okay link has reached $30 and i now don't have to work another day in my life. but how do i aquire a qt asian gf?
Okay link has reached $30 and i now don't have to work another day in my life. but how do i aquire a qt asian gf?
Go to asia
just be yourself farn
she's so cute bros
pray to the eurasian gods and they will bless you with a qt average kr gf
dont worry, you'll never have to deal with this, link is never going to make you rich
>how do i aquire a qt asian gf?
South Korean here, they're not things.
One of the most common male misconceptions is that if you throw enough money at them at a prolonged period of time, they'd eventually be loyal and they'd love you back.
You have to learn how to talk to them.
Wow, so deep. You must be very smart baby girl.
I'm not a baby and right now my sex doesn't matter since I'm posting anonymously. I'm just saying that talking is actually a wonderful device, especially if you do it honestly.
>right now my sex doesn't matter since I'm posting anonymously
so you're a roastie then
I think it's not really important right now. Also, working class asian girls to elites have very strict upbringing and they put a really different face for other people.
ofcourse i understand they are things and that love can't be bought. was more asking in which places i can meet them and if they are open to have an non asian(white) bf?
do you like pizza?
talk about what? doesn't it seem weird to a girl if a random dude comes up to her and randomly start talking.
if you are white (any shade), you are ok
god I love viets
i'm white.
into stem
6 feet
dark brown hair
and have 100k link
Jesus I'd stick my dick in all of those. Maby they could all become my girlfriends when I make it? They sure do seem to like eachother also and thats important
>and have 100k link
Oh please, I want your superior genes
I think in a place where you both need to be together like a class or work or a workshop. I also think that their parents are a very powerful objects of influence, which is probably why next generation girls from first or second generation immigrants are more forgiving, but I could be wrong though.
Yes! I really like pizza, but I think some do not.
Yes it does, I think that the best place to meet and chat up would be places where the both of you would need to be. Like, I think in a foreign language class.
I'm sorry for deleting my posts.
Wow I like pizza too. We are so alike. Do you like Twice?
don't generalize women like that. i know plenty of asians that don't give a shit as long as you provide for them (but also their families). but they'll be loyal as shit.
Made me look, it's still less than 50 cents
I would like to say that you are right in saying that there are girls like that, very true. But I have to give you a small problem: If a wallet is all that somebody is, then what happens to that somebody when a bigger wallet comes along? Please call me stupid and naive, but I believe that being in a relationship is loving each other, supporting them, and telling them that it's going to be alright even if things around you is collapsing even if it's not marriage.
I kind of not very fond of twice, perhaps others are. I'm not very fond of music.
Fuck you
asia is pretty overpopulated and big wallets are hard to come by for the average joe, so that's really not a big problem. you do sound naive and stupid but i only had relationships with asian gold diggers so what do i know.
I've been to south korea. Would you like to be my friend?
The whole different faces thing worries me. How am I supposed to be able to tell. I met a girl there who can speak pretty good English, didn't allow me to pay for everything (I tried), and seems career oriented and not someone who would willingly mooch off of me. But I can tell she's also very traditional and marriage oriented, wants kids etc. She also wants to move out to Korea and come to the states. How worried should I be?
Just go to tourist hotspots, you'll find lots of groups of genuine Chinese girls who fantasize about taking the Caucasian cock. Airports are nice too...
>they dnt monkey branch from one guy to another (hypergamy)
get this roastie off my fcking board!
only cucks listens to this bullshit!
>You have to learn how to talk to them.
Holy fuck, this.
Oh fuck, she’s beautiful.
Who is that?!?!?!!
please post more qts
>I'm not very fond of music
Really late reply but THE FUCK, who isn't fond of music? There has to be some music you like.
All of the Korean girls I know have only dated/married Korean guys, but they are extremely loyal. Not sure that would really be the case with a girl whos willing to go out white a white boi though.
I'm not fond of music generally, user. There's maybe one or two days in a month where I feel like listening to music, but otherwise I prefer silence or environmental ambience noise. If it's raining, I enjoy listening to the rain, or to the fireworks if there's any going on. Or to the dishwasher, or general machinery going on. But music just... it doens't mesh well with me. It's evocative and emotionally provocative, and I don't like being pushed or pulled like that. Hope this helps a little in your understanding.
Can someone please tell me who this is. Search doesn't bring anything up.
Only patricians
Music is a distraction from your thoughts, which is why NPCs adore it. I always laugh when people literally can’t do anything go anywhere without music. Are you that depressed? Are your thoughts that boring or are your thoughts simply nonexistent?
No-music is the red pill after realizing tv, gaming is an utter waste of time. Level up user.
Furthermore, our brain is the last frontier of freedom. We give 70-80% of our waking hours to our solace duties. But you can be slaving away, but still scheming your escape. It’s when you resign to not only slave, but also to absorb music instead of an escape scheme, that hope is truly lost
>are you that depressed
Yes. I need all the distractions I can get. Music. Video games. Film. QT asians. And it's still not enough.
Genuine question
What are you doing on 4channel?
Also is fleta a good coin
Thank you senpai but I mean the half naked sloot in front of the Angel's Fighting sign.
I need sauce my guys
Japanese girls are the best kpop idols.
shes nto jap
well you say that but as people sell the price goes down so if you dont dump everything then you will probably have to work again
I have been looking everywhere I can't find a sauce on this. I am curious whether she is as perfect as she looks or if that is mostly photoshop.
You have to rely less of money and use it sparingly. You can have fun with less money.
Perhaps you have already found it, congratulations! Or perhaps not and you are being fooled, sometimes girls cannot also tell as it is not something like magic that girls can tell, or intuition for sciences. I think worry decreases with time so I suggest you use time at a comfortable movement to face your worries.
I could be anyone and unappealing, isn't this the purpose of anonymous? Please use a comfortable or even a bearable image of me. Also, I find it alarming. There is more to girls than that, the mistakes of a few is really inflated and magnified to represent the most.
I kind of like my brother's music when I watch him play his fighting game in the living room computer.
My brother left this website on the living room computer he says that it helps him with english and fixing things. I took a peek and I somewhat liked it because I can post what I feel.
What is your take on your culture and the importance of physical beauty being placed so high.
This thread is fucking gay so... ahem
We really filter things, that's all I can say. I think physical beauty is a very important stick to measure someone generally, it is also not permanent which adds to value.
Please elaborate. It sounds like you're saying contradicting things.
Homie, all the south korean girls have had mad plastic surgery. Enjoy having ugly asf kids
If you have come to preach some emotionally healthy advice in earnest, you have come to the wrong people.
Also South Korean. Fleta might actually be onto something.
Have you heard of Birdchain? I heard in the west it was getting popular.
Lift, eat well, go on T. When you are buff visit the country you like.
>You have to learn how to talk to them.
You are adorable. Throwing money at them doesn't work but so cute you think that you need to be able to talk to them. Are you suggesting that you need to be able to talk to them to make them want to fuck you beyond flipping their shit tests?
I'm sorry if I sounded vague, I think physical beauty is a good initial measure of one's well-being, it gives the impression that one is concerned about how the other looks and is presented to the ones around her, but in more importance, it is an incomplete answer to the question: Are you taking care of yourself or you treat yourself with respect? I think we live in a face paced world made even faster with technology so it is more relevant today where we make qucik decision. I could be wrong though. I cannot reply fast. In school.
Thank you for the warning, I have been lurking for some time now, and I think I understand where you are coming from, but I didn't really want to seem preaching, I just want to tell them my say even if it is small and tiny.
what the fuck do you think you are, im fucking king midas, i talk gold and shit bitcoins you thot
Someone sauce this asap I have a sexual emergency.
>okay link has reached $30
you off yourself because you sold way early
Money does work to some, yes. But I really think it shouldn't be the best that someone is because money is pliant(?) and there will always be someone with more, and if loyalty sits there then I treachery happens, I think something like that. So what I am trying to say is I think love should be a novel experience, it could not be true for everyone tough.
my only advice is: be white
I don't care man, give me more of THAT THICK KOREAN SLUT
I’ve been searching Angel’s Fighting ring girls but no luck. Maybe a Korean speaking user can help. I’m close to hiring someone to track this down because I am e-falling in love with this thot.
ROFL dude, I literally got back from my 5 hour class just to check this thread to see if sauce has been acquired. I'm may need to reach in deep and use my weaponized autism to find this thick thot. Maybe if we pitch in our meme coins we can find this thot together user
>Money does work to some
Money can get you laid. It does not get you (being the woman) wet and wanting it. You are talking about "love" and I agree with that, but not the way you mean. You do not make women want to fuck you by "talking" and being a "nice guy".
Asian women want status. Show them a fake harvard cert, fake ceo business card, take them on a date in a rented mercedes and then anal.
Korean women =/= white women.
I've lived in both countries and I can tell you that the men in Korea are far more patriarchal than the US. A nice guy is really really desired by Korean women despite what you may know about western theory of attraction. Have you ever engaged a feminist women online? They are fucking vicious and are 1000% worse than your average white feminist chick. Go try dicking down a feminist Korean girl as a Korean guy. He is fucked. The feminists in Korea intentionally go sleep around with white foreigners to get back at Korean men too.
If gooks had souls and could comprehend loyalty, they wouldn't eat dogs.
>A nice guy is really really desired by Korean women despite what you may know about western theory of attraction
Western women tell you this too. Unsurprisingly all women are like that. There are degrees but the basics stay the same - but they do vary depending on the society they come from. They don't want to fuck you because you are a nice guy. Korean girls obviously require a different amount of push and pull to western thots. Your feminist rant has nothing to do with anything.
Its not a rant I may not have explained that very well. Remember that K-pop dude who is going to jail? He's the chadest of Chads in Korean male heirarchy yet he goes down. Why is that? American girls would gladly get dicked down by chads and do so repeatedly by joining his harems. Why is there a difference? It comes down to differences in patriarchal influences between the two countries and the blowback/responses that you get as a result (e.g. femenism). This creates a different value system for women. Of course there is also the aspect of western male tourist coming into the picture but I won't get into how I think it affects dating landscape in Korea right now
Based Korean.
Choking on this redpill. Truth stings.
>Remember that K-pop dude who is going to jail? He's the chadest of Chads in Korean male heirarchy yet he goes down.
No because I don't follow nonsense like this. He is going down because they decided he is going down. He is not a built western guy going there. You don't need to be a "nice guy" and while I disagreed with the korean poster initially I will backpedal here a little. I agree you need to be able to talk to them, but not in the "nice guy" manner she is suggesting. You need to be able to flip their shit tests, make them laugh and that is about it.
You think this stuff is only relevant to western sluts - yet it applies to women in all settings. It applies if you are married and you only need to "play" one woman. It applies if you have a single steady girlfriend. It applies if you have four plates. It applies if you are not even fucking anyone. It applies to dealing with women in general and the manner in which you use it varies based on the woman. So yes I agree that korean women are different but only in how heavy handed you would need to be. What they don't need is a "nice guy" who can "talk to them", presumably about their feelings.
Anal is actually good for their health and recommended. Asiam women generally suffer from constipation from a rice based diet.
>He is going down because they decided he is going down
Who's they? The police? If so, yeah I agree. Also pua is not even relevant because dating is much more structured. Not even that, there is literally no effort to getting a date because getting a blind date thru mutual friends is so common. Also passing shit tests will only inflate your ego about how "good your game is".
Nice guy you are describing is a cuck. The nice guy that she is describing is a courteous man. Because respect is heavily tied into the culture, it may be hard to get a feel for it from a western perspective
I did not say anything that someone should be this "nice guy" when they talk.
buy a rolex and always have your arm hanging out the window while you are driving
idk if this actually works but this is the advice someone once gave me.
I’m in UK