Bitcoin Trading is Fake
And if you don’t think manipulation is even larger concerning shitcoins you’re hopless.

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I know its being manipulated, the question is how do i get in touch with the people manipulating it...

everybody knows this OP I don't know what you wanted to achieve with this thread


I hope for Jow Forums to return to state to before crypto. No board on this chan has ever been killed by something quite like how Jow Forums was killed by crypto.

Jow Forums was created as a containment board for people shilling their shitcoins on Jow Forums newfag.

Yes, and this contradicts my statement how?

So are your mom's smiles.

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nocoiners are pathetic.

ok retard

this board was made for crypto dumb dumb. Del with it.

this board was made for crypto dumb dumb. Deal with it.

>People still defending a “currency” where 95% of the transactions are faked

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There was never a Jow Forums before cypto? It cant go back to a state before it and it couldn't have been killed by it.

There should be a /bizr/ board for discussing retro financials, like how there is /v/ and /vr/

The transactions aren't fake, retard. You can't fake anything on the blockchain. Chink wash trading exchanges fraudulently inflate their internal volumes, and boomers are for some reason just figuring this out.

ok retard how much did you lose?

Weak FUD faggot. The real meat in what Bitwise said was that while 95% of the volume is BS, on the top 10 most used exchanges were not being manipulated and had accurate volume and most were already regulatory compliant. Thus bullish an ETF off those major exchanges market volume and prices would be a stable market free from manipulation.

Of course it's not legit the .01% accounts for the majority of trading volume for every thing that's publicly traded on the market. Do you honestly think people have enough money to even make a dent in the $131 trillion daily trade volume on NASDAQ besides for the 0.1%

>retro financials

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>counter argument

it isn't manipulated, its heavily dependent on bots, herd mentality and meme quality

wash trading is the fake part. There's reasons why it's illegal in muttland.

so with this in mind IF new money starts coming in it will take a long time to increase in price?

So in other words bitcoin trading is just like stock, forex, and futures trading. Nice, just bought 100K

Holy fuck you thick cunt

This is bullish af for the longrun at it means there is even more real wealth yet to flow into the actual Bitcoin marketcap
This is what real oldfags mean when they say regulation is good, it will bring in an unimaginable dollar flood

/cry/ for crypto

>Bitcoin has the largest market cap
>Smaller market cap coins have more manipulation
Pick one

>any negative news is bullish
>confirmation bias
Pick two