainlet that you still hold this coin after that tweet. ztrash offers nothing unique and never will
ZEC, ETH, and KMD will be top 5
Excuse me, what?
This is the definition of a shit coin well disguised.
My God.
>6 million circulating
Nope, the actual total supply it's unknown.
That's how ZEC works.
>Its backdoored
Nope, that was the (terrible) idea, the actual implementation is safe
ZECs inflation rate is the highest in crypto. There are too many coins flooding the market from miners.
Just bought a bag
Been on the fence for far too long and finally pulled the trigger
I know it’s stupid to buy during a pump and I’ll regret it short term but I’ve been saying I want to buy for the longest time and never did
TWO COINS are mainly used on the DN markets
Do the math faggots
cool it with the reddit spacing dweeb, obnoxious to look at while scrolling the thread
>optional privacy