I am pro SV

I am pro SV.

The thing to understand is that this isn't really just about Craig. This is about you, this is about me, this is about our beliefs. This is about the structure of reality itself.

Our reality has literally split into multiple parallel time tracks (movies) that are simultaneously occurring. You see this in politics with how polarized it has gotten and how people can't seem to make up their minds about whether a particular person or group is good or bad, or what story or narrative of events is the true one. The secret is, there is no real external truth to any of this, as physical reality is really just a projection in our own consciousness and will automatically reflect whatever our strongest beliefs are. As such, the way we experience reality as it unfolds as positive or negative entirely depends on what definitions and beliefs we are holding.

Bitcoin is actually a technological reflection of something bigger. The Bitcoin network is a cross section extrusion of a geometric matrix from a higher dimension into this dimension of spacetime. The original term used for the blockchain was actually the timechain and if you look at the early source code from 2008 you will see this. Bitcoin, in the form of the original design, exhibits quantum mechanical properties and as it scales it develops into a hive-mind network of artificial intelligence that hyper connects and coordinates all human activity to allow it to operate at higher frequencies, in order to assist in stabilizing our timeline and accelerating our evolution from the 3rd to the 4th "density" or frequency range of consciousness.

This is why there can be no proof. Craig is simultaneously Satoshi and a fraud, and you will see the one or the other depending on the point of view you are taking. He is whoever you say he is. With that in mind, make the choice for yourself and decide what you want to buy into. It's your projection after all.

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TFW pro SV

Attached: tfw.jpg (146x179, 21K)

What's wrong with wanting bitcoin to succeed?

Attached: big tiger.jpg (1920x1200, 594K)

what's wrong with stripping for your dad and his friends?

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that's one of the guys' daughter? if that's true it takes the image to new heights

you have my condolences sv cucks
as a sage man once said once you fork you better fork off!

condolences over what?

Attached: SV milkers.jpg (564x705, 59K)

your bags getting heavier each day until your spine snaps

i see

That means it will dip? I am waiting for one desu.

Is there anything more cucked than hating someone or something so much you kvetch about it in literally every Jow Forums bread on the subject.
Dis nigga done been

Attached: embarrassing.gif (322x178, 2.56M)

shits gonna moon when jihan and roger finish dumping tp prop bcash

your perception of causability is flawed

Funny that sounds like something Creg would say.
How about showing where his patents are fraudulent? Cite the claims and prior art properly. And before you ask no, the name of the invention or the first claim is not the whole invention.

his patents are worthless he is fraudalent
post any patent youvthink applies to an other crypro i will walk you through tomorrow first thing 2hy its bullshit!

Craig get the fuck off our board. Try Snapchat this time, faggot.

Unironically me

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How much does Craig pay to have threads like this shit up Jow Forums at all hours of the god damn day? Holy FUCK.

Omg, such language, this guy obviously has 3 phds. And 7 patents too. Guys, listen to him, he knows his shit.

Attached: hehehehe.png (356x340, 248K)

type "craig wright" and hit search.

over 700 results, you really think none of those apply to other cryptos or is it you think cryptos doesn't apply to how the real world works?

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Yeah, tell them about your PhDs now!

sorry, i don't have a single PhD to my name

Nonsense, you're very cultured, please tell us more about your cv. You have several university degrees, don't you? We all want to know more.

thank you but i only have two bachelors

Inspiring. Impressive but mostly inspiring. I hope there are more events like this around the world as the summer months draw in. To live life as a boomer must be a blessed life indeed.

You're missing the point behind my sarcasm. You need to stop sucking your own dick and take interest in others. Realise that none of us give a shit about your cv and develop some humility. That way you won't see you with your coin inevitably crashing and your twitter banned. And I'm saying this even if the coin you're trying to promote is utterly scammy. An obviously sociopathic personality is a great no-no when trying to promote something. Get smart, learn from your mistakes.

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> bitcoin SVers have trouble facing reality

Imagine my surprise.