Imagine falling for the homeowner scam and paying $19,000 per year in tax
Plus interest
Imagine falling for the homeowner scam and paying $19,000 per year in tax
Plus interest
>that siding
>That color
>Those tiny garage doors
Sucks to be a US cuck.
You should rename your text.
>Imagine falling for the homeowner scam in burgercountry and paying $19,000 per year in tax
>Plus interest
>New Jersey
There is your problem. It is mainly to trap Jew Yorkers who can't afford a house in Jew York. The houses in New Jersey is cheaper on paper, but then they rape you with property tax.
kek. my rent is less than 3x their annual tax
>pay off house
>Uncle Sam/state government raises your rent every year
>pay 1600/month for something you “own”
I'm renting forever now.
You do know that the rent you pay also includes property tax right? Higher tax directly translate to higher rent.
As to the article based federal government taking back what is theirs and stopping local/state govt from hogging their money
>tax is not the-
Not in a multi-unit property
That because multi unit property is more cost efficient in terms of taxes. So the increase per share is smaller per tenant. It is less noticeable.
A 2 unit building will not have double the taxes over a single family houses, closer to 40% more. Same with 2 unit vs 4, etc...
But of course, you live in a smaller apartment instead of owning an entire house and the land surrounding it.
well yes, obviously, in the sense that it's priced in a way that the landlord can afford property tax
>not removing the toilets from your house before the assessor arrives
>not appealing your tax and getting it cut by half for the next 3 years
Wealthlet detected.
my annual property tax is $2,100 and I live in a really nice area in a rather large house.
Tax is a scam. 19,000 a year goes to making sure blacks from countries you didn't know exist can move in next door.
White genocide is 100% funded by white taxes.
And that you can drive on roads not littered with waste and full of holes.
And that you can send your kids to school for free.
And that you can go into any library for basically free and educate yourself.
And that you can call firefighters, who save your ass if your house burns.
And that you can call the police, if Jamal/Hillbillie Jack is breaking into your house.
Tbh there is much to improve in every tax system. But to think that libertarian dreams are more than selfcuckery is completely delusional.
>Hillbillie Jack is breaking into your house
Nice try /leftypol/
13% of the population, 50% of the crime.
Unfairly weighting the taxation burden on whites and asians is just another form of dysgenics. Reminder that if you are not doing everything you can to avoid taxation, you are a massive cuck with Jamal's cock in your mouth.
That's bullshit. My old man lives in saint paul and not only is there potholes absolutely everywhere but the city actually billed him directly because of it. Taxation is theft and only retarded micro-dick norwegians that think that their having been taxed to such a surplus over the past 30 years that the government could give them all a house (but won't, LOL) is a good thing. Take your "free" shit and shove it up your ass, retard.
>And that you can call the police, if Jamal/Hillbillie Jack is breaking into your house.
> calling the police for home invasion
if you're lucky they'll come just in time to declare you dead faggot
in free state you just shoot the nigger and call the cops to get the body out
Imagine wanting to live in New Jersey
property tax is the most retarded of all. I have sales tax, income tax, meal tax, capital gains tax, a fucking DEATH TAX, a fee every time I register my car, a tax on gasoline, and you're telling me I can never own my house to fund a fucking a school? What the hell are you doing with the rest of that money that gets poured into the system to the point that if I don't pay you money for the house I "own" that I should end up homeless? Property tax is retarded.
Earning >80k a year (€ btw, not USD), I know by what my taxes can become lower, my friend.
Also not from /leftypol, just a educated and old /biz-dweller, who unironically sold the top of 2017 (bought for 3k € in June 16, sold for 98k € December 18)
So renters are still paying taxes, just someone else's taxes and mortgage which is worse
American "homes" look like dogshit. Cheap wooden panels, roof tiles look like shit. Space for the sake of space. Look to the Netherlands and Italy if you want to learn how to build beautiful livable structures.
Do you post this every time someone posts a house? I am 100 percent convinced that you sit their with tears running down your face everytime you get an opportunity to brag to your fellow 14 year old homeowners that your moms house is made of based rocks
Yes I spend all my free time monitoring for the random American "house" thread to shit on them. You know what the deal is though? There is shitting on something that is justifiably bad, and there is shitting for the sake of shitting on something. American homes are trash, prove me wrong.
>if I don't pay you money for the house I "own" that I should end up homeless?
For my flat (100 m2, worth about 150k) I pay 2500€ property tax per year.
About 200€ per month.
If you have property so big, so you cannot afford to pay the tax for, you cannot pay the price for the property in the first place.
Property tax is a fuck you pay me or be homeless hostage situation. It fucks over people that want to live autonomously. It's an evil tax that forces you to be a corporate wageslave ironically despite it's massive support from fiscal leftists. It is just one facet of various rules and regulations and taxes that has destroyed rural America and the old self sufficient way of life. It's no wonder you saw the quiet rural lives destroyed with the massive growth of the property tax in the early 20th century. I would argue that property tax has aided in the destruction of culture. You're right buddy, your property taxes are easy to pay when you live in a city slaving for currency, but in a world where money is scarce and you want to live off your land, property tax makes absolutely no sense especially considering rural communities have a massive lack of "traditional" employment and little money circulating between individuals because they're broke as hell
More than 1 person not from America browses here. Other countries literally talk about your shit wooden houses. Its a conversation piece.
this is why i laugh every time someone talks about how they made "100k" selling their house.
take into account closing costs from purchase, taxes, maintenance and then closings costs of sale, you're probably breakeven.
and remember the government doesn't have to raise the % of property taxes to get more from you. they can simply assess your property at a higher amount each year and make you pay. because government has the guns and you're gonna pay if you want to be allowed to live on the property you "own".
>Gloating about your mom's stone house is considered a conversation piece
you must be fun at parties. Yikes!
No its making fun of your wooden houses.
>little money circulating between individuals because they're broke as hell
Place is in the middle of nowhere.
So property prices are very low.
So property tax is very low.
Gosh, what would happen if you move away, get educated and *gasp* get a ok paying job.
After 2-3 years of living a normal life, you have enough money to pay the property tax of your house for decades.
I don't want a job. I want to live off my land. That's the bottom line, corporate bootlicker. Imagine supporting leftist regulations and taxes with the end goal of forcing poor folk to be displaced and relocated to urban areas. Absolutely based and morally justifiable.
This. Also just got back from NY. Taxes sky high and roads are worst I’ve ever seen. Looks like Russia.
America is slave nation ruled by kikes. Even here in egalitarian and socialist Czech republic, you pay zero taxes for property you live in. Our family owns about 7 hectares of land an we pay about 200 usd/year in tax. And yes, don't forget 15% flat tax for cashing out crypto, zero for crypto-crypto trades. Maybe is't because we don't get orders from kikes to spend trillions on bombing nations on the other side of the planet and other trillions for feeding shitskins.
I live in NYC. Roads have been fucked up for at least a year due to utility work that is projected to continue throughout the next year.
>I want to live off my land.
So you think that someone shows up on your land as soon as you miss a couple payments on this petty amount and throw you off your land?
Pal, you dont know how long it would take to someone even show up at your doorstep, just to make you aware you need to pay your taxes. Even in Germany (where taxes are high and government is quite eager to get your money), there are cases where someone paid no property tax for decades, simply because they "forgot" them.
imagine being so poor that things like that are shocking to you.
they pay that much because they can. if they wanted to live in shitheel buttfuckistan - they could take their millions and buy whole towns.
you forgot the fact youre paying 20k property tax to live in new jersey.
its not a matter of whether youre so rich that 20k is nothing to you or not. its a matter of that property tax and income tax are robbery
So you don't won your land/home? The absolute STATE of Americans, land of the milked. Moo for me you stupid rentserfs.
I was all over NY, same everywhere. I’m originally from NY so know first hand what a shithole it is.
I don't want ANY of those anywhere near my shit, they're all terrible and private businesses do a far superior job for far less money.
It's a majority white town in Bergen County, which is right outside NYC but is also infested with heroin addiction.
youre a retard
>yes lets pay lots and lots of tax taken out of your income that supposedly goes to funding road maintenance/etc instead of choosing what to fucking fund with our own money.
its fucking illegal and theft.
if i want to pay for road maintenance then i can choose to allocate a portion of my income to that. i dont want to pay for jamals welfare. i dont want to pay for social programs that enable laziness. i want to pay for what i feel is worth paying for, not what the feds and states think i should be paying for.
Then you are in prison for 2 years for tax evasion
It’s a crime to “forget” to pay taxes
>And that you can send your kids to school for free.
schools are fucking awful what kind of cucked existence did you grow up in where you value k-12 school
agreed, private entities do a pretty solid job.
lmao have fun when your house burns down or you get robbed because nobody wanted to pay for those things
EXACTLY THIS. i live in arizona and the fucking ADOT cant repave a road properly to save their lives. their patch jobs and repaves on i40 and i17 are fucking abysmal, laughable, and embarassing. meanwhile private asphalt paving and grading companies are repaving roads that are silky butter smooth.
I gotta get dat new iPhone 10 user
>imagine going to prison for refusing to allow yourself to be robbed.
>imagine living in a world where you willingly allow big brother to dig deep in your income and take w/e he pleases and allow him to throw you in jail if you refuse.
>lmao have fun when your house burns down or you get robbed because nobody wanted to pay for those things
thats exactly my point retard. people will pay for police and fire because thats actually useful to them. theyll pay for road maintenance too. but nobody wants to pay for jamal to sit at home drinking grape soda.
you're making assumptions about the general public lol, i would never pay for fire/cops cause insurance/guns.
Can you imagine the absolute shitshow of "public works subscription packages"? It would never catch on, people would just use private companies.
lol that's twice as much as my rent. Just down the tubes.
I like how the repair van is there for another round of expensive home repairs too.
Funny, that you make people like me richer and richer with your libertarian bullshit.
Btw: your big heroine Ayn Rand even sued to receive social gibs. Lessen social tensions by giving NEETs and Niggers a small amount of monies every month is actually in everybodies interest. Beggars and hobos with absolutely nothing in their can get on your nerves (and sometimes even dangerous) very quickly, I can tell you.
Well, no. In e.g. Germany, it burdens the propery, if you dont pay it. Sometimes, they send a letter. In rural areas, simply keep it down (like "dont throw tantrums at public departments") and the next letter you receive will come in several years, with which you do the same again --> into the bin. If someone realy bothers, they see that what you have is worth nothing and move your case back again, because the effort is not worth the hasle.
Rinse and repeat, my aunt (who is 80 & lives in rural western Germany) last time propably paid property tax in the early 80ies or so...
Nice jumbo cuckshack.
Definitely made out of wood, possibly even OSB.
$19k in taxes for a McMansion made out of flammable termite food.
What a scam.
you know where most of that tax money goes dont you? right into the pockets of politicians. and private companies are most of the time better than anything the city or state can shit out so im fine pooling money for a private company to repave roads
i dont care if the govt literally burns my money after collecting tax, i dont give a fuck where it goes because (mostly) everyone has to pay it. I chalk it up to the cost of living in a 1st world country. But public services can never be privatized, otherwise you have a complete shitshow like the private security industry in South Africa.
>American "homes" look like dogshit. Cheap wooden panels, roof tiles look like shit. Space for the sake of space.
And they aren't cheap either.
Americans spend decades paying off cuckshed mortgages to Mr. Sheckleberg.
I’m in Denver, bought 550k house and my taxes are $1700 a year. Can’t imagine paying almost 20k.
10/10 post
>So you think that someone shows up on your land as soon as you miss a couple payments on this petty amount and throw you off your land?
no, they don't have to, it's much easier for them, it's called a "taking", all they have to do is file a piece of paper. sure, they may wait to show up, but they will legally record that and it becomes their property legally until you pay the back taxes
>I like how the repair van is there for another round of expensive home repairs too.
It's a wooden American cuckshed, so frequent costly repairs are to be expected.
>Third Worlder
Room rental. 650 CAD a month and I get the whole house because the landlord is my friend.
Keep paying Sheckleberg Bank for your luxurious wooden cuckshed that can:
>burn down
>get leveled by tornados
>rot due to mold
>get eaten by termites
You completely avoided his question.
Take the condopill if you live in a state with insane property taxes
You must be rural
Is it made of OSB?
Every house in America is.
Property tax is based on appraised value of the house/property you fucking retards. That’s probably close to a million dollar house. Where I live the value they use is way below actual market value and they can only raise it x% a year legally. I pay 3200 for a 4/2 2100 square foot house in the medical city area in Orlando.
Shit tier fud
>That’s probably close to a million dollar house
My parents own a house in the suburbs that is slightly larger and looks much nicer than the one in OP's pic, and their house is less than $400k
New Jersey. It’s not the same. All the nyc fucks wanna live in the burbs. New Jersey and Connecticut are expensive as fuck for that reason
American here (oregon). Let's be real, our houses look like shit. They are a step above refugee camps or the plywood structures our soldiers live in when crusading against hajji. They are literally stapled together, foam lined, glued pieces of shit. The only reason it makes sense to build in this god awful manner, is because it's cheap, and also more suited to earthquake prone environments. Euro houses are generally way more charming and aesthetic than the vast majority of American shitbox mcMansions. Literally look up houses in European villages, they are hella nice.
Democrat run states in the northeast are tax nightmares
Bloated wasteful governments that always overspend, run out of money, get in debt, then demand even more for the sake of "the children" or some shit
It's the equivalent of giving lunch money to a 14 year old who comes back later saying they used it to buy a shirt and they need more money for lunch
Tax evasion is not for not paying your property tax bill you 14 year old turk
In Florida all the houses are built with rebar reinforced cinderblocks due to Hurricane code. House are built proper here.
get the fuck out
You, who can't even legally wield a fork, are trying to make a bit of sport with me?
Why do the burgers pay so much property tax? It's fucking ridiculous.
>muh freedumb
>muh freeze peach
lol are you fucking retarded? 80% of houses are in cookie cutter subdivisions that are particle board and stucco, and built by the shittiest gautemalan crews this side fo the rio grande. Building inspectors are too lazy to even get out their truck and see if a single house is up to code, much less a whole subdivision that's built in 90 days. Shit like Dr. Horton are absolute shitboxes and they comprise the majority of new construction.
Fucking idiots
My house is cinderblock with rebar inside the blocks and concrete poured insiden the blocks to lock it all together. Fucking idiot. Read
To add to that, how do I know, I went by my house while it was being built on a daily basis, so it’s not
>hurr the inspectors will Just ok some beaner construction.
>be a eurocuck
>give away your birthright and sit around like neutered sheep while your ages-old ethnostate is flooded by foreigners
>give up 70% of your income to fund the demise of your people
>barely afford some shitty hatchback
>pay $10 for a gallon of gas
>do absolutely nothing to fight back or fix these problems (france excluded)
>instead, go on the internet and whine about cherry-picked examples of ridiculous circumstances in a continent an ocean away to prop up an unwarranted and arrogant sense of superiority
its just sad. your ancestors built wonderful homes and had a wonderful culture.
lets talk about new construction homes in europe for a change, shall we?
>pic related
whataboutism. I'm not a eurokek, but EU is MUCH better than your country.
How much was it? Also in Florida and interested in owning something equally sturdy.
this thread is dumb, what if the property is worth 1mill and doubles every year, you'd still rather pay your rent into a bottomless hole over owning something
have fun wasting your time on the internet obsessing over and bitching about america before your nanny state government blocks Jow Forums for being too hateful
I can build whatever I want on my land and the government can't raise my taxes at all. Feels good to live in a somewhat free country
Paid 237 for a new construction 4/2 2100sq foot in a highly sought after area in Orlando (lake Nona medical city). This was 4 years ago. House is now worth 320 or so.
>And that you can send your kids to school for free.
Dude, most public schools are tantamount to child abuse. And you don't get tax refunds for private school tuition.
>Maybe is't because we don't get orders from kikes to spend trillions
It's about equal parts that, pensions for old people, funding extravagant medical care (bonus: that drives effectively 100% of pharmaceutical research), and stemming the constant economic loss of a 10% black, 30% Hispanic population.
Czechia only has the pensions so it's like easy mode.