On March 27, it will NOT be partnerships, but bundle numbers and main net will be public. A trusted source has leaked the average daily bundle numbers. It is around mid 5 figures of bundles a day.
I have secret information regarding Ambrosus announcement
Tell me more
50000 bundles a day X $12 a bundle is $600,000 in transaction revenue A DAY.
Where will the price of AMB be if this is true?
If it's true (It's not) amb would shoot to $1 each instantly due to ROI calculation.
But it’s not, since it’s a known scam
More like 3-5usd user. 15-20% yearly return on a node is very good.
It is an absolute guarantee that nothing will be released, provided, proved, etc by ambrosus by the end of the month or even next month.
You’ll see tomorrow. It’s not partnerships like others claim.
1. You're a faggot.
2. March 27th "big announcement" is some PVB bullshit to dump on brainlets.
3. You're a faggot.
4. As someone who actually knows some things, nothing will be confirmed this month regarding public main net. Late next month after the third and final security audit is my personal guess
5. You're a faggot
Good day to the rest of you, anons.
It's not anything. What time should I be here, same time 8pm EST?
My guess is that bundles are in the 100s the best thing is that some dude on reddit linked them a page where it said "Fair trade is looking for collabs in the blockchain space" a couple of days later ambrosus says they have a new buisness partner in the fair trade section. So either they work really fast with the partners or everyone that get an email from Angel is suddenly a "partner"
I think so. Just buy now and wait for news here tomorroe
This kek.
OP is the most asshurt bagholder to ever grace Jow Forums. Almost a full year of dedicated shitposting against a coin he got justed by, all for nothing.
117657 is the answer you idiots
Cope some more
>user telling other anons the truth
>"cope some more"
the AMBsolute state.
Is it time for the exit scam?
It's partnership user. I'm in Berlin now and I'm seeing a lot of top pharma companies executives here. Seems like 71911 hint from AMB TG Research Group is true.
I haven't seen faggot lying shills like this since that LTO scam last month lmao
Can confirm. I'm attending the conference and there are a lot of top exec from pharma companies here. GSK, Astra Zeneca, and a lot more. Maybe they've something to do with ambrosus?
You've posted this in every AMB thread. It is so obvious what you are doing.