Guys im close to ending it, I cannot continue this life as a wageslave ive been doing it for past 5 years im 26y, is there any way to escape this rat race or should I just end it?
Guys im close to ending it, I cannot continue this life as a wageslave ive been doing it for past 5 years im 26y...
Trade crypto. I haven't worked for almost a year and a half because of the 1btc I bought when it was $400
find a new job
find love
be happy again
give me some tips you son of a gun
Your prison is one of your own design. There are many different ways to live. Comfort and fear are the bars keeping you where you are now.
If you do want to KYS yourself at least consider doing some good while you are at it. You might even make it into Valhalla if your exit is grand enough.
my problem is that im poor even tho I dont spend 300$ per month, my salary is 3200$(I put rest in crypto)
And if I quit my job im just back in my room waiting for time to pass so I can die, is there any other way I can live life without it being like this.
Life becomes easier when you’re not going thru it alone. Get a partner + create goals together. Life can be hard as fuck sometimes for me, but I literally live with my best friend; she cooks, cleans, does my laundry, let’s me fuck twice a day, splits all of the bills, and provides me with constant company. It’s not a solution to all problems, but it makes everything way easier.
even tho I only spend 300$ per month*
In 2017 and 2018, it was HODL. Now the way of making money is to invest in whatever coin has a few shill threads on Jow Forums. I've been doing between $300 and $500 total in one coin, just in case it goes sideways and I lose the money. That way, it's no huge loss. Basically, I just use Jow Forums shills as a guide. Invest a little bit in the next flavor of the month, then get out when I do at least 2x. If one or two threads on a coin are made a day, I start to watch it, and if they shilling increases more and more, it is most likely the next pump.Then the profit you make, no matter how small can be put back in and more money made. Rinse and repeat. This year is all about alts
Im in the same position except Im making half of what you make... life is suffering
do you have any hobbies/interests? For me I like cars, but I will never have any money to get into that until after I make it with cryptos (if even)
>Now the way of making money is to invest in whatever coin has a few shill threads on Jow Forums.
Imagine actually buying the complete trash that pajeets shill on Jow Forums
My only hobby is crypto I obsses alot over it, I cant get a gf like since im going bald at a very early age which destroyed my self confidence..
I've doubled my money in a month, friend. I made money on QNT, LTO, and FTM. Go ahead and stay poor
do you trade? can you teach me how to crypto? or are you just a hodler
Regarding the balding- just shave it and start lifting. Most guys look more "badass" shaved and it will make you stand out. if you are fit you will look cool like jason statham, make sure to get a tan though
>QNT, LTO, and FTM
That’s complete and utter nonsense user. There’s someone for everyone, and that’s not my opinion. That’s a fact. My mantra in life is simple: “you can’t win if you don’t play”
Ahahahaha oh Jesus
Get out of this page and never come back
thanks. i am sitting on a pile of linkies, but it might be fun in the mean time to slap 200 bucks into some shit coins and see what i can grow it to.
I like how when someone asks how I've made money, and I explain it, people come out and call me Indian, or a scammer. I didn't shill anything. Literally just explained how I've been ale to make money in the current crypto market. I swear, Jow Forums has to have one the lowest overall IQs out of all the boards
Don’t deny God op. Answer his call. He will help you but only if you accept and open your heart.
Oh yea it’s over user
I just buy and hold, I put everything I worked for into it.
And just waiting for better times... I keep buying every month with my paycheck aswell.
My portfolio is 45% LINK, 35% BTC, then I use the remaining 20% to flip shitcoins
this OP, this
back to Mumbai ranjesh
what do you hold good sir? you clearly know something if you are putting this much of your income into it
If you can't handle working hard for a little bit before you go off on your own you might as well. You're 26, you don't know fucking shit. If you had any value to add you would have already started you're own company. So its not like you're ready for it anyway.
80% BTC
10% BCH
5% ETH
I try to keep this spread when buying more
put all that BTC into LINK.
only then you will make it.
I wish I could get laid. You can't really get laid if you don't have any friends though. And escorts don't count.
>10% BCH