Here’s a shot of my new watch I just bought with my crypto gains, faggots. Solid gold. The girls love it. Meanwhile you poorfags are still bagholding hahaha.
Here’s a shot of my new watch I just bought with my crypto gains, faggots. Solid gold. The girls love it...
Eww, gross arm, very old, fat and freckly. Decent watch though
That watch is tight senpai.
What I've said is entirely true though, don't see how that's a cope
either post your own watch, or keep on coping
My boomer boss is buying a 20k Rolex, fucking boomers
> Eww, gross arm, very old, fat and freckly.
I bet you’re a europoor who can’t afford to eat a proper diet. Here’s a shot of a little something I bought for a girl I’m dating. Notice how the band isn’t the standard Apple Watch band? That’s right, I like to spoil my girls. Take notes.
Seriously though that does look like a pig hoof.
Cut your nails. They look gross.
>the low quality bait
>*falls for it*
>He bought a seiko and thinks he is godtier
You're not gonna make it OP
What animal is this?
the formerly elusive newfag
you know what that means
Did you eat your thumb?
Very nice, user. I prefer a nice Rolex.
audible kek
I didnt know monkeys had access to the internet
its much worse, its a t*rk
He's probably Greek.
pig hoof of koren feminist
literal lol
Maybe youll also be able to afford a new state of the art prostetic hand after youve worn that thing for a few months
found a newfag
you call that a watch?
Yes I’m such a faggoy I need to wear a metal jewelry. HAH.
I have gps and I always can know where I am, plus easier to read digital time indicator, multiple alarms, calorie counter and speedometer.
gtfo Rolex faggoys you are btfo.
I just got this baby from the shop. LTO has been treating me very well.
stay poor fags!
Based, nice watch bro, bet your lady is a real treat.
This one’s my favorite.
why do only weird fat fucks fetishize about expensive watches?
God, Jow Forums just keeps on giving and giving. Topkek.
meu deus... a criatura...
this is unironically bullish
this guy doesn't need boxing gloves
Looks good my man. Hows the siege of minas tirith?
who's got the folder of fat people wearing watches? and OP, why would you use the most obvious bait, this image is everywhere
dying at this thread
>being this new
are these new fags the first sign of the golden bull run?
That's Fat Pony the lead developer of Monetero.
That guy is rich as fuck.
Well, fake Rolex anyway.
best thread ever lmao