gambling thread
won 15K a few days ago, helped out my family, paid of phone, treated myself a little bit
but have put back in 4k trying to win more and lost
biggest losses? biggest wins? fighting the temptation to keep chasing...
gambling thread
won 15K a few days ago, helped out my family, paid of phone, treated myself a little bit
but have put back in 4k trying to win more and lost
biggest losses? biggest wins? fighting the temptation to keep chasing...
Should have quit while you were ahead.
I still have 7k of it and paid for my girlfriend to fly over and see me, just wondering if anyone has had a similar situation
>Paid for girlfriend to fly over and see me
user, I..
Sh... should we tell him anons?
Should of*
Kek, 0/10 bait.
and that 7k is going wholly to taxes
Not if he lives in the UK
i live in australia my friend
0 tax on lottery/gambling
Where you bet your btcs?
You were playing roulette?
I lost about $50k over the years. Then thought crypto was my saviour in 2017. Have put about $50k into shotcoins in total and am only just break even now. Wish me luck for a decent return over the years anons. could do with a nice 8x to rid me of all of the demons, at least I'm not as retarded as I used to be
Biggest win was $800 on a spin of the roulette wheel at the Venetian
I spent half the money on weed, dinner, and a magic show, and the other half paid for the hotel
Feels good man
You just forced your whore friend to fly to you out of pitty
you're just a gambling addict and you need help. shitcoins will all go to 0.
>but have put back in 4k trying to win more and lost
you're a degenerate gamgler too. Helping your family when you only won 15k and flying your gf.. LOL
I realise that I've switched from one form of gambling to another but $100k down overall with $50k now in crypto feels like I've definitely become less degenerate. Thankfully all of my alts aren't complete dogshit.
Helpful thread, thanks. Sometimes I forget how incredibly fucking dumb people are and why they deserve to lose all their money.
>trying to win long term in negative EV games
Learn about Expected Value and stop gambling.
protip: they are and you'll lose all your money
Probably lost 20k or more. I'm an addict. Oh well.